
Dragon Ball Z: Saiyan SI

Ciel_Styn · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Cold was a cunning little thing. He was a reason to why Freiza force was as wealthy. He took a decent cooperation and took it to the level no intergalactic organization had the right to be.He was also an experienced fighter. He was daunting opponent. Thankfully he didn't make an appearance and only sent his minions to do the dirty work. But those minions where skilled as well. It took about two months of cat and mouse to finally be rid of them. I was sure they were just gathering data. I was just trying to figure out if they had any fighters that would have been a perfect match for me. After the cold incident the confederation was largely ignored by Freiza, cooler and cold. People cheered for that but I knew that this was a calm before the storm. I was worried that all three lizards would come here to take me on. I might be powerful but I was one man. The confederation was in a decent state. The average crossed 3000 and median crossed 35000.Maybe I was overthinking it? Confederation was strong enough to resist Ginyu force, and all the nasty people lizards can throw at them. Only issue was Freiza, Cold and Cooler. I was the only one able to match them.I actually wanted to blow up the home world of Cold but decided against it as it would be too aggressive. It could provoke all three lizards to give me there undivided attention.I was also sure that Saiyan saga was in full swing. I heard from the people on Earth that were my spy's that radiate has being killed and the other two would be arriving in a couple of weeks. I was just hoping that Freiza doesn't get stronger that he is right now.I waited for any news but there was nothing on the channels. I then suddenly got the news that Freiza was heading to namek. That was a little bit rough as I have grown to love Namek and it was my home. I decided to visit them but Vegeta was already there. He was having a little trouble as unlike in the cannon namekians were a bit prepared thanks to the gravity chamber. He was still able to beat them though. He was after all an experienced fighter.When Gotham, Krillin and Bulma arrived I knew Freiza would soon arrive. I decided to stay out of the fight with Ginyu force and let Goku take care of it. When the Freiza finally decided to start a fight he called me out and told me to stop hiding. Everyone was shocked especially Goku and Vegeta.And I had to stop hiding, at this time dende was yet to summon the wish granting deity and transport everyone to a safer place. Like in the anime, Freiza was calling the saiyans monkeys. He was in his second form so I called him a lizard. He was pissed and tried to kill only to to get a kick in his face. He suddenly realized that I might be a little too much for his second form. He then went to the third form. I was actually waiting on Goku to finish healing. I didn't want to fight Freiza. That was his fight. I was cursing my breath as me and Freiza were going at it while Vegeta was still in shock at how I was able to keep up with the tyrant and even ditch out mean blows. Then suddenly he decided that it was his fight and started getting in middle of it. He actually was able to keep up with the weird looking lizard. But alas when freiza transformed into his final form Vegeta wasn't able to keep up.After Goku arrived at the scene, the scene were Vegeta begged Goku and me to put Freiza down was too emotional as a fan to witness. Though I was still reluctant to actually interfere with Goku Vs Freiza. As it was his destiny and not mine. After Dende summoned and transported us all to a different planet, I took off to confederation space as I knew after watching the fight the tyrant didn't train that much.