
First Day Of Training

I was awoken to the smell of food, but what kind of food? I had no idea but it smelled so delicious I slowly moved from the bed to the door and I just followed the glorious delicious smell of unique flavors a tastes. My mouth watered as I got closer, I moved my way into the kitchen and found the closest chair an sat down. My body ached a little but my head felt like it went through a solid wall a thousand times.

"Well look who's the first one up this beautiful morning. My name is Bulma, please don't be alarmed, a few of my friends and along with myself came here to this universe to lend you guys a hand, it's a long story I'll let you eat an afterward Whis will explain everything." Bulma shoved a trey full of various types of glorious food. I immediately started shoving food in my mouth and chewing as fast as I could. I was starving, I saw the giant cup of white liquid after chewing what was in mouth I immediately began chugging the delicious white liquid.

"I've never seen any child eat that fast and angrily too." Bulma whispered to herself in shock and fright. I didn't pay her no mind, for the food was amazing and delicious. Within minutes the trey of food was gone and I sat their full an feeling refreshed. I moved from the chair and made my way out the door.

"Thank you Bulma for the food it was delicious." I thanked Bulma before leaving to meet up with her friends outside.

"Oh before you go out I got you these I hope they fit, their from my son and my friend's kids as well. Pick out anything you wanna wear and if you want, I can fix your one-piece under mesh you're wearing." Bulma spoke as she took a capsule from her jacket, she clicked it an in a puff of smoke a cleaning robot appeared and started to clean. I wiped a tear that was starting to gather in my left eye.

"That would be amazing and thank you." I ran up to her and hugged her tight, I think I surprised her because she made a weird noise.

I grabbed two armfuls of clothes and shoes an left the rest for the other young saiyans. I ran to the bathroom and started the water, apparently this weird structure was very similar to my house from my planet, which is why I knew where everything was at an how it worked. I took a nice hot shower, to wash away the dried dirt, blood and debris from my body an hair. The hot water felt good, after I finished I grabbed the towel dried myself off, I cracked open the bathroom window to let the steam out, a gust of cold air hit my body, I didn't flinch, it felt rather comfortable an soothing in a sense and goosebumps began to surface on my arms, shoulders an chest. I opened the door to make my way to my room I grabbed the one-piece under mesh, I put in clear round container an gave it to Bulma on my way to my room, where the clothes were waiting for me. I picked out a pair of black an white high-top sneakers, black pants, white t-shirt and two black wrist bands. I quickly got dressed, made my way outside, I was greeted by a tall light blue skinned Male with white fancy hair, four saiyans, a short bald Male and an Android with blonde hair. I slowly walked towards the group talking, my heart raced but I put any weird feeling I had in the back of my mind.

"Which one of you is Whis?" I asked the crowd of people but none of them answered me. I smiled for a moment.

'I tried to ask nicely.' I thought to myself before

I charged up my energy, immediately people stopped talking and their gazes fell upon me.

"Which one of you is Whis?" I asked politely as my energy slowly went back to normal.

"Who are you?" a familiar voice spoke from the back of group. It was the voice who said that they were the, 'Prince Of All Saiyans.' I was in shock.

"Malik." I answered proudly.

"I am Vegeta, Prince Of All Saiyans." Vegeta responded without hesitation.

"You're pretty powerful kid, but don't let it get to your head." Another familiar voice spoke with a bit of eagerness and excitement behind it.

"I'm Goku, it's nice to meet you Malik. We should spar sometime to see who's stronger, later of course because you got a load of questions for Whis. Am I right?" Goku smiled, he was happy and giddy like a kid. I stood there trying to make sense of everything, my parents death, my home world's destruction and my universe's destruction.

"Yes, but don't call me kid. It's Malik." I moved passed him slowly to get to Whis but a firm hand stopped me in my tracks, it was Vegeta.

"Didn't your parents teach you manners? Or were they just as pathetic as you?" Vegeta tightened his grip. Anger began to fill my body but I controlled myself.

"How could you say that, they just died! Not only a few hours ago, not just them, no. My home, my world and the universe from which I come from was destroyed. So if I sound a little disrespectful it's because I lost everything. Now Vegeta, you said you had a lesson you wanted to teach me. Than let's begin." without warning I went to full power, I disappeared and shortly after reappeared behind him, as I went to snap kick him on his left side of his back torso, he disappeared. I focused, I barely breathed, I disappeared, Vegeta reappeared went to punch but hit air, I reappeared behind him kneel level an I swept his legs out from under him.

I sent a martial barrage of combos of kick and punches, to my astonishment none of them landed, at first, I wasn't focusing. I felt like I was being to predictable, so I had to switch my fighting approach with an equal balance. Choose my opening carefully. Vegeta punched me in the face.

"What th-" but before he could finish I had been gathering small amounts energy into my hand and Vegeta hadn't noticed.

"See you soon Prince." I spoke softly for only him to hear.

"Vengeful Blast!" a ball of dark red energy shot Vegeta square in the chest and sent him flying four hundred yards away. He immediately regained his composure and flew toward with ungodly speed, swinging his fist towards my face I raised my forearms in a X formation to block the blow of his punch. I did block his punch but it sent me sliding back twenty feet. Still hurt a lot. We disappeared and reappeared all over the place, as we fought our energies made the night sky blacken, lightning began lighting up all around us.

I let my memories of my parents fill my mind with all the emotions that went with it and that's when my energy skyrocketed, I clenched my hands tighter than ever before, I grounded myself to focus my energy quicker but instead of letting the energy flow inward, I decided to let it envelope over me. I focused all the energy I could and at the last moment I let the energy envelope me one hundred percent an than Flash of bright light lit up everything. Every body covered their eyes from the blinding light, as their eyes adjusted back to normal, I stood there as a red and blue energy flowed an erupted in sparks around my body. My hair turned white with a red hue tinted within my white colored hair, my eyes were silver, a symbol formed on the back of my hand, my body felt like it grew, I felt heavier and taller. Every one was shocked at the look of me but yet I still stood their waiting for Vegeta or anyone to swing at me, but before anyone could do or say anything, I again fainted an fell into a deep sleep.I dont know how long I was unconscious for but when I awoke, I found myself in some sort of tube, I immediately start to move and panic. A calm voice spoke and my body immediately relaxed.

"Don't panic Malik, in a few seconds you will be out of there, you just have to stay calm." she looked at me through the glass and slightly smiled. I think it was for calming effect, shortly after a few moments had passed the liquid began to drain, I pulled the face mask off and took a deep breathe in, while relaxed of course. The glass door to tank opened up, I slowly got out, my head got dizzy and I fell to the floor.

"It's ok I have you Malik. I'm a friend of Bulma's, my name Kira, I've been working with Bulma's dad for about six months now and I wouldn't trade it for the world." She kneeled right beside me, she gave me time to get my barrings and she helped me off the ground.

"Well I'm Malik. My parents are dead and everyone I practically knew is either dead or trying to kill me, so my apologies Kira if I am not in a talkative mood." I responded with a slight harshness but what shocked me more was she didn't seem to mind, in fact she was very understanding about it and for that I was eternally grateful.

"My apologies Kira. You didn't do anything wrong but I'm just overwhelmed with everything that has happened, I looked down and I looked the same just before I lost consciousness. I got up, my legs felt like jello at first but my balance soon came back, I found the closest mirror and to my surprise I looked like a teenager.

"Whats happening to me Kira?" I asked out of fear of not knowing what happening to me or if it was gonna kill me.

"I don't know Malik but maybe Whis would. Though as my patient I would like you to get some rest, eat a little bit, gets some rest and by tomorrow you should be fine." Kira smiled at me, she motioned me to my room which was just around the corner of the lab, I moved slowly but my mind kept on jumping back to the memory of my parents, as I came into the room I saw my sister Myla sleeping soundly and peacefully. She had grown too since I lost consciousness, apparently I am not the only effected by this unknown anomaly. I covered her body a little more with the blanket, I laid down with a million questions were going off in my head and because of this I quietly snuck out of the building an I got some fresh air. I walked on a pathway that took down a wooded area with pink petals hanging from the tree, with the moonlight it looked exquisite and a beautiful sight to truly behold. I slowed down my pace to take in the scenery, this place reminded me of my parents back on the saiyan home planet, my mother took us to a place that wasn't too different from this place just change the night sky color and the colors of the trees, but the feeling that filling my body was too strong for me to ignore.