
Dragon Ball Z: Self Insert

One second I am in my world and next, I was Goku's older brother. Getting thrown into Dragon ball world was a little disheartening but nothing I couldn't handle. Plus I get to have awesome superpowers. Could be considered as self-indulgent. Self Insert (SI) (Story is a bit dark in some chapters otherwise its pure adult comedy). Lemons will be there

Hit1903 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Fighting Bear Thief

Chapter 8

Fighting Bear Thief

Next Day

The next day I woke up was with the scream of Goku followed by Bulma's scream "You can it. Will You? I want to sleep!" I said putting a pillow over my head.

"No balls! P...pee" Goku said frightened. Now that I was a little bit awake, I remembered that he would have used Bulma's crotch as a pillow and when he found it uncomfortable he would have taken out her panties.

'Damn I missed the opportunity to see her pussy' I mused bitterly.

My solution to Goku's panic was to smack over Goku's head to shut him up for a bit. Yeah, it was cruel but he'll get stronger from it. Besides, he'll thank me later. It wasn't like he would get any dumber.

Bulma panicked hearing him and misunderstanding that Dragon balls were not there but she was relieved when she found them at their place

"Geez! You really freaked me out. Stop having nightmares will you" She screamed at Goku. After that Bulma again went to bed.

I laid there for some time but I knew I was not going to get any sleep, now that I was awake so I stood up and put out my Futon. We both did our morning rituals. Trust me using a bathroom after a decade of going in the wilderness, was an amazing experience. Goku being Goku did in the wilderness.

I also knew that Bulma was going to take her time getting up so I asked Goku for a spar. Now I could easily keep up with Goku but when he started using the power pole, he would get a little difficult to beat up. That power pole hurt like bitch and Goku wasn't an amateur in using that. Still, I was always on top. After a long spar, we were quite hungry and Bulma had just woken up.

I tried to sense the Turtle but either he wasn't here or his presence was too small for me to sense. I shrugged and opened the warehouse capsule. I couldn't do anything about it so it was no use worrying.

I took out 2 wolves and start preparing them for breakfast. Pterodactyl meat could be used later on as it wouldn't get worse for a long time but wolves would. Goku helped me in skinning the wolves. I again stored the skin as it could be sold easily.

After we were done Goku went inside to annoy Bulma while I collected the woods and started the fire as nobody was there to see me. I just sat there after I was done thinking of the canon. Suddenly I had a thought.

I already had a spar with Goku so he didn't need to exercise and if he didn't exercise he wouldn't find the turtle. With that thought, I went to check on the amphibian that had been our unintended neighbor while my wolves cooked. Moreover, I realized if we don't find him, we won't be able to meet Roshi and Goku won't get his flying cloud.

Try as I might I couldn't find him. In the end, I decided to find him later. I checked on the wolves whether they were cooking or not. Seeing that they were ready I quickly put out the fire and called Goku out to eat.

We silently ate breakfast. I even asked Bulma like a gentleman but she replied negatively. Well, it's her loss and more food for us. When we were done Goku again went inside again to annoy her while I remained there planning for the next course of action.

It would change a little bit of the story if I don't find the turtle. I wasn't especially worried about him but still…So I looked around again, determined to find him. It didn't take much time for me to find him. He was actually in the foliage of some big leaves. His shell really looked like a rock so it was quite difficult to spot but I did it with some luck.

"Whoa! Put me down, I'm not a rock." He said sweating nervously when I lifted him up by mistake.

I put him down feeling great that canon will not be altered now.

"Dear…me what a fright," He said while huffing and puffing. Wow, he really is old if he could get frightened by that. Then I remembered that he is about 1000 years old so no surprises there.

"Hello!" I greeted him jovially.

"Hello. My name is Turtle. Who are you?" He greeted back

"I'm Son Baali. How'd you get here? It's a long way from the ocean" I asked him feigning innocence.

"It's a long story. Do you have any saltwater, by any chance?" He asked.

Of course, I already knew Turtle was out gathering mushrooms when he got lost and could not find his way back to the sea for a whole year.

I called out Bulma and Goku. Goku took one look at him and thought we were going to eat him and trust me a small part of my mind wanted to test that theory. But I controlled mySelf and explained his situation.

Bulma got a bucket of artificial seawater on my request, which he guzzled thirstily.

He explained that he was a turtle to which Bulma got angry for stating the obvious. He then hastily explained his situation that he was out gathering mushrooms when he got lost and could not find his way back. He'd been trying to make his way home ever since, but he was very slow on land.

Bulma went back and pulled out a map. "You're out of luck. The ocean is about 120 kilometers away in the south" She said without a shred of remorse. I had to stop mySelf from facepalming at her diplomacy skills.

Hearing this turtle began to cry "That'll take me 10 years!" Turtle wailed, holding his head with his flippers. I sweet dropped. How the fuck did he traveled so much distance in just a year?

"We can take you" I offered.

"Ehh! You mean….. You'll really do it" He said getting excited

"What? Baali, we're on a mission here! We can't take a detour for every 'Hard Luck' we run into. No offense" She tacked on.

"None taken" He replied. This was one chill turtle. Still, I could detect a hint of sadness in his voice. I and Bulma bickered a lot about helping him and not helping him.

"This isn't any of our business" "It's a waste of time," She said trying to convince me "We have to leave, as we have a long way to go before this evening"

"I thought you said that picked a means of transportation that is not the fastest at your disposal?" Goku pointed out remembering how she boasted for picking up the fastest transportation capsules yesterday.

"How helpful you can be, Goku" hissed Bulma

But Goku figured it was the right thing to do.

Bulma used her last card "Fine then Do as you like! But make sure you don't come crawling back to me later! I won't show you any mercy! And you can forget about our Deal!" She said

"Bulma you are making this an unnecessary complicated. We will come back in 6 hours max. But if you want to back off the deal, Fine! It's your funeral. Come on Goku" I shrugged. Goku dutifully came beside me. I was also ready.

Just before we start our little detour I said to Bulma "If you decide to come. Bring back the House capsule with you. That way we can save a lot of time which we will be spending getting back here otherwise" I deftly ignored her cutting remark.

Then I hoisted the turtle on my back determined to head for the ocean. This way I would even get some training done. The turtle even apologized for the inconvenience but I shrugged knowing it was no trouble at all. After all, we were going to get 'Kinto-Un' for this and I remember Goku liked it a lot in canon.

"Later Bulma, See if you can make nice with hungry or horny dinosaurs!" I yelled as I sped up.

Now Bulma didn't get what he went by "horny dinosaurs" until she saw some dinosaurs and some flying Pterodactyl at some distance away. She then realized she was all alone with the two people who could fight are going away. Her face went red as she took for her motorcycle to ride after them but not before de-capsuling the house and taking it with her.

"Baali, you little jackass, wait up!" Bulma said speeding after them.

I also knew Bulma will be here in no time. That's why I was running a bit slowly but not too slowly. Sure Bulma followed right after us on her motorcycle after 5 minutes, seeing as how she didn't want to handle any danger by herself. Not like she could anyway. Moreover, the 4 star Dragon ball was with Goku anyway. So she needed us more than we needed her.

With that done, I increased my speed. Goku and Bulma matched my speed easily.

"Eh? But I thought you said we wouldn't meet again" I asked her mockingly

"You really aren't cute you know that," She said sticking out her tongue.

"You are just afraid of being by yourSelf" Goku chimed in

"Ho….ho…hoho! Don't say stupid things. The only thing on my mind is getting your dragon ball" She said but she wasn't fooling anybody.

I wanted to tease her more, said "Now... What happened to not showing my face to you ever again?"

"I am just noble for my own good okay," She said. Seriously she was saying that after trying to convince us to ditch the turtle. My face must have shown my thoughts at her bullshit as she suddenly blushed. She was all quiet after that.

Soon, all four of us were on their way to the ocean. I sped at my full speed. Goku also followed and matched me in the speed. He was only doing that because I was weighed down by the turtle and trust me he was not exactly light. Our little mini journey was nearly uneventful until we were cornered by a massive Bear bandit. We were just 2 kilometers away from the ocean when a bear who was watching us came out of hiding to face us.

"Hey, how about the two of you stop right where you are" a bellowing voice spoke up stopping us in our tracks. We looked up to see the orange-furred bestiality of a grizzly bear.

The creature registering a single tuff of extended, spiked up fur in the shape of a vicious Mohawk streaking across the middle of his face. The menacing carnivore was attired in an insanely bulky and strange set of black and red samurai-like armor that hugged his body like a second skin, complimenting his protective outfit with a pair of purple metallic wristbands and completing it with a violet-colored sash that reigned over the top half of his white pants.

His gleaming, heartless eyes pierced fear into the hearts of both Turtle and Bulma with just a single glare, one of which registered a brilliant golden color that dazzled like the morning star while the other was without both color and an iris (a troubling scar left behind from some accident unknown to very many including me). Each of the brute's muscular arms of grease, fur, and muscle were as large as boulders, packed with enough power to strike terror into the hearts of any normal human.

He was hoisting the incredibly large Chinese broadsword known simply as an Azure Dragon Sword in the beast's clawed paws as it clenched its weapon of choice with thrill to instigate a battle of any sort at even a moment's notice.

He was Bear Thief.

I completely forgot about this waste of ink and paper. This guy was a complete joke and I wasn't even scared. Considering all the people in Dragon Ball alone, he was very low on the pecking order.

He demanded from me to hand over the turtle for his lunch and in exchange, he would let them both live. "Ha-ha…. Kid! Wanna hand over that sea turtle to me? It's my favorite food you know" he said

"No. I don't want to give you the turtle" I said in a flat tone.

"I did give you a chance kid. Now, I suggest that you simply handover that shelled delicacy of yours, along with any and all sort of valuables that you might have on you, and I might take a moment to consider letting you and the bitch there live on the rest of your lives" The creature snickered through his long, sticky tongue instinctively licking across his lips at the thought of having an enormous 'bowl' of Turtle Soup to keep him fed for the next week or two. Hibernation would definitely be going well for him this year if he got his hands on that massive reptilian feast!

"Goku, Baali! Quit being stupid! He's huge" Bulma said terrified of him. Bulma cried with a worrisome gulp forcing itself down her throat as she felt her stomach-dropping, twisting itself in knots, and then doing the same thing over and over again as if trapped on replay mode in actual life. Her face was flooded in the second skin of sweat and tears, she couldn't bring herself to look up at the terrifying sight of the at least nine-foot-tall bear… no, not a bear... but a beast that stood only some feet in front of her.

I knew she was terrified of what he would do to her but at least she could show some backbone. Bulma being the oh-so-chivalrous person she was…practically demanded me to hand over the turtle.

"H...Hehehe... Please take it. Come on Son Kun give him the turtle already" She stuttered out again

Both boys serving as her only means of protection against the armed mercenary. Sure yeah, Goku had shown to be unaffected by stray bullets and Baali could run side by side with her bike but even then she doubted that Goku and Baali would be able to fight his way out of this one – there was no way! This was a natural-born KILLER, one known as a man-eater (not a man-beat you up and then you can go)

And to make manners even worse: he was currently armed with a brilliant sword that not only measured nearly 5 whole feet but was also jagged in an entire row of razor-sharp wedges and edges

Honestly though, since when did the life of some pathetically useless, overweight turtle compare to the life of the Self-proclaimed heir of Capsule Corporations? The life of yours truly, Bulma Brief, one of (if not THE) richest and smartest young women in the entire country… or more like the entire freaking world, was much more valuable and treasured than a filthy sea creature's and there was absolutely no question about that.

There were millions of sea turtles in the world, but there was only one Bulma Brief… or at least one with brilliant cerulean blue hair like her. This idiot was NOT about to get her killed by some savage beast of a grizzly!

"I don't know how freaking important your life is to you, you tailed bastard, but I'm absolutely POSITIVE that the life of that salt water-dwelling creature isn't worth even a fraction of my own!" She screamed at me. I just tuned her out.

"I suggest that you listen to your friend there," The Bear Thief snickered. The creature's flesh-tearing, the mouth of disastrous fangs grew wider and wider, basically feeding off of the obvious fear that Bulma was now feeling. Each word that spilled from her mouth in a sense of urgency and anxiety acting as fuel to the fire that was his spirit and hope of breaking us into the same feeling of distress.

"Unless of course… you have some sort of death wish or something. I could have a few more over for dinner but I doubt that you'll be the ones doing much of the eating" The orange creature added in that venomous tone.

But I just scoffed at the idea of the bear being threatening. It just didn't know but it was going into my inventory. Eating only wolf meat for the next few days will be boring. Bear meat will definitely be good.

Seeing us both not fearing for our lives he tried to intimidate us once more "If you are even a tiny bit concerned about your lives, it will do ya good to leave it behind. Unless that is…. you want me cut you all up too" he said cruelly showing his sword.

'Ok does he only threaten? Because I am getting bored by his voice' I wondered

"All right, Goku, you can beat him. I'll watch the turtle and Bulma" I said at last. Now I wasn't that heartless hogging all opponents to mySelf so I asked Goku to fight him, which he did happily.

"Goku, Don't do it, he's armed with that sword…" Bulma said before I faced her.

"Bulma, if Goku beat him you will owe me a favor, no questions asked," I said turning towards her cutting her before she could finish that sentence. I wanted a refrigerator for me as soon as possible and this fit perfectly into my plans.

We weren't once scared. Goku even stuck out his tongue much to the anger of Bear Thief and my amusement. Moreover, his sword and armor really caught my eye. They could fetch a good price at some shop.

Not wanting to die Bulma got ready to ditch us. "Hey Dummy! Just give him the turtle. What's wrong with you?" She said starting the bike.

"First don't call me Dummy. Second, he is not that tough. Actually, he is quite weak. Third I don't want to give him the turtle so SHUT Up" I said turning to Bulma once more. I easily dodged the sword strike from the bear. Most probably he got angry when I called him weak. Bulma also didn't speak up after that.

"Weak?" The bear repeated with a vicious roar.

Did this… pathetic, furless HUMAN actually have the nerve to speak to him – leader of the Kuma Mercenary Clan with such disrespect and arrogance? And weak? No, he was ANYTHING but that for sure. If he desired to do so, he could most definitely snap apart every last bone in this long-haired prick's body in just a single snap of his viciously powerful jaws.

Goku took out the power pole from his back and got in a stance. With that, both charged up at each other. Goku kept dodging his strikes easily. He looked like he was enjoying the little spar.

The bear even complimented him "You got some moves kid. A fine match for my blade, But you won't be able to dodge it always" He said and sped a little more

Still, I was getting bored seeing the 'spar'. "Goku finish him already. What did I tell you about playing with your food" I said impatiently.

When next time the Bear tried to strike him with his sword, Goku dodged it and stood up, on the sword itSelf. The Bear was clearly surprised. Goku, in a childish move, jumped and landed on his face.

"Rock-Paper-Fist! HYAH" and with a shout, he punched the bear in between his eyes. By the time Bear hit the ground, it was already dead.

"Let's keep going," Goku said while walking towards us while Bulma remarked that she didn't know Goku was that strong

"Seriously after he lifted your car, you still think he is weak," I asked her rhetorically. She sheepishly smiled at that.

"And wait, I need to store him in the warehouse. We shouldn't waste food like that" I said while I checked him if he really was dead. Bulma got a gross look again while Goku just laughed. With that, I threw the capsule and stored the bear away in the warehouse. The warehouse wasn't even a tenth full after that.

In the meantime Goku asked the turtle "So, are you really tasty like that guy said?" to which the turtle frantically replied negatively "T...There's no way I'd be tasty. In fact, I taste terrible. Everyone knows that hahaha" he said jokingly while sweating tons of buckets. He wasn't fooling me but he sure fooled Goku.

"Oh okay, you don't look tasty anyway," Goku said. The turtle sighed in relief.



6:00 am: Baali and Goku woke up

6:30 am: Started the spar after doing morning rituals.

7 am: Bulma woke up. We disengaged from the spar. I started cooking the wolves after we skinned them.

7:40 am: Ate the wolves. I started the search for turtle again while Goku annoyed Bulma

8:05 am: Took a little detour to the beach after finding the turtle and a little spat with Bulma

11:20 am: Encountered Bear thief (speed a little slow because of the weight of turtle)


Power levels:

Bulma: 04

Goku: 43; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (430)

Baali: 48+; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (484+)

Turtle: 0.1

Bear Thief: 15