
Dragon Ball Z(F)

"Dragon Ball Super F" takes place in a multiverse filled with powerful warriors, alternate dimensions, and unimaginable threats. The story follows Goku and his friends as they encounter a mysterious warrior named Seraphina, who hails from a parallel universe. Seraphina seeks Goku's help to combat the malevolent force known as Xarax, an entity with a hunger for power that threatens to consume entire universes.In their quest to stop Xarax, Goku and his allies embark on a journey that leads them to the enigmatic Cosmic Archives, where they must prove their worthiness by unlocking their inner virtues. Along the way, they unlock a new level of power called "Super F," which surpasses even Super Saiyan Blue. As they face Xarax and his Galactic Enforcers, our heroes must rely on their virtues, teamwork, and the newfound Super F power to protect Seraphina's universe and the entire multiverse from the clutches of darkness. "Dragon Ball Super F" is a tale of unity, inner strength, and the relentless pursuit of justice in the face of overwhelming odds.

RSisekai · Action
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7 Chs

The Enigma of the Celestial Oracle

[The Z Fighters and Seraphina gather at Capsule Corporation, enjoying a moment of peace and camaraderie after their victory over the Dimensional Phantom.]

Goku: (grinning) It's nice to have some downtime again.

Seraphina: (relieved) Yes, it is. I can't thank you all enough for your help.

Vegeta: (smirking) Well, we did get a good fight out of it.

Bulma: (thoughtful) Speaking of which, we still have that spaceship capable of traveling between dimensions. What should we do with it?

Gohan: (curious) And what about the cosmic archives? We learned so much there.

Seraphina: (reflective) We should keep the spaceship ready in case we need to defend against threats like the Dimensional Phantom. As for the cosmic archives, they're a valuable resource for the multiverse. We should safeguard it.

Trunks: (enthusiastic) So, we're officially the guardians of the multiverse?

Seraphina: (grinning) You could say that.

Their moment of relaxation is interrupted when a holographic message suddenly appears before them.

Holographic Message: (mysterious) I see you've grown stronger, Seraphina. But there is another challenge you must face.

Seraphina: (surprised) Who are you?

Holographic Message: (enigmatic) I am the Celestial Oracle. I have foreseen a grave threat to the multiverse, and you are the key to stopping it.

Goku: (curious) What kind of threat are we talking about?

Celestial Oracle: (serious) The details are unclear, but it involves a powerful being known as the "Eclipse Serpent. It seeks to consume entire dimensions and plunge the multiverse into darkness.

Seraphina: (determined) We won't let that happen. Tell us more about this threat, Celestial Oracle.

Celestial Oracle: (cryptic) To learn more, you must seek the guidance of the Celestial Sages, the ancient keepers of cosmic knowledge. They reside on the sacred planet Oris.

Vegeta: (skeptical) And why should we trust you?

Celestial Oracle: (wise) My guidance has never steered the multiverse wrong. But the choice is yours.

[The holographic message fades away, leaving the group with a newfound sense of purpose.]

Seraphina: (resolutely) We must find the Celestial Sages on the planet Oris and learn about this Eclipse Serpent.

Bulma: (supportive) I'll make sure the spaceship is ready for the journey.

Gohan: (determined) Let's gather our strength and face this new threat head-on.

[With their next mission in sight, the Z Fighters and Seraphina prepare to set out on a new adventure.]

The group boards the spaceship, ready to travel to the sacred planet of Oris. With a flash of light, they enter the dimension that leads to their destination.

Goku: (excited) Another cosmic adventure awaits!

Vegeta: (seriously) We'll find out more about this Eclipse Serpent and put a stop to it.

The spaceship hurtles through the dimension, and they soon arrive on the lush, celestial planet of Oris. The planet is covered in vibrant, otherworldly flora, and its skies are adorned with shimmering stars.

Seraphina: (awed) This place is incredible.

Trunks: (impressed) It's like something out of a dream.

[As they explore the planet, they come across a magnificent temple perched on a hill.]

Piccolo: (observant) That must be the temple of the Celestial Sages.

Seraphina: (grateful) Thank you all for coming with me on this journey. I don't know what we'll find, but I believe we're on the right path.

They make their way to the temple's entrance, where they are greeted by the Celestial Sages, ancient beings with wise and serene auras.

Celestial Sage 1: (wise) Welcome, travelers. I am Celestia, one of the Celestial Sages. We have been expecting you.

Celestial Sage 2: (calm) The Celestial Oracle has foretold your arrival and the grave threat that looms over the multiverse.

Seraphina: (respectfully) We seek your guidance on the Eclipse Serpent and how to stop it.

Celestial Sage 1: (knowledgeable) The Eclipse The serpent is an ancient cosmic entity that hungers for the energy of entire dimensions. It seeks to engulf them in eternal darkness.

Celestial Sage 2: (wise) To confront the Eclipse Serpent, you must first harness the power of the Celestial Radiance, an ancient energy source that can counter its darkness.

Goku: (curious) How do we access the celestial radiance?

Celestial Sage 1: (enigmatic) You must undergo a series of trials to prove your worthiness. The celestial radiance is not a power to be taken lightly.

Seraphina: (determined) We accept the trials. We won't let the Eclipse Serpent destroy any more dimensions.

[The Celestial Sages lead the group to a sacred chamber within the temple, where the trials will take place.]

The group faces a series of trials within the sacred chamber. [Each trial tests their virtues, strength, and unity.]

Trial 1: Trial of Virtue

The first trial challenges them to confront their innermost fears and doubts. [They must remain steadfast in their virtues to overcome the trial.]

Gohan: (focused) We must stay true to our virtues. That's the key to passing this trial.

Seraphina: (encouraging) We've faced our inner demons before. We can do it again.

They overcome the trial by relying on their virtues, emerging stronger and more determined.

Trial 2: The Trial of Unity

The second trial tests their ability to work together as a team. They must coordinate their efforts to solve complex puzzles and challenges.

Vegeta: (competitive) Let's show them our teamwork is unmatched.

Trunks: (analyzing) We need to communicate and coordinate effectively.

They successfully navigated the trial by working together and demonstrating their unwavering unity.

Trial 3: Trial of Strength

The third trial pits them against powerful celestial guardians who test their combat abilities.

Goku: (excited) This is more like it!

Piccolo: (strategic) Remember, our strength lies in our virtues and unity.

[They emerge victorious from the trial, proving their strength and readiness to face the Eclipse Serpent.]

[Having completed the trials, the group returns to the Celestial Sages, who acknowledge their worthiness.]

Celestial Sage 1: (impressed) You have passed the trials and proven your virtues, strength, and unity.

Celestial Sage 2: (wise) Now, you are ready to access the celestial radiance.

[The Celestial Sages guide them to a chamber at the heart of the temple, where the Celestial Radiance awaits.]

Celestial Sage 1: (solemn) The Celestial Radiance will grant you the power to confront the Eclipse Serpent. But beware, for its power is not to be taken lightly.

Gohan: (grateful) We understand. We'll use this power responsibly.

[As they approach the celestial radiance, an immense surge of energy envelops them, infusing them with a radiant, cosmic power.]

[The group emerges from the temple, their power greatly enhanced by the celestial radiance.]

Seraphina: (empowered) We're ready to face the Eclipse Serpent.

Goku: (grinning) Let's go!

[With their newfound power, the Z Fighters and Seraphina prepare to confront the Eclipse Serpent and put an end to its threat to the multiverse.]

[The group returns to their spaceship, ready to embark on their mission to find and confront the Eclipse Serpent.]

Bulma: (impressed) You all look more powerful than ever.

Vegeta: (seriously) We've harnessed the celestial radiance. It's time to find the Eclipse Serpent.

[The spaceship activates, and they enter the dimensional portal, heading towards the unknown.]

The Z Fighters and Seraphina arrive in a dimension shrouded in darkness, a stark contrast to the celestial beauty of Oris. The Eclipse Serpent's presence is palpable.

Gohan: (seriously) We're getting close.

Piccolo: (strategic) Stay on guard. We don't know what to expect.

[As they venture deeper into the dimension, they come across a colossal, serpentine figure, the Eclipse Serpent itself.]

Eclipse Serpent: (sinister) You have come to challenge me, mortals?

Seraphina: (determined) We won't let you consume any more dimensions.

Goku: (powering up) We have the power of the celestial radiance on our side!

[The battle against the Eclipse Serpent begins, with the group using their newfound powers and virtues to counter its darkness.]

The battle rages on as the Eclipse Serpent proves to be a formidable opponent. It unleashes waves of darkness and energy, testing the group's resolve.

Vegeta: (gritting his teeth) It's trying to engulf us in darkness!

Trunks: (determined) We can't let that happen!

[They focus on harnessing the power of the celestial radiance, creating a brilliant barrier that repels the Eclipse Serpent's darkness.]

Seraphina: (encouraging) We can do this! Our virtues will prevail!

[With their combined strength and unwavering unity, they launch a final, decisive attack that engulfs the Eclipse Serpent in blinding light.]

Eclipse Serpent: (defeated) No, this cannot be...

[The Eclipse Serpent's presence fades, leaving behind a restored dimension filled with light and life.]

[The group stands victorious, their virtues and the power of the celestial radiance prevailing over the eclipse serpent.]

Gohan: (relieved) We did it!

Seraphina: (grateful) Thank you all for helping me face this threat.

Bulma: (impressed) You've protected another dimension and the multiverse once again.

[As they celebrate their victory, the Celestial Oracle's holographic image appears before them.]

Celestial Oracle: (wise) You have proven your worthiness and prevailed over darkness. The multiverse is in your debt.

Goku: (curious) But who are you really, Celestial Oracle?

Celestial Oracle: (enigmatic) I am a guardian of balance and destiny, and I serve the greater good of the multiverse. My true nature remains a mystery.

Seraphina: (grateful) Thank you for guiding us.

[With their mission complete, the group returns to their own dimension, ready to face new challenges and adventures.]

[End of Chapter 5]

[Author's Note: "Dragon Ball Super F" continues as our heroes explore the mysteries of the multiverse and confront new threats. Stay tuned for more chapters filled with action, virtue, and cosmic power!