

When a young boy falls out of the sky, he'll start a path to be earths strongest warrior. And it's protector.

Jay732 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


Long time ago, before Shallot even landed on earth, another outer space traveler lands on earth. Kami as a young boy steps out of his spaceship and looks out at the new world he's on with an hopeful smile on his face.

After a few years on the Earth, Kami decides to become the guardian of Earth, similar to how his planet had a guardian.

He met Mr. Popo and Korin, created the lookout, even created the dragon balls.

After one year on Earth, Kami starts to feel something inside of him. A darkness, deep in his soul. One day as the guardian was looking over the world, he falls to the ground in pain. Mr. Popo comes running to his side, but Kami stops him. As Kami screams out in pain, a dark entity starts to exit his body, leaving him exhausted.

As Mr. Popo runs over to help Kami, the dark entity towers over them as an evil laugh comes from it. Kami looks up in shock, seeing a new version of himself, an evil and dark version of himself that he doesn't even recognize. The dark Namakian then raises his hand towards his better half and fires a ki blast.

Present day, Shallot looks at Kami who has a somber look on his face.

"So Piccolo came from you?" Shallot says.

Kami nods.

"The darkness I had inside of me expelled it's from my being and took the form of Piccolo. But I'm afraid there's more to the story." Kami says.

Back all those years ago, Piccolo wreaks havoc on the city and innocent people, leaving a path of destruction where ever he went. Kami watches in frustration from the lookout, not being able to do anything about his darker half. People tried to stand up to him but all were crushed underneath his feet.

Then a young man with sunglasses and the mark of the turtle hermit on his chest, along with his master, an old man with the same symbol on his chest stands up to the the monster.

Present day at Kame house, Roshi is telling the story from his perspective.

"So you and your master, Master Mutaito, fought Piccolo." Yamcha says.

Roshi nods.

"It was a hard battle, but we managed to finally defeated him. But not without a cost. My master died in the process of destroying that monster." Roshi says, clenching his fist as Launch comforts him.

"Wait, destroyed? If that's the case, then how is Piccolo here today?" Krillin asks.

Roshi doesn't answer for a moment, staying silent. Before he could answer, Bulma comes into the house.


When Yamcha sees Bulma he gets happy.

"You're ok." Yamcha says.

The two smile at each other, but soon remembers that they're mad at each other then turn their backs on each other.

"Anyway, have you guys been watching the news?"

"Yeah we saw Bulma. Master Roshi was just telling us about Piccolo." Krillin says.

Everyone then looks at Roshi to finish the story as the old master sighs.

As the young and bloody Roshi holds his dead masters body, Piccolo is slowly dieing across from them. Roshi then looks over and sees something happening to Piccolo's body. The monster uses what little life he had left to spit out an egg right beside him, dieing soon after. The younger Roshi was shocked at what he saw, soon seeing a baby that looked exactly like the evil monster he just fought.

"I see, so the Piccolo we see today isn't the same Roshi fought all those years ago." Shallot says to Kami.

"Yes that is exactly right. We are seeing his son." Kami answers.

Shallot folds his arms.

"I guess that's why he want revenge."

Shallot then smirks.

"I guess that's something we both have in common." The Saiyan asks, surprising Kami.

Back at Kame house, Roshi stands up and walks towards the door.

"Hey, where are you going?" Bulma asks.

Roshi stops for a moment.

"I'm going to finish what I started all those years ago."

Krillin and Yamcha get a serious look on their faces.

"You're going to fight Piccolo alone, aren't you master?" Yamcha asks.

Roshi doesn't say anything, his silence answering the question.

"But I thought you weren't gonna fight anymore." Bulma says.

Roshi clenches his fists.

"It's true. My plan was for my fight with Shallot to be my last, but it seems that fate had a different plan for this old geezer. I must face this new Piccolo, so no one else suffers."

Yamcha and Krillin both jump up.

"We're coming with you, master Roshi." Krillin says.

Roshi turns to face them.

"No. You all are staying here." Roshi orders.

Both Yamcha and Krillin grit their teeth.

"Even though we're far from him, I can still sense his power from here. He's strong, maybe even stronger than Shallot was when you two fought. You can't possibly win against him alone." Yamcha points out.

"We're coming with you, whether you want us to or not." Krillin says.

Roshi thinks for a moment then sighs.

"Alright. On one condition, that no matter what, neither of you die. Understand?"

Yamcha and Krillin smile.

"Right." Krillin and Yamcha say.

"Alright, let's go." Bulma says, confusing everyone.

"Hold on, you can't come with us Bulma, it's way too dangerous." Yamcha says.

Bulma glares at Yamcha.

"I have a helicopter. You don't. How else do you expect to get there?" Bulma replies.

As both of them scowl at each other as Krillin breaks it up.

"Let's just go already." Krillin says.

"Krillin is right. We have no time to waste." Roshi says.

Everyone stares at Roshi, surprised at how serious he is.

"Wow, I've never seen the old man act like this before. This the first time since I met him that he hasn't tried to sneak a peak at my boobs." Bulma says, while Krillin and Yamcha agree.

"This stuff with Piccolo must be weighing on him heavily. Krillin, we gotta pull our weight on this one, understand."

Krillin nods as the two share a fist bump. Launch then runs over to Roshi.

"Master Roshi, please be careful, will you? And watch out for Shallot."

Roshi smiles.

"Don't worry my dear, everything will be fine. That I promise."

As Roshi and the others leave, Launch, Oolong and Paur wave them off, wishing them good luck.

"Bulma, where's Shallot?" Krillin asks.

"I don't know, he just said he wanted answers and flew off." Bulma replies.

"He must be with Kami. He meet us there." Roshi says.

Yamcha smirks.

"Assuming I don't end Piccolo myself." He says.

Krillin looks at Yamcha with a blank expression.

"Yeah sure, whatever you say wolf boy." Krillin replies.

Yamcha gets annoyed about the comment.

"What was that, shrimp?" Yamcha replies.

As the two get into each others face, Roshi turns to them.

"That's enough!" Roshi yells, startling his students and Bulma.

"You two must take this seriously. This isn't training anymore, this is the real deal, you lose focus for a moment and you could die. Yamcha, you need to focus, you get too cocky and let your guard down. Krillin, you need to have more faith your strength, believe in your ability to win. Do you understand?"

The two young fighters finally understand the seriousness of the situation.

"Yes master." They both say.

Roshi then looks at Bulma.

"Bulma, no matter what happens. Don't you dare leave this helicopter."

Bulma sees the serious look on Roshi's face and gets frightened.

"Y-Yes." She says.

A silence falls over the vehicle, as they continue to fly to their destination.

Meanwhile on the lookout, Shallot prepares to leave but Kami stops him.

"Shallot. Promise me, you'll stop him. No matter what. It's because of me "

Shallot looks at the guardian for a moment, noticing the guilt, frustration, and sadness in his face. Shallot smiles, putting a hand on Kami's shoulder.

"Don't worry. I promise you, I'll stop him." Shallot says.

Kami nods and Shallot flies off to confront Piccolo.