
Dragon Ball Gaming System

Waking up I look at my self and I have green spots all over my body. Two wings and a sting tail. Luke: hmm looks I am like Cell’s that case I need to reach my perfect form

Jacksama52 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 13

Luke POV

A week later

In a few minutes we will be reaching the planet Cooler owns. In this past week I have been practicing my 5th form. I managed to master the form completely. Also I managed to build the bloodswave machine that can help me with SSJ4. I walk into the commending centre and saw a red planet.

Luke: Wait that's planet Vegeta so Cooler owns this planet also. I don't think Cooler will destroy planet Vegeta because of how strong he is he does not need to worry about a measly SSJ when he has Golden Form.

Emma POV ( 1 week ago )

Apparently Lord Cooler is coming to our planet and the King organised a event. It is a tournament and who ever wins can join the Cooler force. I was excited as this is a dream of every Saiyan.

The Cooler Force are among the strongest in the universe. To be chosen is a great honour.

Emma: Okay the tournament starts in one week I need to train until I am ready.

With that I went inside the training room to train for the next week.

1 week later

I trained my Super Saiyan in these past days. I also managed to gain access to a new form which is Super Saiyan 2. Apparently I am the only person that has accessed this form as nobody on Planet Vegeta has ever made it past normal Super Saiyan.

With this I am confident that I can, no I will win the tournament. I flew towards the public arena. This is not the first time we held a tournament like this. I arrived there to see that it is crowded with people who are signing in. There was two lines so I chose one of them and stood there.

Eventually it was my turn and I signed up for the tournament and went towards the room where we all wait. The Prelims will start soon. They said that Lord Cooler will watch the finals and decide who will join his ranks.

The following fights were too easy as I was stronger then them even in my base. I reached the finals along with some other older kids.

Luke POV

We landed on the planet and got out. I decided the be mysterious and wore a black clock and I also turned into my 2nd form. The clock hides most of my body and covers my face only letting my red eyes show which shines. Cooler looked at my choice of clothing in confusion before he shrugged.

Before leaving I checked my status

Name: Luke

Age: ???( depends on his current form )

PL: 200 billion


Frost Demon forms

Final Form x2( PL: 400 billion )

5th Form x80( PL: 16 trillion )

Saiyan Transformations

Ikari x25( PL: 5 trillion )

Mastered Super Saiyan

x100( PL: 20 trillion )

Super Saiyan 2 x200( PL: 40 trillion )

Super Saiyan 3 x400( PL: 80 trillion )

Super Saiyan Ikari x2500( PL: 500 trillion )

Mastered Legendary Super Saiyan x5000( PL: 1 quadrillion )

Also during these last few days I have been experimenting on my self. In one of these experiments I found out that my energy core was some how damaged so I that is why I ran out of energy even though I am supposed to have infinite energy.

I of course fixed it with my clones who were doing the surgery. I managed to fix it. I think that the energy core was damaged as I was travelling through dimensions.

Me and Cooler made our way to the VIP room to watch the tournament that Cooler told me about. I was curious of this timeline and how strong the Saiyans are. We arrived at the VIP room and sat down. The tournament announcer said that they will be 4 fights.

The first fight was between and normal looking Saiyan and a buff Saiyan. The buff one looked like Nappa except he had spiky hair.

Before the fight started I said while looking at the buff saiyan.

Luke: Observe

Name: Ben

Age: 15

PL: 4 billion

Saiyan Transformations

Super Saiyan x50( PL: 200 billion )

Ben is a elite saiyan who was train by his dad who is one of the Kings royal guards. He achieved Super Saiyan a few months ago.

Luke: This guy in SSJ is as strong as my base form.

Ben rushed at the saiyan as soon as the battle started. This match was one sided and obviously Ben won. The next fight was a girl and a boy. I could sense that the girl was stronger so I observed her status

Name: Emma

Age: 15

PL: 3 billion

Saiyan Transformations

Super Saiyan x50( PL: 150 billion )

Super Saiyan 2 x200( PL: 600 billion )

Legendary Super Saiyan x5000( PL: 15 trillion )

Emma is a elite saiyan inspired to be the strongest saiyan so her parents can be proud of her. She is also the Legendary Super Saiyan of this timeline and has recently achieved Super Saiyan 2.

My eyes widened as I saw that this girl has the LSSJ bloodline and on top of that she already achieved SSJ2.

Luke: Maybe this won't be as boring as I thought it would.