
Dragon ball Z: A True Saiyan

A lot Dragon Ball Z fan-fics are usually thrown away. So I made one, and I did try. I didn't want to make a wack novel so I really tried. first time writing so useful critics would be nice 1 chapter a day, every chapter is 1,000+ words will probably make this summary better one day Also I don't own the Dragon ball story. And I will never have claimed to have owned it NO HAREM. :) Also in the first Volume mc won’t be OP and thats because he is still a child, and his body hasn’t reached its peak.

Ozonelayer · Anime & Comics
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169 Chs

Chapter 56

24 hours have passed since Tien and Piccolo have gone inside the HTC, and now they are currently standing right infront of us. Tien's disheveled appearance looks similar to everyone else who left the HTC, while Piccolo looks the same as before.

Krillin-"C'mon show us how much you guys have improved?"

Tien-"Alright, you asked for it!"

After saying that, Tien starts powering up, his power reaches the same as Krillin's but it shows no signs of stopping at all, it only stopped when it became equal to Vegeta's base power. Once done fully powering up, he hides his ki again while showing a smirk to Krillin and Yamcha.

Krillin-"WOW! How did you get so much more powerful than before!?"

Yamcha-"Yeah, you've completely surpassed us, and I thought me and Krillin trained our assess off."

Smiling at them, Tien joins them and starts explaining a little.

Tien-"It's because of my eye, at first I thought it only allowed for me to see hidden ki, but it also significantly improved the flow and my ability to control ki. Without my 3rd eye, I would probably be as strong as you guys."

Yamcha-"Tsk, that's pretty much cheating."

Krillin-"Stop being such a baby Yamcha."

Tien-"Besides, while my improvements were great, they are nothing compared to Piccolo's. While you guys can't sense his ki, I can see it, and comparing Piccolo to everyone else, he is without a doubt the strongest, excluding Sage of course."

Everyone who was listening to the conversation between the humans was shocked by his claims, especially Vegeta and Gohan, I wasn't surprised one bit, knowing what he went through, if he wasn't the strongest after training in the HTC, then that would be pathetic.

Vegeta-"Tch, I refuse to believe that the Namekian has surpassed me, a Super Saiyan!"

Gohan-"That's awesome Piccolo, then we might be able to beat Cell!"

Trunks-"How powerful are you now Piccolo, mind showing us?"

Hearing Trunks everyone stopped talking among themselves and turned to Piccolo who has been silently leaning against the wall minding his own business. Opening his eyes, Piccolo looks at everyone and then lets out a small smirk before releasing some of his ki.

The moment he does though, intense wind pressure explodes from the release of his ki, pushing everyone away slightly and because of his amazing ki control that he regained, his ki did nothing else other than causing intense wind. Unlike mine which destroys the very surroundings and can shake an entire planet. After a little bit Piccolo stopped releasing his ki, once everything has calmed down everyone got excited about Piccolo's new power and beating Cell.

Tien-"Told you guys, Piccolo's power should be equal to Cell and with everyone's helps we should manage to beat Cell."

Goku-"You weren't joking, Piccolo is really strong now."

Krillin-"Yeah, and I already thought you and Gohan were strong, but Piccolo's several times more powerful."

Gohan-"That's awesome Piccolo, what type of training did you do to get this strong!?"

Vegeta-"TCH, this bastard!"

Seeing everyone but Vegeta feeling happy, and their moods improving thinking that with Piccolo's help they might be able to beat Cell, I decide now will be a good time to reveal the news that Bulma found out when I left the lookout to spend time with Nala at Capsule Corp.

Sage-"Hmph, happy to burst the festive mood, but apparently 21, the person I fought with, unsealed someone quite powerful and known throughout the universe."

Hearing my words everyone stops conversating and looks in my direction with a serious expression. Smirking at their reaction, I continue to inform them what I found when investigating what Bulma found.

Sage-"I'm sure you guys already know that the Supreme Kai is currently looking for someone and that someone is the person 21 unsealed and probably turned into her servant. Majin Buu!"

Looking at everyone, I notice that their facial expression doesn't change much. Clicking my tongue because I forget they have almost no information about Majin Buu, so of course, they were not scared. After explaining to them the information that I got from the Supreme Kai about Majin Buu, their expressions finally started changing.

Sage-"And that's about it, Majin Buu in his prime was far stronger than Cell and I'm sure after turning him into her servant he is several times stronger than before."

Krillin-"S-S-So you're saying that not only do we have to deal with Cell, but we have to deal with someone who killed almost all the Supreme Kais, and now that he has been unsealed he's even stronger than he was before!?"

Sage-"Yep, it seems someone finally understands."

Yamcha-"But doesn't that mean you will deal with this Majin Buu? You said you wouldn't help us if the enemy wasn't too powerful, but this Majin Buu seems to be far out of our league."

Nodding at his claim, I respond while looking toward Piccolo.

Sage-"That's true, I did say that, but that's where Piccolo comes in. Currently, Piccolo is by far the strongest one among you and I'm sure you guys noticed it earlier but what Piccolo showed you wasn't his full power, actually it wasn't anywhere close to your full power was it Piccolo?"

Piccolo doesn't respond to me, but that's enough for everyone to understand what I said was true. This time everyone is even more shocked than before, especially Tien who asks Piccolo.

Tien-"B-But how Piccolo, my 3rd eye can see everyone's ki, even when Sage wheres his sealing bracers, how couldn't I see your's?"


Hearing the term magic come from Piccolo, confused them slightly, but then Gohan explained a little.

Gohan-"Do you mean like when you created clothes for me out of nothing?"

Sage-"Yes, Magic is just another type of energy and Namekians are quite talented with it. Piccolo probably just hid most of his ki using magic. Besides, Nala can easily create something that can hide my ki from your 3rd eye, so don't only rely on it."

Sage-"Anyways, Back to the topic of Majin Buu, Piccolo should be strong enough to deal with him, so you guys will only have to focus on Cell, so not much has changed from before, you guys will only be losing one fighter."

Sage-"With the way you guys are right now the Saiyans are the best chance you guys have at winning, specifically Gohan. You guys still aren't strong enough to beat Cell, but this's where the Saiyan heritage comes into play. You guys have cast aside the true strength of a Saiyan, and now you will regain it!"

yolo thxs for my hot dog.

Thxs for any feedback :)

check axuiliary chapter for update!

Ozonelayercreators' thoughts