
Dragon's Blood, Wolf's Hide

Join Jon snow as he tries to figure out his bloodline and how it will help him in the days to come with the help of tracker per say. He's not the timid boy who will leave for the wall, he will be the the one who can save Westeros from the doom that awaits it. I do not own the cover art, if you'd like it down, just let me know. I do not own any of the game of throne series or its characters, creations. This is purely for reader enjoyment. Please do understand, this is a no harem fan fiction.

BBQChickenAlertBB · TV
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44 Chs

Lion's fall

Time moves slower now, as his blood pumped, the world only went so fast when he wanted. Jon scanned the line of shields and spears repelling the swarm of mercenaries and Lannister forces. A quick glance to the sides of the opening field and Jon could see arrows hailing and striking true on their target's blind side while his griffon riders charged deep into the second line of enemies. Thoroughly breaking all semblance of a formation and raising panic in his opposition. Seeing this, Jon looked forward and smiled, seeing a surprise.

Jaime fought with his guards, he thought he was safe behind the army but the North's cavalry, or should he say Jon's cavalry, came in with devastating effect. Trying to fend off the swarm with little success, he ordered a retreat of his men leaving the mercenaries to hold off Winter's main force. He knew Jon went by house Frotstmourn but after hearing lord Winter so long, he just knew the lad as such. Shaking his head while he spurred his horse between trees to clear his useless thoughts and focus. Just behind him were a dozen fellow compatriots, all of which were being taken down one by one.

The horses were easily spooked by the griffon's and losing control of your mount while fleeing was the worst possible situation you could have. Gritting his teeth, Jaime tried to go faster and faster as he broke past the last tree to another clearing thanking the seven before his smile turned into a sad laugh. In front of him was a giant of a shadowed looking figure with little to no presence if not for being alone on an open field and slowly raising his giant longbow till pointing directly at Jaime. A cold sweat started as Jaime's heart began to pound, a rhythmic thudding that hurt his chest by how scarred this man made him feel. Like a cold knife in the night as you sleep, Jaime thought. As the bow string was pulled back, Jaime brought up his shield hoping to protect himself enough so the archer before him wouldn't have a good chance.

Like a sudden gust of wind, Jaime felt something was wrong as his hairs stood up just to peak over his shield in horror. The arrow was released and wasn't aimed at him, as he could tell from the arrow protruding from his horse's eye. Like a crashing ship upon the rocks, his horse jerked before the momentum carried them forward before rolling and stopping in a horrified fashion. Jaime was bleeding from his head, his shoulder didn't feel right, and he couldn't feel the left side of his face. With his vision still fuzzy in and out of consciousness, Jaime saw how his dozen guards stopped in between the dark giant walking steadily and almost hypnotic fashion towards them.

Hearing only his guards yelling and hearing nothing else from every encroaching figure, the crippled lion started to make out a slight description of his assailant. A black and brown rustic looking cloak with a hood to match, and a face mask clearly made out of some type of reinforced leather or something else sturdy. The hardened and reinforced hide or maybe leather armor, Jaime couldn't quite tell from just his vision alone. The longbow now strapped to his back in some fashion and now holding a blackened tinted sword of unknown make or origin that brought dread to Jaime. He started to try and crawl away slowly as the man came closer to his guards till time seemed to speed up in a few seconds of time.


Rolon walked forward and with a heavy hand but quick reflexes parried the first overhead strike before kicking the man to his left in his knee breaking it with a loud snap! Quickly drawing his dagger, he jabbed his sword forward through the throat of the man trying to recover his stance of his earlier strike before Rolan disengaged and parried another horizontal slash. Using the momentum he ripped the sword free, tearing through the side of the poor man's neck and swinging his sword with the added force at his now defenseless attacker taking off his head in a swift clean motion. Seeing three of them go down one after the other, four grabbed their crossbows while the remaining five charged forward each with sword in hand. Two dropped before ever reaching him with a throwing knife in their throats before Rolon grabbed his dagger with his left hand again.

A flurry of motion ensued as he dodged a upwards slash going right before having to jump over a low horizontal slash at his left. Slashing downwards, a man's scream could be heard has his sword hand fell to the ground before Rolon barely parried a thrust with his dagger and riposting in a fashion that his dagger looked like it slithered along the blade before cutting over the man's forearm all the way to his shoulder. As Rolon took in his first breath, he swiveled his momentum to lean backward narrowly avoiding the crossbolt that was aimed for his throat before eyeing the now more Immedient tasks. While he was used to assassination and one vs one fights, he had the ability to take on multiple opponents just not as much as the others. Seeing as a ranged attacker was involved now raised his danger sense and screamed for his instincts to take over and retreat into the shadows but he rejected it.

Instead of fleeing like he was trained to do, he sprinted forward only for the man he just cut from wrist to shoulder to tackle him with all the strength he had. While he wasn't able to topple Rolon over, it brought the Crossbowmen to aim and ready their shot. Seeing the bolts incoming, Rolon jabbed his dagger into the collarbone of the man attached to him before raising the said man up to be a pin cushion. Four bolts jutted into the man's flesh as he gurgled blood and questioned his actions as his life faded from his serious injuries.

"Fuck you demon!"

Another swordsman rushed forward behind Rolon only to get a mule kick to his nether regions as he crumpled to the ground. Throwing the dead weight aside, Rolon continued sprinting forwards frighteningly fast, scaring the ranged unit as they rushed to draw their swords in preparation. The fastest of the lot jabbed forward with his sword only to get to see Rolon twisted body as he spun forward before having the side of his neck impaled by a dagger as he kept going forward. Screams and shouts could be heard but the three men standing couldn't hold out longer than a minute while trying to prolong the fight. The one man left got up on shaky legs as he stared in horror and contemplated leaving before the demon could kill him too.

Jaime all the while only took glimpses while struggling to go between a bear crawl and jog barely able to keep his balance. Blood kept dripping but between the numbness and throbbing pain all over, he wasn't sure where it came from and knew he had to get away. Looking back, he saw how the black demon eyes glowed red before choking the life of the last man and he swore he heard the man chuckling in slight delight much to his horror. He pushed on, holding on to the memory of his children and his beloved. The thoughts were extinguished quickly with the site of the towering giant before him.

Falling to his ass, Jaime swallowed hard, seeing Jon Winter Frostmourn before him, the most feared man in Westeros. A giant wrapped in a metal but flexible suit of armor that made little to no noise and seemed to weigh nothing on him as Jon crouched next to him. It was then that he saw Jon holding something in his hand. The head of Gregor Clegane, the feared riding mountain. Even Jaime did not wish to face Gregor Clegane but to see another mountain of a man holding his head like a helm ready to wear disgusted him beyond belief.

"Ahh Jaime Lannister, you should've stayed in your filthy despot of a city and waited like the good bitch you are for me to arrive."

Hearing his words, Jaime's face flushed red for a few moments before exploding.

"Fuck you Jon, if you think you've won this war, you're sadly wrong barbarian…"

Before he could continue, Jon laughed loudly before looking Jaime in the eye.

"You know how many of you southerners have called me barbarian? I'll give you a guess, It's about as many of you that I've killed. You all act so high and mighty, and yet, you all die the same way, by me some way or another. Tie him up, and bring him back to camp."

Jaime looked at him weirdly before a dozen figures dropped from the trees and started to tie his hands and feet together. Frightened by the new arrivals, Jaime looked to the fading figure of Jon only to see the black demon walk beside him and start to converse casually. He now understood it all. Jon wasn't the only one to be afraid of, it was everyone he surrounded himself with. His Power came from a central point and spread along feeding the rest of his men. Chuckling dryly as he was hoisted and brought to the northern camp, Jaime thought that he was utterly screwed.

AN: check aux chaps for info update and upcoming in planning.

Hey everyone, hope you enjoy and please check the aux chaps as I've update that aswell. Have a wonderful day!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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