

When a young boy falls out of the sky, he'll start a path to be earths strongest warrior. And it's protector.

Jay732 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


Three years later, a much older (but not that much taller) Krillin, Yamcha, Roshi, and Oolong all sit in Roshi's living room watching TV, while Blue haired Launch is cooking.

"Lunch is almost ready boys." Launch says.

Roshi's face turns red as he turns to her, seeing short shorts.

"I'd wait for you forever, babe." Roshi says.

Oolong Pushes Roshi out of the way to smile at Launch.

"Yeah, same here." Oolong says.

Krillin sighs while flipping through channels.

"Ah man, I was hoping to find something good to watch after all that training today. Man I am warn out."

Yamcha stretches his arms.

"I know what you mean. It's been hell trying to catch up to Shallot all these years. But you know somethin, I think we're close Krillin."

Krillin smirks and nods.

"Where is Shallot?" Launch asks.

Both Yamcha and Krillin shrug.

"We haven't seen him or Bulma since this morning. They have been collecting Dragon Balls like crazy lately." Krillin says.

While Yamcha scoffs when he hears Bulma's name, Launch looks outside.

"I hope he's ok." Launch says.

Meanwhile in the arctic, an older Shallot stands in the bitter cold without his shirt while Bulma is searching for a dragon ball.

"Come on, where is it? It says it's here somewhere, but I don't see it." Bulma says, looking at the dragon ball locator.

Shallot stands on a mountain top with his eyes closed and body freezing cold, the wind blowing fiercely. He takes a deep breath then opens his eyes, grits his teeth and starts to power up, is Ki surrounding his body.


As Shallot starts to power up, the ground starts to shake, causing Bulma to fall over.

"Come on, not again. He really should warn a girl before doing stuff like this." Bulma says, covering her head.

Back at Kame house, Roshi, Krillin, and Yamcha feels Shallots power.

"Ah Krillin, remember what I just said about catching up to Shallot? Well forget about it." Yamcha says.

Krillin chuckles.

"Guess we better work even harder." Krillin says.

Back with Shallot, he continues to power up, soon ending with a flash of light and an explosion that destroys the mountain he was standing on. Bulma is shocked as she runs over to where the mountain was standing.

"Shallot? Shallot, are you ok? Come on, speak to me."

After a moment, Shallot pops his head out of the snow with a smile.

"Sorry Bulma, I got a little carried away. Are you alright?"

Bulma sighs, but then gets angry at the Saiyan.

"You idiot, while you were destroying a fricken mountain, I was searching for a dragon ball. You know? The thing we came here for in the first place." Bulma says.

Shallot smirks.

"You mean this?" Shallot says, pulling out the three star ball.

Bulma is surprised.

"But I was looking for it everywhere. How did you find it?"

Shallot shrugs while putting on his weighted shirt and Black gi shirt.

"Just lucky I guess." Shallot says.

Bulma ignores it for now and just gets happy that they found another dragon ball.

"Alright! Now all we need is one more." She says

Shallot smiles at his friends excitement.

"What made you wanna collect the dragon balls after all this time anyway?"

After thinking about it, she gets angry at Yamcha and turns her nose up at the question.

"It's none of your business. Let's go." Bulma says, walking towards her Capsule Corp helicopter.

Shallot shrugs and follows her.

As that's happening, a mystery figure with a familiar white cloak and a white Turban walks through the Capital of The Earth, taking down multiple soldiers in his path with an evil grin on his face.

"It's time." He says.

Meanwhile on top of the lookout, Kami looks down on the world with a worried look on his face.

"He's finally making his move." Kami tells Mr. Popo.

Back at Kame house, Krillin continues to flip through TV channels, yawning while doing so.

"Man, there's nothing on television these days." Krillin says.

At that moment, Krillin flips to a channel that shocks Roshi.

"Krillin, Stop!"

Everyone looks at Roshi who is shaken to his core.

"It- can't be." Roshi says.

While that's happening, Shallot and Bulma are watching the same channel Roshi and the others are, leaving Shallot surprised as well.

"What the hells going on here?" The Saiyan asks confusing Bulma.

On the TV screens is a young Namakian sitting on a thrown.

"I don't get it, who's this guy?" Bulma asks.

"He's a Namakian. The same as Kami." Shallot tells her.

"You mean the God guy that you've been training with?"

Shallot nods.

"But Kami told me that the Namakians were wiped out. So question is who is this guy and how did he survive." Shallot says.

The mysterious Namakian finally speaks.

"Hello humans, worldwide. I am Piccolo and I am your new king. You shall all be my subjects in my new world order. Unfortunately you can die at any moment if you do not pay respect to your new king."

"Welp, I guess he's not friendly." Bulma says, a little intimidated.

Shallot stays silent, still trying to figure out this situation. At Kame house, Krillin and Yamcha grit their teeth in frustration.

"That monster. How could he be so callous and cruel. Who the hell is this guy?" Yamcha asks.

The two students then look over at their master who is trembling.

"Master Roshi?" Krillin says, concerned.

The evil Namakian Piccolo continues to speak.

"If you wish to delay your annihilation, there is two things that I require. Whatever city gives me what I need, will be spared destruction."

Piccolo then opens his mouth to reveal a dragon ball on his tongue, shocking everyone.

"The first thing are balls like this one, scattered across the world. There are six more to be found."

"Oh man, he has the last dragon ball we need. I don't think he'll just hand it over either." Bulma says trembling.

At Kame house, Yamcha is visibly worried.

"He's after the dragon balls?! You think he'll go after Bulma." Yamcha stands to his feet.

"Relax Yamcha, it doesn't seem like he knows she has them so she's safe for now." Roshi says, still feeling uneasy about this situation.

Yamcha let's out a breath of relief but acts like he doesn't care.

"The second thing, is far more personal to me. There's an old man by the name of Muten Roshi and I want his head." Piccolo says with a serious look on his face.

Shallot and Bulma are shocked.

"Roshi?" Shallot asks.

"What does he want with the old man?" Bulma asks.

Both Krillin and Yamcha are shocked as they look on at Roshi who hasn't said a word.

"Oh my." Launch says from the kitchen.

"The clock is ticking humans. Give me what I need and you'll be granted mercy, I will wait. Gather the dragon balls and find the old man quickly if you value your lives."

As the broadcast cuts off, Shallot doesn't say anything for a moment, worrying Bulma. He then unbuckles his seat belt and opens the door on his side.

"Shallot! What are you doing?" Bulma asks as the wind blows.

"Bulma, go to Kame house and fill everyone in. I'm going to get some answers."

Shallot flies off in the direction of the lookout.

Meanwhile Krillin and Yamcha still look at Roshi.

"Master please say something. Who was that guy? And what does he want with you?" Krillin asks.

Roshi sighs and takes off his sunglasses.

"That- was the son of Demon King Piccolo."

Both Krillin and Yamcha don't recognize the name but Oolong does.

"Hold on, you mean the guy who tried taking over the world all those years ago." Oolong asks.

Roshi nods.

"I guess it can't be helped, I'll have to tell you boys what happened all those years ago."

Everyone looks on at the old master in anticipation of this story.

As that's happening, Shallot makes it to the lookout and faces Kami.

"I knew you'd come."

"Well you are God so I would hope so. Anyway, we need to talk."

Kami sighs.

"I know. Seems it's time to tell you everything." Kami says.