
Birth Of A New Hope

The sky was blacker than night, cities on the home world of the saiyans was on the break of destruction from within their own ranks, all the warriors were fighting for the rule of the planet but for the last four decades the planet has taken such a beating that the planet was on the verge of imploding in moments. A few warriors of royal blood had a mysterious set of star printed orange balls ranging from one to seven and a green humanoid started to chant something in their native tongue. I looked up my parents as a baby as my mother held me in her arms, I saw my father standing strong and proudly right next to my mother.

"Do you think this is going to work Orin?" my mother asked my father in a whisper.

"It has to Korie because we're out of time, the planet is minutes from destruction not to just the planet but the entire universe." my responded as the grounded began to vibrate.

The chanting stopped and bright gold and red light shot from the balls into the sky an a gigantic dragon filled the sky.

"I am the dragon Shen Rai, you have two wishes. what is your first wish?" Shen Rai waited for the wishes to be spoken so they can be granted within reason of course.

"Can you save the planet and our people?" an older saiyan asked.

"Unfortunately no, because once a planet is destroyed I cannot bring it back nor it's people." Shen Rai responded softly.

"How many people can you save?" Orin stepped forward and spoke proudly and loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Only ten people, I'm sorry." Shen Rai spoke but it was as if he was sad as well.

I looked around, there were only a few kids but you could feel the sadness in the air and the tension was so thin a stone could cut it.

"Could you transfer the kids to a new and safe universe?" Korie walked up to tail of the dragon and kneeled out of respect. Shen Rai's head came down to look straight at her but she never looked at him, as for me I stared right at him never turning my gaze. I smiled and gently layed my hand upon his snout, I began to smile and laugh. Shen Rai growled at my baby banter, he raised up, but before he spoke his tailed grabbed something an lightly placed in my arms a small orb that glowed dimly but when I hugged it slightly vibrated with a hum an the light grew brighter. Than a bright flash erupted from it blinding everyone, except for Shen Rai and myself from within the orb a baby dragon but without a body. Shen Rai's spoke directly to me but no one else heard it.

"I cannot have children, but if I had a son I would imagine he would be a little like you, Malik. So I decided upon my own to grant a power birthed from the cosmos. Do you accept my offer?" he slithered around the brightness that blinded everyone but as I looked around time had frozen still. I smiled, clapped my hands and nodded my head forward.

"Live long my friend and due us proud." the baby dragon danced around a bit and than with lightning speed shot right into me.

"Yes I can transfer the kids to a newly created universe, is that your wish?" asked Shen Rai while looking upon the saiyans waiting for the last wish to be granted.

"Android X." a man that appeared to be a saiyan wasn't actually a saiyan but made from machines.

"Yes Lord Orin." Android X kneeled before my father and awaited his command.

"I need you to do something for me I need you to go with the kids and protect them. Will you do this last thing for me old friend?" Orin's voice broke as he looked upon his boy's face for the last time. Korie cried as she held me and kissed my forehead, she handed me over to Android X. I began immediately to cry, my arms stretched outward, I reached for her with tears flowing down my cheeks, but she never grabbed me, still I struggled to get back to my mother. I screamed, anger began to rush through my body, I screamed again the Android let go of me an I floated there staring at my mother, I didn't want to be separated from my mother, I floated toward her with my arms stretched but something grabbed me, why?

"Let me go!" I screamed in my head, I want my mother an I turned around an to my shock it wasn't the Android who grabbed me but three little saiyans grabbed my tail an were trying to stop me from reaching my mother, a rage began to course throughout my body. I looked back at my mom an her eyes gave me a look of pride and honor. I pulled the three little saiyans with me, one step after another I pulled them with closer and closer to my mother.

"Do it now Shen Rai!" my father screamed, one by one all the young saiyans were disappearing I looked at upon my mother for the last time before I fully disappeared.

"I love you mama." tears flowed down my cheeks, an those were my last words to my mother, she smiled, tears poured down her face, I reached for her one last time before I my feet landed on a soft green surface, white puffy clouds filled the blue sky, the young saiyans were gathering themselves, others were struck of the intense emotion from us losing everything but each other. I took a few steps, than a fist flew into my jaw, the blow sent my body flying into nearby trees, flashes of my father's pride shown as his stood proudly and my mother's smile with a purity of love of that was unconditional.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" I shouted as loud as I could,, rage flowed from my body as I shot back from the wooded area, as I got closer to the large young saiyan my anger grew higher, flashes of my parents filled my mind, knowing I wouldn't see them again made my rage intensify, I ran my fist into his gut as hard as I could.

"Uuuhuhhhhhh." the big saiyan coughed, he grabbed his stomach and fell to the ground completely still. Tears of sadness and rage flowed down my face., I waited for him to get up and he began to at first but than he passed out.

I turned to walk away but now I was surrounded by two of his goons, I raised my fist and they sneered an chuckled. They disappeared, one reappeared in my face and the other behind me. The one behind me punched in the back lifting me off the ground, he chuckled.

"Say goodnight you little twerp!" they spoke in unison. Now both of them were in front of me, they both kicked my ribs at the same time but from opposite sides and than energy started to form in their hands.

"Double Surprise Blast!" two energy balls of red with blue sparks erupting from the energy flew through the air directly at me. The energy blast hit me in chest, sending flying through the air head first into a cliff and out the opposite end, I crashed to the ground hard upon impact. I layed there with my body wrapped in a pain that never has struck my body.

The air coursed around my body, an echo of laughter filled the air, I tried to get up but my body wouldn't budge. That's when time seemed to slow down and two voices spoke in their own turn.

"You can win this fight Malik I believe in you." a strong young males voice spoke to me in my mind.

"Like me Malik you carry the last of the saiyan pride with you and like me also you're a Prince Of All Saiyans, time to fight like one. Now get up fight. Fight!" a prideful voice spoke to me after the other one.

"Malik!" a women's voice sounding very close to my mother's voice screamed to me. I forced myself my black one piece outfit was torn at my sleeve and torso area, I gragged it an ripped it off. My fist clenched together and my stance strong, I began to focus my energy to build it up, flashes of my parent's from my memory began to fill my mind, sadness, anger, rage and pride formed from the immense emotion that weighed on my heart. The energy began to grow, pulses of power flushed from within my body sparks of white energy flickered off my arms, hands, and torso. A flash of red energy started flash around my body, I focused even more this time on the mysterious voices that had filled my head just moments ago, the energy began to grow even more definitively now, my hair stood up, energy sparks flickered from my entire body, the ground started to crack an form a crater around me, the sky darkened with lighting falling freely from the darkened sky, rain started to fall to the ground and I still focused my energy a surge of energy circled around me, bits of debris began to float slowly around me, it went silent for a few moments. I slowly arched back let energy flow inward and pushed myself upright.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" my screamed echoed through blackened sky, I shouted out of pain at first than it morphed into anger, I had a new thirst, a thirst for combat.

The sky parted going back to normal, the ground stopped vibrating and shaking. I opened my eyes my arms and legs are now double the size that they were. I felt my power an it felt endless, I grinned for a moment, the echo of the laughter started up again this time and it was getting closer. The twin boys came from hole in the cliff, laughing and not noticing me standing there.

"What th-" but before he could finish the question, I appeared infront of him with a dark red energy ball, I smiled and blasted him through his chest. He fell unconscious to the ground, and I kicked him back through the the hole in cliff from which he came. I disappeared behind the only twin standing , I took both of my fist and smashed them in the back of his neck, sending him hurling through the air toward the other side of the cliff. I charged my energy and disappeared an reappeared on top of the cliff. Looking down at them, I saw Android X arguing with two adult saiyan women and the green humanoid who summoned Shen Rai. The twins were lying next to each other unconscious, the big saiyan lied still unconscious, I disappeared and appeared infront of them.

"Malik." my sister ran up and I fainted shortly after. Everything went dark and I fell into a deep sleep. I slept peacefully because I saw my parents but I knew it was just a dream but it made me feel at peace.