
Dragon Ball: Heroes’ Academia

It's been five whole years since the defeat of the terrifying Cell at the hands of the half-Saiyan child, Son Gohan. Of course, due to the loss of footage, the world was mislead to believe that Hercule Satan was the one to vanquish the being in the place of All Might's absence. Now, the young warrior was accepted into UA's hero course. Read along as we see Gohan make new friends with Izuku Midoriya, Ochaco Uraraka, Tenya Iida, Ejiro Kirishima and more. Makes new rivalries with Katsuki Bakugou and Shoto Todoroki. Learn about his fathers past with non other than All Might himself. Fight off against the league of villains and swears to take down Shigaraki and All For One. And finds a love interest. This the story on how Gohan and Deku became the worlds greatest heroes. Takes place before the Buu Saga. To be honest, if this were a thing, then it would be such a massive arc that it will need it's own show. (The Original Author Discontinued this Story)

kazumadesu · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

The Start of A Legend

The Quirk. Something the media and those in Japan call whenever a new power shows up. Several years ago, a baby was born with the first Quirk. Then, like a fire in the middle of a forest, it began to spread until over half the population in one side of the world had quirk-powered individuals. Due to the amount of damage caused by irresponsible quirk users, a new system was placed to register other quirk users. The Police Force were forced to prioritize leadership and maintain the quirk quo, deciding against the use of Quirks in their department. To fill this void, crime fighting Quirk users, also known as Heroes, were created. Thanks to Heroes, the crime rate had dropped exponentially, and thus the goal to become the next hero was made.

"Oh my god, those people are still in the bus!" A reporter on TV said in dread as the camera showed video of a bus on its side, slowly burning up. Bangs could be heard from inside the vehicle as firefighters tried desperately to put it out.

"Hang on, I think…...is that All Might?!"

"HA HA HA HA HA!" Coming from the side of the bus was an extremely large man with a very tall and overly-muscular figure. His design resembles a typical western comic book superhero. He has short blonde hair with two distinct bangs that stand up over his head. His hair casts a dark shadow over his face, hiding everything but his deep blue eyes. His costume costume consisted of a skin-tight blue bodysuit decorated with a red symbol that somewhat resembles a "Y". The symbol is designed with a white diamond at its center, with white lines connected to it that trace from his chest to his back shoulders. The lines were trimmed with the aforementioned red symbol. The symbol appeared to have wings on the sides that ran from atop his torso before ending around his back. Over his back was a similar red and white design absent of the white diamond. Large white patches with red trims covered each side of his hips before ending at his lower thighs. He wore a gold belt that had a silver buckle with red eyes. His forearm sleeves were colored in gold that each had white lines covered in blue accents over his wrists. He had spiked fins on the sides of his arms and his feet were covered in shin-length gold boots trimmed with white and red accents. On his back and under his arms were the survivors of the crash.

"Look, he's got them!"

"HA HA HA HA HA! Fear not citizens, help has arrived!" All Might gave his usual grin. "Because I am here!"

"Wow, he's so awesome!" A young, cheery male voice called out while staring into the TV. The speaker was a young male that looked to be seven with spiky black, unkempt hair and matching eyes. His attire consisted of a purple shirt with matching pants, a sleeveless blue vest with japanese symbols on them and black shoes. The young boy continued to watch the news report with glee. "Man, being a hero is so cool."

"Hey Goten, what'cha watching sport?" An older, much mature voice asked the boy curiously. The speaker was a male in his late teens with pale skin, spiky black hair with a single bang over his right eye and matching eyes. He wore a white button down shirt with a black vest over it, brown pants and black dress shoes. In his hands was a pile of books, each with different subjects to learn from and on his left hips was a yellow book bag.

"All Might just saved a bunch of people from a fire, check it out!" Raising a brow, the older siblings looked at the TV as the hero All Might was being interviewed.

"All Might, that was the eleventh rescue you did this month, how does that make you feel?"

"As long as the innocent are safe, that is all the thanks I need. As I tell all my fans at home, remember these words." All Might then flexed his muscles and smiled proudly. "Go beyond…..PLUS ULTRA!"

"He's the coolest superhero ever Gohan, I wish I could meet him!" Goten stood up while standing high and proud, putting his hands on his hips while grinning like All Might. "Plus Ultra!" This got a laugh from his older brother.

"That's the spirit bro, but try not to hurt yourself, kay?"

"GOHAN!" A voice could be heard outside of the house, calling for the older sibling. Putting his books down, Gohan ran out of the house before seeing a woman, wearing a yellow uniform with a purple cloth tied on the back with all of her black hair put into a bun and white Chinese earrings.

"Yeah mom, what's up?" The woman, now known as Gohan's mother Chi-Chi, looked at her eldest son with a smile.

"Don't forget to drop off your enrollment forms for Orange star High, okay dear." Nodding, the teenage reached into his bookbag before showing a letter inside with a red seal with the letters Orange Star on the front.

"Got it mom. I'll go drop it off right now."

"And don't forget to come home by 6. I'm making Beef Stew." Chi-Chi couldn't help but giggle at the excited look on her son's face. He almost acted like a more mature version of her beloved husband, Goku.

"I won't, promise. Nimbus!" Coming from the sky was a small yellow cloud, which had a yellow streak leaking from its back, flying next to Gohan like a loyal pet. He quickly jumped on Nimbus before waving at his mother with a smile. "Bye mom!" With that, Gohan was sent flying on top of Nimbus, flying at supersonic speed. A soft smile crept on Chi-Chi's face as she saw her son disappear behind the clouds.

I wonder…..if U.A will accept him. What am I saying? He's mine and Goku's son. Of course they'll accept him! Now if you are a Dragon Ball fan, you would know how much Chi-Chi pushed her eldest son so he could get a job as a lawyer or some profession, unlike his father, who was a jobless fighter(though she still loved him with all her heart.) But after what happened with Goku five years ago, and the arrival of Goten, she began to mellow out, not being as stricted with Gohan's studies as she used to be, especially with her second child. Plus with the increased demand for heroes, she thought it was a good opportunity for her son to not only honor his father's memory, but to also get a good job.

Man, I wonder if U.A will accept me. I bet dad would be proud. Gohan thought, the long flight to West City gave him time to contemplate what happened in the past few years. Krillin was able to to marry Android 18 and even have a daughter(which is still a shocker), Vegeta was actually willing to stay with Bulma and his son Trunks, even Yamcha was trying to make it big as the next baseball star. But the thing that stuck to his mind was Goten, his first and only sibling. When his mom told him the good news, he was beyond happy, but also sad as it was his arrogance as a Super Saiyan two that made Cell self destruct, resulting in his father teleporting him off world and ultimately sacrificing himself. Chi-Chi told him that it wasn't his fault and even Goku told him he was proud, but that event still stuck to his mind like glue. Shaking off his thoughts, Gohan noticed a large city bustling several miles away. While he did apply for U.A high, he still chose to apply for Orange Star High School since it was closer, though he was still hoping to get into the hero school. "Okay, take us down Nimbus." Though it couldn't speak, Nimbus compiled and slowly flew Gohan down, into an empty alleyway to draw out any suspicions. The son of Goku jumped of the cloud before petting it. "I can walk from here. You go hide somewhere and I'll call you when it's time to go, kay?" With that, Gohan walked out of the alleyway, looking at his watch. "Hmmm, they should still be opened now, but better not take any chances." Looking left and right, Gohan smiled as he got into a runner's position. "Turbo Speed!" Not even a second after saying those words, Gohan ran at a speed that would make any Lamborghini jealous. As he ran, a red muscle car stopped as the passengers turned their heads in shock. They looked at each other, trying to figure out what the hell they just say, but they just pretend nothing happened and drove off. 'Come on, I can make it, I can make-'


Gohan stopped running when he heard several shots on the left. Stopping, he turned to see several armed thugs exiting a bank with a large sack of cash over their shoulders. The robbers continued to fire their automatic machine guns at the police, who were forced to take cover behind their cars. "You just try and stop us!" One of the robbers yelled as he continued to pour lead into the cop car, damaging it even more. A police officer tried to poke his head out, only to pull back as more bullets came his way.

"Try this out!" One of the robbers, a man with a beard-mustache combo dropped his gun from the front of their pickup truck before extending his arm, causing it to transform into a missile, much to everyone's horror. With a smirk, he fired it at the police car, causing it to explode as the officers were sent flying. "Man I love superpowers!"

"Great, another batch of crooks, and one of them is a Quirk user." With a sigh, Gohan put down his book bag behind some bushes before looking around and fortunately, no one was staring at him. "Guess this is a good a time as any to practice being a hero, but I better go Super Saiyan so no one will recognize me." With one last check, Gohan hardened his eyes and in a quick flash of light, his jet black hair turned blonde and his eyes turned teal, showing that he was now a Super Saiyan.

"Is this the best you got? I bet even the Heroes would put up a better fight than you pigs!"

"Shut it James!" The missile Quirk user gave his ally a glare. "Don't you dare jinx us now." He however, failed to notice the son of the strongest warrior on Earth leaping in the air before he delivered a solid in the jaw, sending James flying. None of the thugs had to time to react as Gohan slammed his fist on another one, making him crash on the ground.

"Huh, who's that?"

"That looks like a Hero!"

"Finally, we're saved!"

"But isn't he a bit young?" Gohan calmly landed on the back of the robber's pickup truck.

"You little…...EAT LEAD!" Another robber, angry at his friends getting hurt, aimed his machine gun at Gohan before firing. However, much to his and everyone else's shock, the half Saiyan began catching each and every bullet, all while giving his usual glare. After unloading about 50 rounds, the robber stepped back in shock as Gohan opened his left hand, allowing the bullets he caught to fall on the truck. All the robber could do was squeal in fear as Gohan kicked him hard on the face, sending him flying off the truck.

"H-he's a monster!"

"Then what are you waiting for idiot? DRIVE!" The two remaining robbers put the pedal to the metal in an attempt to drive away from this Golden warrior. However, the Quirk user wasn't going to leave without leaving a present. "Hey Asshole, taste this!" Opening the window, the Robber turned his arm into a missile before firing it at Gohan. The citizens began to yell at him to move, but he simply stood calmly while extending his right hand.

…...and then…..he did it.

"HAAAAAAAAAA!" Suddenly, a burst of wind escaped Gohan's hand, not only destroying the missile but also causing the truck to crash on the road.

'I…...hate…...Heroes." Were the last words of the Quirk user before he and his ally were knocked out cold. Those who watched the one sided fight began to mutter about how powerful the strange Hero was. However, just as they were about to thank him…...he was gone. Like he didn't even exist.

"Man, that was close." After finishing up with the robbers, Gohan quickly moved out of sight in order to avoid any unwanted attention. He knew if he was going to U.A he would need to put himself out there, but at the moment he was gonna stay hidden. "Well, better drop off my application before anything else happens." As he continued to walk towards the High School, Gohan failed to notice a small rustle in the bushes as a camera lens popped out, an image of an eye with a line going up and three under it was inside as it followed his every move.

'Sometime later'

"Man, I am glad they were still open." Gohan said to himself while walking through the streets of West City. Thanks to his act of heroism, he was almost late to drop off an application for Orange Star, though he didn't regret helping innocent people. It kinda reminded him of when he and Krillin saved Dende on Namek, and that alone made him feel good. Normally he would've called Nimbus to pick him up, but he decided to just take a walk, maybe grab a bite to eat(condolences to restaurants who go out of business cause of Saiyans and their bottomless appetite.) The oldest son of Goku turned the corner before noticing a familiar dome-shaped building not too far away, making him smile a bit. "Hmm, I guess I do have some time to spare. Might as well go see how Bulma and Trunks are." It had been a while since Gohan had visited one of his oldest friends, apart from birthdays and other celebrations. Bulma Briefs, the youngest daughter of the Briefs, the creators of Capsule Corp one of the largest companies in the world. No matter how many times he saw the building, he still couldn't help but smile. Walking through the front gateway, he entered the large building.

"LOOK OUT!"...only for a ball to be thrown his way. Luckily, Gohan was able to catch it with his left hand. "Gohan!" Looking down, the black haired male smiled as he saw a young man with azure hair, tan skin and blue eyes staring up at him with a big smile. He wore a green jacket, blue shorts and matching pants.

"Trunks! Nice kick." Gohan then threw the ball back at Trunks, who caught it while grinning sheepishly.

"Sorry bout that. I was practicing some soccer and I guess I kicked it too hard. So, are you here to play?" Ever since he was born, Trunks had always seen Gohan as a kind of big brother figure as they would play whenever he visited. Despite being the son of one of the richest families in the world, Trunks was bored of being alone.

"I'm just here to see how you guys are. Plus I dropped my papers off for Orange Star High a while ago. Say, where's your mom?"

"She's working on something in the lab. Come on." Both half Saiyans began to walk through the long hallways of Capsule Corp. "You hungry? I can get you something to eat."

"No thanks kiddo. Plus my mom might kill me if I eat before dinner." Trunks simply nodded, knowing how scary angry moms were. As the two neared the laboratory, they could hear the sound of a blowtorch against metal echo through the halls. Taking a right, the two were greeted with the sight of a person, wearing a green dress and metal mask as they continued to meld the metal on what looked like an engine.

"Hey mom, Gohan's here!" The mask wearing female stopped what she was doing before looking up to see her son and a familiar person standing behind him.

"Gohan, aren't you a sight for sore eyes." the speaker removed their mask, allowing their blue hair to be seen. This was Bulma Briefs, mother of Trunks and scientist of Capsule Corp, as well as an old friend of Gohan's father.

"Hey Bulma, what'cha working on?"

"Nothing too major, I'm just trying to see if I can upgrade this engine so it doesn't waste too much fuel while also keeping its speed the same. What about you? Hat are you doing here?" Reaching into her pocket, Bulma pulled out a cigarette and lighter before turning it on, sucking in some of the smoke.

"Well, I actually just finished dropping off my application for Orange Star."

"Orange Star huh." The blue haired woman blew out some smoke before raising a brow at Gohan. "Your mom told me you were trying to get into U.A High. Did something come up?"

"Well, not exactly." Gohan smiled while rubbing the back of his head. "I just thought I'd try other schools in case U.A doesn't accept me. I mean they DO have a lot of people applying each year."

"But not all of them can take down aliens and Androids, am I right?" This got a nervous chuckle from Gohan as Bulma smiled. "But don't worry Gohan, I'm sure you'll get into that school, no problem."

"Yeah, and just imagine how cool it would be to fight as a hero, just like All Might." If it wasn't obvious, both Trunks and Goten were huge fans of the bulky superhero, despite knowing some powerful people themselves. "When I grow up, I'm gonna be a Hero and beat All Might, then you Gohan."

"Hmm, don't waste your time with that pathetic dream son." A rough voice called out from the hallway, getting the three to turn. The speaker was a slim, yet well-built man that was shorter than Gohan with upward spiky black hair and matching eyes. He wore a blue tank top with white pants and matching shoes. The man crossed his arms while glancing at them. "With your training, you will be far stronger than any of these 'Heroes' ever were."

"Oh hey Vegeta, haven't seen you in a long time." The Prince of Saiyans simply looked at Gohan.

"Do you truly wish to become a Hero? Though you are above the humans of this planet, you still lack the power to surpass me or you father. A true warrior should be ready, even in times of peace" With that, Vegeta walked away.

Man, Vegeta hasn't changed at all. All Gohan did was sweatdrop while laughing a bit nervously.

"Don't mind him. He's just dead set on making Trunks stronger than you."

"W-well, isn't that nice." Looking at his watch, Gohan noticed it was five till five. "Woah, look at the time! I better get going."

"Okay, tell Chi-Chi I said hi." Nodding, Gohan quickly ran out of the room, but not before Trunks called him out.

"Hey Gohan!" Said person stopped to look at his friend, who smiled while sticking out his fist. "Promise you'll be the best Hero ever." With a smile of his own, Gohan stuck his own fist out before leaving.

'Son house, an hour later'

Over the cool winds of Mount Paozu, a yellow cloud could be seen flying down, more specifically near a small hut. Gohan was riding the Flying Nimbus with a relaxed smile, happy t be home before it was too late. Plus…...he was actually getting a bit hungry, and that's saying a LOT. The yellow cloud stopped just a few feet from the ground, allowing Gohan to jump off without worry of hurting himself. "Thanks Nimbus, I'll see you tomorrow." With that, the cloud flew away as Gohan walked towards his home.

Promise you'll be the best Hero ever. Trunks' words echoed through Gohan's mind as he clenched his right hand.

I know I promised Trunks I'd be a great Hero, but I still don't know if they accepted me. He thought before scratching his head. At least he had a solid plan B. He reached out and opened the door….only to see his mouth and Goten looking at the floor with shocked faces. "Mom, Goten?" Both mother and brother perked up at the familiar voice as they turned to see Goha standing in the doorway with a confused expression.

"Gohan!" Chi-Chi tried to stand up….only to accidently slip on the ground.

"Mom?!" Gohan quickly rushed to his mother's side and helped her to the table. "What's wrong?" Taking a few deep breaths, Chi-Chi reached into her pocket before showing it to Gohan. The black haired teen widened his eyes in shock at what his mom was holding.

"It came in the mail two hours ago."

"I wanted to open it, but mom wouldn't let me." Goten said with a cute pout.

"Like I told you, it's for your brother to open." Chi-Chi said in a matter-of-fact tone. What she was holding was a letter with a seal that had the initials U.A in red. Gohan couldn't believe it, they actually sent him a letter. Was it to accept him, or were they rejecting him? The possibilities were endless. "Go ahead son, open it." With an audible gulp, Gohan grabbed either side of the letter before tearing it open. However, rather than a letter, a small round device fell out of it, bouncing on the table.

"Huh? What's that?" Goten grabbed the device before examining it.

"Do you think they sent the wrong thing?" Chi-Chi looked at Gohan with concern, knowing how much he wanted to be a hero. However, before they could do anything…

"HA HA HA HA!" Everyone jumped in shock as the TV suddenly turned on, revealing All Might in a business suit and tie.

"Goten, what did I tell you about turning on the TV?!"

"But it wasn't me!"

"If it wasn't you…." Gohan took a minute to ponder before his eyes widened as he took the device off his brother's hands. "Then it must've been this."

"Do not fear citizen, I am a projection!" All Might shouted from the TV. "I have come to inform you of your application into U.A High, Son Gohan. Not only that…..BUT I'M ALSO GOING TO BE IN U.A AS A TEACHER!"

"No way, All Might's gonna be there?!" Chi-Chi quickly shushed Goten as they kept listening.

"Because of your amazing application, we at U.A High have decided it would be best if you came to our school. Fly high and fight for the innocent, and show the world who you truly are!" There were multiple reactions to the video: Goten was thrusting his fists high in the air, Chi-Chi was crying tears of joy and Gohan…..just stood there, looking at the video message in pure shock. While he wasn't doubting his skills, he was worried there wouldn't be any space for him. "One week from today, there will be a written and practical exam. Please, study hard and remember: go beyond…...PLUS ULTRA!" After that, the video ended as the device shut down.

"Oh Gohan, I'm so proud of you!" Chi-Chi embraced her son, with Goten jumping in as well.

"Gohan, you're gonna be a real hero!"

"Yeah…...I guess I am." A proud smile grew on Gohan's face. That day, he knew….he was gonna be a Hero.

'Unknown location'

Far from West City, inside a dark room filled with multiple monitors was a person, typing on a computer, their glasses covered with the reflection of light in order to hide their identity. Just then, the person stopped when a mail icon appeared on their computer. Moving the mouse, they clicked it, only to see a message by the Username: Scipio.

"Look what I found." The message read as a video, showing Gohan turning Super Saiyan, taking down the robbers from before. Licking their lips, the figure began to type on the keyboard before hitting send.

"Are you sure that's him?" After a few minutes, they got a response.

"The amount of energy he gave off, it's definitely his son."

"Good." The figure said while smiling.