
Dragon Ball Saga: Conquest -REWRITTEN-

Waking up in a strange place, only to be sent somewhere we all wish we could go. What will a lazy man do when he finds himself in such a precarious situation? Will he become more than he was? Join along to find out! . . . . . :DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own the rights to the Dragon Ball franchise, nor anything involved with said franchise.

Endless_Crow · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 17: Scuffle Atop the Lookout!

Arlic had a single request and two questions he wanted answered. Honestly, they were all more requests than questions, he just didn't want to come off as needy. Clearing his throat, he made his first request. "I am interested in improving my instantaneous movement technique. If you possess one, would you mind demonstrating a technique similar to this one?" Arlic demonstrated his [Instant Transmission], disappearing then reappearing shortly after. Seeing the technique, Kami was impressed, especially when he considered Arlics age. Since the boy had shown him one of his techniques, Kami saw no harm in showing him one of his own.

Walking a distance away from Mr. Popo, Kami nodded towards Arlic. Without doing anything else he vanished, reappearing besides Popo. Continuing, Kami disappeared and reappeared multiple times, all around the Lookout. Finally reappearing in his original position, Kami spoke. "Will this help you?" Kami was grinning ear to ear, the old Namekian seemed to be showing off a bit. Grinning to himself, Arlic just nodded, instantly recognizing the [Kai Kai] technique. This would help him to learn it or at the very least come up with something similar.

"Good, then by all means, ask your questions!" Chuckling lightly, Kami listened. Pausing before he asked what he knew would be a tough request for Kami to fulfill, Arlic continued. "Have you heard of the [Ma-Fu-Ba]?" The [Evil Containment Wave] was something Arlic wished to learn about. It could potentially seal even gods away. He had many of such measures now that he possessed magical ability, but the [Evil Containment Wave] was unique, it required [Ki]. That meant that Arlic had no knowledge about it outside of what he knew from the series. If it were refined and used as the base of another technique, Arlic would be capable of effectively sealing away that he could not outright destroy.

Kami went quite when he heard Arlic's question. If this were not a stranger, he might have even considered teaching the boy. Kami knew nothing of the child's character other than his obvious intellect. He felt it dangerous to tell any stranger about such a technique, so he could only refuse. "I do not know where you learned of such a thing, but I will not speak of it. I am sorry, but the [Ma-Fu-Ba] is incredibly dangerous in the wrong hands. Though I can sense no ill intent from you, you are still an unknown to me. I hope you can understand my reasoning." Arlic knew that this was the most likely outcome, but he felt it necessary to ask anyway. He did not press any further, as there would be other opportunities in the future for him to at least observe it in use.

Arlic nodded, pausing briefly, he soon wore a serious expression on his face. He truly needed his next question answered, as such he made certain that Kami understood his determination. "In that case, I understand. My next question however, you will have no choice in answering. It is too important to me to allow it to go unanswered. Do you understand?" Releasing a bit of his power, Arlic made it clear that this was not a request.

Kami and Mr. Popo had a determined yet slightly fearful expression. Neither were the sort of people who bowed down out of fear. "Threaten all you like. It will not aid you. Not now, not ever!" Kami made his own resolve clear. "We shall see." Responding to Kami's resolve with his own, Arlic spoke in kind. Next, he prepared himself for any possibility and stated his demand. "Tell me, do you still possess the [Black-Star Wish Orbs]?" Upon hearing Arlic's demanding question, Kami's eyes went wide with shock.

Soon after, Kami vanished from sight, reappearing behind Arlic in order to send a vicious blow towards the back of his head. Turning like a whirlwind, Arlic countered the blow as well as the five that followed it. Slipping through Kami's guard, Arlic retaliated with a blow to Kami's sternum, before his fist could reach the old Namekian, his blow was stopped. Looking to his right, Arlic saw Mr. Popo had intervened. Smiling, Arlic began to attack both warriors. What followed was a battle of afterimages and blurred movement.

The three fighters separated minutes later. Kami and Popo thought they would have a moment to recover, soon realizing they were wrong. A large blast of red and black energy came flying at the two, who were standing near one another. Stepping forward Popo literally swallowed the energy using [Ki Absorption]. Seeing this, Arlic used the opportunity to close the distance, trying to catch Mr. Popo off guard. He slipped in behind the blast, leaving an afterimage in his place, all while keeping an eye on Kami who was now standing behind Popo. As Popo swallowed the last of the energy, Arlic appeared in front of him. Sending a kick towards his exposed stomach, Popo went flying towards Kami. The two tumbled nearly twenty meters, coming to a stop near the building sitting atop the Lookout.

Just as they were about to rise, they sensed a vast [Ki] above them. Looking up they saw Arlic with a second [Colossal Impact] prepared. The blast was five times stronger than first, they dismayed at their lack of strength, preparing for their end, they were startled by Arlic's sudden shout. "Do you possess the [Black-Star Wish Orbs] or not? After attacking me, you'd better hope your answer is, yes! You will not live past today otherwise." Kami clenched his fists, still not wanting to answer. Seeing this Mr. Popo placed a hand on Kami's shoulder. "It's all right, Kami. In the state they are in, he couldn't use them anyway, but if you still find it unwise to share this information, I will try to buy you as much time as I can. Please, use it to escape." Hearing Popo's comment, Kami had tears in his eyes, not wishing to lose his old friend, he obliged Arlic's demand.

"Yes! I possess them!" Closing his eyes Kami resolved himself to at least save Popo. As he reopened them, he saw that the energy that was previously in Arlic's hand, had vanished. The boy that was so fierce just moments ago, was now smiling brightly. "Well, that's good to know! You should take good care of those. Someone could try to steal them in the future!" With one hand on his stomach and the other outstretched beside him, Arlic bowed to the two. "Now if the two of you will excuse me, I have other things to attend too. Well fought and farewell!" Speaking these words his [Ki Signature] vanished, alongside Arlic himself. The only two left were Kami and Mr. Popo, both of whom had stupefied looks written across their faces.

Hey folks! Chapter 17 is now edited.






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