
Dragon Ball Z(F)

"Dragon Ball Super F" takes place in a multiverse filled with powerful warriors, alternate dimensions, and unimaginable threats. The story follows Goku and his friends as they encounter a mysterious warrior named Seraphina, who hails from a parallel universe. Seraphina seeks Goku's help to combat the malevolent force known as Xarax, an entity with a hunger for power that threatens to consume entire universes.In their quest to stop Xarax, Goku and his allies embark on a journey that leads them to the enigmatic Cosmic Archives, where they must prove their worthiness by unlocking their inner virtues. Along the way, they unlock a new level of power called "Super F," which surpasses even Super Saiyan Blue. As they face Xarax and his Galactic Enforcers, our heroes must rely on their virtues, teamwork, and the newfound Super F power to protect Seraphina's universe and the entire multiverse from the clutches of darkness. "Dragon Ball Super F" is a tale of unity, inner strength, and the relentless pursuit of justice in the face of overwhelming odds.

RSisekai · Action
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7 Chs

Shadows of the Forgotten Past

The Z Fighters and Seraphina have returned to their own dimension after their victory over the Eclipse Serpent. They gather at Capsule Corporation, where a sense of tranquility has settled.

Gohan: (relieved) It feels good to be back home.

Seraphina: (grateful) We've protected another dimension, thanks to all of you.

Bulma: (curious) So, what's next for us?

Vegeta: (seriously) We can't afford to let our guard down. There are always threats lurking in the multiverse.

[As they discuss their next steps, a holographic message suddenly appears before them.]

Holographic Message: (urgent) Z Fighters, Seraphina, you must come to the Cosmic Archives immediately.

Goku: (surprised) Who's sending this message?

Holographic Message: (mysterious) All will be revealed at the Cosmic Archives. Hurry, for time is of the essence.

Seraphina: (determined) We can't ignore this message. Let's go to the cosmic archives.

[The group boards the spaceship and travels to the Cosmic Archives, a place filled with knowledge and cosmic secrets.]

[The Z Fighters and Seraphina arrive at the Cosmic Archives, where they are met by the enigmatic Celestial Sages.]

Celestial Sage 1: (wise) Welcome back, travelers. We sensed that you would return.

Celestial Sage 2: (Calm) The message you received was from us. We have urgent information to share.

Gohan: (curious) What's going on? Why have you called us here?

Celestial Sage 1: (serious) There is a forgotten threat that looms over the multiverse, one that has been buried in the annals of cosmic history.

Seraphina: (concerned) What kind of threat are we talking about?

Celestial Sage 2: (knowledgeable) Long ago, before the existence of the universes as you know them, there was a being of immense power known as the Void Emissary.

Goku: (curious) The Void Emissary? I've never heard of it.

Celestial Sage 1: (grave) The Void Emissary was a being that embodied the essence of nothingness and sought to consume all of creation, leaving nothing in its wake.

Vegeta: (seriously) If it's as dangerous as you say, why has no one heard of it?

Celestial Sage 2: (wise) The Void Emissary's existence was erased from the memories of all living beings by the Celestial Guardians to prevent widespread panic and fear. It was locked away in a dimension beyond time and space.

Seraphina: (concerned) But if you're telling us about it now, it means that threat has resurfaced, hasn't it?

Celestial Sage 1: (nodding) Yes, Seraphina. The Void Emissary has somehow returned, and its hunger for nothingness threatens to engulf the multiverse once more.

Gohan: (determined) We can't let that happen. We'll do whatever it takes to stop it.

Celestial Sage 2: (grateful) Your determination is commendable. To confront the Void Emissary, you must embark on a journey to unlock the Cosmic Seals, ancient artifacts scattered across the multiverse. Each seal holds the power to contain the Void Emissary.

Bulma: (curious) How do we find these cosmic seals?

Celestial Sage 1: (knowledgeable) We will provide you with the coordinates of the first seal's location. From there, you must follow the cosmic trail to the others.

Trunks: (focused) We'll find those seals and protect the multiverse.

Celestial Sage 2 (wise) But be warned: the Void Emissary is not to be underestimated. It has the power to erase memories and manipulate reality. You must stay vigilant and true to your virtues.

Seraphina: (resolute) We won't falter. We've faced incredible challenges before, and we've always come through.

Celestial Sage 1: (encouraging) Then go forth, Z Fighters and Seraphina. The fate of the multiverse rests in your hands.

[The group receives the coordinates of the first cosmic seal and sets out on their new mission.]

[The Z Fighters and Seraphina board the spaceship, ready to begin their quest to unlock the Cosmic Seals.]

Goku: (excited) Another adventure awaits!

Vegeta: (seriously) This time, we're not just protecting our universe. We're safeguarding the entire multiverse.

The spaceship activates, and they follow the cosmic trail to the first seal's location.

The group arrives in a distant dimension, where they find themselves in a realm of floating islands and surreal landscapes. The coordinates indicate that the first cosmic seal is located on one of these islands.

Gohan: (amazed) This place is unlike anything I've ever seen.

Seraphina: (focused) The first seal should be here. Let's find it.

[As they explore the surreal realm, they come across a colossal, intricately designed seal embedded in the ground.]

Trunks: (curious) This must be it.

Bulma: (analyzing) It's covered in ancient inscriptions. Let me try to decipher them.

[As Bulma examines the seal, a mysterious presence begins to manifest, causing the seal to glow with cosmic energy.]

Seraphina: (alert) Something's happening!

[The seal begins to emit a powerful burst of energy, creating a portal to another dimension.]

[The group cautiously enters the portal and finds themselves in a realm filled with cosmic energy and swirling nebulae.]

Piccolo: (analyzing) This place is teeming with cosmic power.

Goku: (optimistic) I bet this is where we'll find the first cosmic seal.

They venture further into the cosmic realm, encountering celestial beings known as the Starshapers.

Starshaper 1: (graceful) Welcome, travelers. We are the Starshapers, the guardians of cosmic energy.

Starshaper 2: (wise) You seek the first cosmic seal, do you not?

Seraphina: (respectfully) Yes, we do. We need it to stop the Void Emissary.

Starshaper 1: (nodding) To unlock the seal, you must prove your worthiness by harnessing the cosmic energy of this realm.

Gohan: (determined) We'll do whatever it takes.

[The Starshapers guide them through a series of trials, teaching them to tap into the cosmic energy that permeates the realm.]

Trial 1: The Trial of Cosmic Harmony

[In this trial, the group must synchronize their energy and movements with the cosmic flow of the realm.]

Bulma: (focused) We need to attune ourselves to the cosmic rhythm.

Trunks: (coordinated) Let's move in harmony with the energy around us.

[With patience and concentration, they successfully complete the first trial.]

Trial 2: The Trial of Celestial Insight

[In this trial, they must unlock the wisdom of the cosmos by solving celestial puzzles.]

Piccolo: (strategic) These puzzles require celestial insight.

Vegeta: (analyzing) We need to think beyond the conventional.

They overcame the trial by using their intelligence and teamwork.

Trial 3: The Trial of Stellar Unity

[The final trial tests their ability to combine their cosmic energy into a unified force.]

Goku: (focused) We've trained together for years. Our unity should shine here.

Seraphina: (confident) Let's merge our cosmic energy as one.

They pass the final trial, demonstrating their unity and harnessing the cosmic energy of the realm.

[The Starshapers are impressed by the group's determination and mastery of the cosmic trials.]

Starshaper 2: (impressed) You have harnessed the cosmic energy of this realm. You are now worthy of the first cosmic seal.

Starshaper 1: (wise) May it serve you well in your battle against the Void Emissary.

[The Starshapers bestow the first cosmic seal upon Seraphina, and with it, she feels a surge of cosmic power.]

Seraphina: (empowered) We've taken our first step in stopping the Void Emissary.

Gohan: (determined) And we won't stop until we've unlocked all the seals.

[They return to their own dimension with the first cosmic seal in their possession, ready to face the forgotten threat that threatens the multiverse.]

[Back at Capsule Corporation, the group discusses their progress and the importance of their mission.]

Bulma: (seriously) We've got the first seal, but there's still much to do.

Goku: (optimistic) We've faced tough challenges before, and we always come out on top.

Seraphina: (grateful) I couldn't ask for a better team to face the Void Emissary.

[As they prepare for their next journey to unlock the remaining Cosmic Seals, they are unaware of the dark forces that have been set in motion by their actions.]

[In the depths of a hidden dimension, a sinister figure watches the Z Fighters and Seraphina from the shadows.]

(whispering) The fools think they can stop the Void Emissary. Little do they know that they're playing right into my hands.

[The figure's malevolent laughter echoes through the darkness, foreshadowing the challenges and mysteries that lie ahead.]

[End of Chapter 6]

[Author's Note: "Dragon Ball Super F" continues as our heroes embark on a quest to unlock the remaining Cosmic Seals and confront the forgotten threat of the Void Emissary. Stay tuned for more chapters filled with cosmic power, challenges, and revelations!