
Dragon Ball Saga: Conquest -REWRITTEN-

Waking up in a strange place, only to be sent somewhere we all wish we could go. What will a lazy man do when he finds himself in such a precarious situation? Will he become more than he was? Join along to find out! . . . . . :DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own the rights to the Dragon Ball franchise, nor anything involved with said franchise.

Endless_Crow · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 16: Sudden Arrival!

In a familiar section of the milky way, out among the stars, the confines of space began to warp and writhe, a portal appeared not long after. Through the portal, a circular golden disc covered by a translucent rad dome emerged, shortly after. Standing atop it were Arlic and his subordinates. The portal closed behind them, and with a flash of red light the [Transport Disc] shot towards a distant blue jewel shining among the stars.

The [Transport Disc] arrived near [Planet Earth] in a matter of moments, stopping behind Earth's moon. Looking at his subordinates, Arlic spoke. "Rasin, Lakasai! The two of you will begin the first phase. Do not fail me!" Arlic planned to place observation relays throughout the milky way, that way he could make certain nothing unexpected happened. He planned the same for other galaxies as well. Information was the key to forming any competent plan, because anything that could go wrong, would go wrong. [Murphy's Law] exists in all realities, that was what Arlic believed anyway, being prepared would give him a better chance at survival.

Arlic had created one last thing for both his subordinates and himself. A pitch-black ring, meant to be worn on the thumb, which he called a [Storage Ring]. It was made to function as the name implies, to spatially store objects using [Spatial Magic]. He got the idea from web-novels he read in his old life. The ring had a lot of interior space, about the size of a shipping container. Its only downside was that it couldn't hold anything living, as the space lacked oxygen. Arlic was working on that though, it required magical component he didn't yet have access to, though he was thinking of using technology to compensate.

Rasin and Lakasai both saluted, drawing small mechanical orbs out of their [Storage Clips], they prepared to get to work. Seeing this Arlic nodded his head, "Let's go!" After he spoke, Cacao and Daiz both placed their hand on his back. With two fingers pressed to his brow, Arlic and his two subordinates vanished from the [Transport Disc].


Not long after, on a large platform floating amidst a cloudless blue sky, three figures appeared from thin air. An old Namekian and a short, plump man with dark skin and a white turban on his head were startled by their sudden appearance. Watching the three stranger's approach, the Namekian stepped forward. Seeing them nearly reach his position, the Namekian spoke. "That's close enough stranger's! I am Kami, the [Guardian] this world. May I inquire your intent in coming here?" Kami knew they were not of this world, that was why he was slightly suspicious of their motives.

After Mr. Popo walked to his side, he felt slightly more at ease, he sensed these off-worlders were dangerous. Though he didn't feel much power coming from them, the youngest among them made his long-neglected fighting instincts, scream at him. He gripped his staff firmly to keep himself from shaking. While he was wondering whether they were here to cause trouble, one of them stepped forward. It was the youngest, a boy of only eight or nine years of age. He had dark spiky hair and black eyes. He wore a dark outfit mostly composed of unusual armor, with strange jewelry on his left ear. And this boy was currently smiling at Kami and Mr. Popo, his eyes tinged with an emotion akin to nostalgia.


Standing in front of Kami and Mr. Popo, Arlic had trouble maintaining his composure. Memories of his time in his old life rose to the surface of his mind. Afternoons watching Dragon Ball with his brothers, the stupid arguments they used to get into about the show. Sighing, Arlic reminded himself that his old life was over, that this was his reality now. Stepping forward he spoke, while signaling his entourage to wait where they were. Arlic had brought Cacao and Daiz because they showed amazing progress in [Ki Control]. He didn't want to draw to much attention after all. It also helped that their [Mark of Loyalty] had disappeared a few weeks ago, it meant that he could trust them to follow orders. Rasin and Lakasai still had theirs, which was why he had given them another task.

"Greetings, [Guardian of Earth]! You may call me, Arlic. My companions and I have come to your world to conduct a bit of business. Part of which involves this worlds [Wish Orbs]." Kami visibly flinched at his mention of the [Dragon Balls], holding his staff so tightly that Arlic thought it might break. Kami was clearly frustrated that he knew of the [Dragon Balls], that didn't bother Arlic though, as he had no intention of hiding why he came here.

"Allow me to be clear. We did not come with the intention of causing trouble, for you or for this world. That said…whether things remain that way is completely up to you, [Guardian]. I sought you out in order to obtain answers pertaining to questions which trouble me, so long as you answer truthfully, we will have no qualms. I also wish to make a request of you, a personal request that is. As for the [Wish Orbs], my companions will collect those now." After he said this, he withdrew his version of Bulma's [Dragon Radar] from his [Storage Ring]. Tossing it to Cacao, he spoke again. "Be certain to mark their locations before you return." Arlic looked them straight in the eyes before continuing. "Do not cause trouble for this world or its people. I trust you understand the consequences should you do so. You know your other tasks. Now, go!" Fist over heart, they saluted him, soon after, flying off at astounding speeds. Kami spoke while Arlic watched his men fly off.

"Hmm. You said you have questions, did you? I will answer. But only after you explain how you know about the [Dragon Balls], or [Wish Orbs] as you have called them." Seeing Kami relax a little, Arlic nodded. "Of course. I would be uneasy myself if you had no concerns of your own." Smiling he continued. "In short, I have used them before. On a world, far from this one. Having used them I gained immense knowledge. Now I find myself in need of them again, and as I intended to visit this world for other reasons, I decided to use its, '[Dragon Balls]' as you called them." Arlic made sure to give Kami just enough information, taking care to avoid outright lies.

"Will this answer satisfy your curiosity? If so, may we move on to my request?" Motioning towards himself, he continued. "I have precious little time to spend here, after all. I can only ask for your understanding." Arlic wanted to hurry this along. Being on the Earth for too long was dangerous, he could change something by accident. He was already taking a large risk just by gathering the [Dragon Balls], one of them was in Bulma's basement after all. He remembered that much from his old life. Though he had made himself clear to his men, that it would be best if they were not seen, that didn't mean the unexpected wouldn't happen.

Refocusing himself away from his worries, he saw Kami nod. "That will do. Though I do not completely believe your story, I acknowledge your attempt at diplomacy instead of violence. I also sense no ill will towards the Earth from you personally. Though I make no promises regarding your request, nor will I guarantee you any answers to your questions." Arlic was glad to see that Kami could understand his intent. He could have simply taken what he wanted, but that would definitely change the future. That only left him with one alternative available to him, that was playing nice. Arlic only hoped that Kami remained goodwilled after he asked his questions. He remained doubtful, though.

Chapter 16, final edit.






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