
Dragon Ball Gaming System

Waking up I look at my self and I have green spots all over my body. Two wings and a sting tail. Luke: hmm looks I am like Cell’s that case I need to reach my perfect form

Jacksama52 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 14

Emma POV

I got on the stage ready to fight. My opponent was already on the stage he did not look tough. We both got into our fighting stance.

The match started and I rushed towards him and sent a punch. He barely dodged it and tried horizontally to kick me. I ducked and caught his leg. He started panicking and tried to free my grip on his leg. I just charged a ki blast and shoot it at his face.

I then sent a barrage of punches to him which he could not dodge. I then kicked him on the stomach and he went flying. He landed outside the ring and was injured. I finished the fight with a valley of ki blasts that rained down on him.

Luke POV

The fight was not that interesting but I still look forward to the next fight.

Emma POV

The announcer called for the next fighters to enter the stage. I went towards the stage. Arriving there I saw my opponent was a buff kid with black spiky hair. He noticed me and looked at me in distain.

Ben: Little girl you better give up before someone gets hurt. Just because you are a girl does not mean that I will go easy on you.

I was a little angry and said

Emma: Bring it on punk I will beat you so bad your mom won't recognise you.

He just smirked and took his fighting stance. The announcer started the match and I turned Super Saiyan. He was shocked but then he also turned Super Saiyan shocking me. I rushed towards him and punched his face. He dodged it and kicked me. I blocked with my arm but the force still sent me flying.

I got up and charged at him. We started exchanging blows.

Luke POV

Cooler and I watched as Emma and Ben began fighting. They were pretty much even but Ben held the advantage as his power level in Super Saiyan was still more then Emma.

They started exchanging blows and even though it looked like they were even Ben was slowly gaining the advantage.

Emma POV

This is bad it is obvious that he had the advantage. I wanted to turn Super Saiyan 2 but the energy consumption rate is too high at most I can only hold it for ten minutes but as things are I am losing. I dodged his punch and kicked him back while jumping back my self.

Emma: It its do or die.

I then started charging, the nearby tiles started floating and the wind started blowing harshly. I then turned SSJ2. Lightning surrounded me as my hair grew longer. I rushed towards my opponent who was still shocked. I started punching and kicking him. He did not stand a chance and afterwards lost conscious. I sigh in relief and powered down to my base.

Luke POV

Luke: Lord Cooler she looks promising how about I train her it can also help mastering my Golden Form.

Cooler: Do as you please

I jumped down the room in which we were sitting and went towards Emma.

Emma POV

I was approached by a tall alien wearing a clock. He arrived in front of me. I took my fighting stance.

Emma: Who are you oh wait I remember you are that pervert who was staring at me so intensely.( Author: No matter how you look at it a man in a clock starring at a woman is bond to raise suspicion )What do you want with me.

I asked my voice dripping with venom.

Luke POV

I was shocked when I heard that she called me a pervert sure my choice of clothes is a little suspicious and creepy but still and the staring thing in order for my Observation to work I need to stare intently at someone.

Luke: * cough* cough*Congratulations you are now part of the Cooler force. Pack your things we are leaving soon.

I left afterwards feeling a bit embarrassed. I was supposed to be the mysterious badass MC instead I was mistaken as a perverted creep maybe I should have worn something less suspicious.

I arrived at the space ship and left a clone there. I then teleported to a random planet and planted the seed from the tree of might. I made a sealing array with magic before I teleported back to the ship.