
Dragon Ball Genesis (rework)

A boy got reincarnated as goku. Warning this is a wish fulfilment story. Although the main character will not be busted at the beginning he will be the fourth strongest character by the end of the story(behind two Zeno and Grand priest) Slow harem. Most characters will not have a romantic interaction until they have at least 30 chapters of screen time with a few exceptions.R18 chapters are absent until goku reaches the age of 16 in the story (age of consent in my area) Not I do not own the art. If the artist wants to take it down just notify me in the comments. Much appreciated.

Feverflow · Anime & Comics
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136 Chs

Chapter 75 Grant my wishes

"I wonder where tights went off to. She didn't even see Jaco off" bulma said while she went into the house to do what she was doing at that time.

At the spaceship.

"How long is it going to take to reach namek."

Goku asked Jaco.

"Around five days."

Jaco replied.

"I should have brought more books." goku said.

"You can read my book if you want to"

A voice appears out of nowhere causing Jaco to scream because of terror,

"Ahhhhh ghost"

He yelled out.

"It's only me you scary cat"

Tights appear behind the two as she wanted to tag along as she need new materials for her book. So she sneaks in before goku and Jaco notice.

Although goku knows about her little plan as he was able to sense living beings with his ki sense but he decided not to tattletale as he has no reason to.

"Ok what are we doing "

She asked.

"We are going to namek and wish for our friends back with the Dragon Balls," Jaco replied to tights. Goku was now too absorbed in reading the book.

As Frieza still does not know Dragon balls and nobody who can threaten them not searching for it goku and the gang reached namek without any problems.

Tights yelled out in joy as she started to see land after travelling for many days. She started to get bored with Jaco's spaceship doesn't have anything to entertain her when she is bored. And she didn't have any knowledge about Goku's lineage and if she does she might be a little more entrails during the journey.

The friendly namekians started to wave their hands at goku and friends as they reached the planet. Namekians are a very friendly race so they were not worried about the outsiders trying to harm them and if they did they have to get past him first. The strongest warrior on the planet namek nail.

"The Grand elder wanted to know why you are here" the warrior who was wearing a blue shirt and white pants asked. He has green skin and he somehow resembles the appearance of piccolo but has two antennas on his forehead that are many times longer than piccolo setting them apart.

"We are here to ask you a favour. Can you set us the meeting with the grand Elder guru"

Goku replied politely.

Making Jaco and tights shocked as unlike bulma they have never seen this side of him.

Goku has trust issues carried from his former life and has a personality disorder causing him to behave in ways that he might not normally have under the influence of intense emotions.

"Come I will request for you to meet him. Wait for a few moments." nail said as he goes into a house. He then comes out after a while giving goku the green light to meet the elder.

"Come," he said.

Goku, tights and Jaco follow him to a house. There they saw a huge namekian who was sitting on a throne-like chair.

"Welcome a Saiyan and an earthling," the grand elder said.

"Of course, he ignored me" Jaco whispered in disappointment but unknown to him he was starting to get used to it.

"We are hoping to use the dragon balls to resurrect our dead allies." goku said while looking at the grand elder.

"Death is something that falls upon all of us. Dragon ball for us represents hopes for us. They are the symbol of wisdom and power. Do you want to use them in this manner?" the elder said. There is no anger or malicious intent in his words they are just curiosity and sorrow.

"Our friends were killed by a namekian" goku said making nail and guru shocked.

"If that's the case I will help you get your wish little one. Come near me for a second " the elder told goku.

He then placed his hand on his hand and read Goku's mind. Goku was able to learn how to conceal his past with the help of baba so the guru didn't find out about his previous life. Instead, he saw what goku experienced during his adventures and was impressed by the boy so he decided to give him another gift.

Goku begins to feel the power flowing inside his body as his latent potential was being unlocked. His base power skyrocketed as he feels like he was reborn again.

"So the child of Katka's is still alive."He said.

"What a pity he was corrupted by the darkness. I wish there was a way that I can help him" he said as he sheds a single tear from his eyes.

"Very well. I will ask nail to inform others about the dragon balls. In exchange can you fulfil my one request "

The Grand elder saw Goku's false super Saiyan power from his memories so he thought that making his favour to him won't be such a bad idea.

"Can you take my youngest children dende to earth to become the Guardian for the dragon balls?"

Sorry about the late chapter. I was at my grandmother’s house to get some of my stuffs. So yeah enjoy the chapter and see you in the next one.

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