
Dragon's Blood, Wolf's Hide

Join Jon snow as he tries to figure out his bloodline and how it will help him in the days to come with the help of tracker per say. He's not the timid boy who will leave for the wall, he will be the the one who can save Westeros from the doom that awaits it. I do not own the cover art, if you'd like it down, just let me know. I do not own any of the game of throne series or its characters, creations. This is purely for reader enjoyment. Please do understand, this is a no harem fan fiction.

BBQChickenAlertBB · TV
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44 Chs

Chopping a Mountain in Half

298 AC

Traveling southward, the army he brought along halted in its tracks before a lone soldier came riding his horse fast.

"Lannister troops up ahead my lord! I counted roughly thirty thousand, maybe a little more. Possibly some mercenaries."

Hearing his words, Jon pet Ghost's head below him as he sat atop him like a mount. Then with sudden ferocity, his voice boomed out to all near him.

"Make haste! Open fields and hills lie before us and so does our first prey! Their blood will coat the soil for generations past to stomp on, their presence means nothing to us, a bunch of unsoiled welp's with no discipline or skill! We'll put the fear of a winter storm into these southerners. They march north to defile our women, make us bend and break just so their "king", a boy who's never spilled blood and hides behind his mothers skirts can rule us? I say not! Now march!"

As that ended, Three men came on horseback next to him each imposing in their own right. One in blacked armor from head to two with a long bow on his back bigger then any longbow most people have seen. He stepped up seemingly as a shadow compared to the others. His sword at his waist and serrated dagger strapped on his chest looked almost sinister in nature along with his voice.

"My lord, I'll head uphill with my regiment of rangers as you've instructed now. We should be in position by the time the first movement of battle starts."

Looking to his side to look upon the black armored shadow, Jon nodded his head before riding forward with the two others. Both on either side of him as to his right, Silver and blue highlights from the tunic underneath resembled a hero in its glory. The winged helm along with his almost heroic aura of light and charm. Talen held his spear tightly, one made of Valyrian Steel and his blue eyes straight ahead focused on his next victim to swoop upon.

"The guy still gives me the creeps, He's the second biggest of our group and yet he's also the stealthiest, so not fair. Well I suppose it's because I'm the most handsome then…"

Seeing the side eye stare from not only Loran but also Jon, he coughed slightly remembering what they were doing as their mounts trotted and pushed ahead.

"I'll maneuver our cavalry around and flank their forces after the initial first volleys from Rolon. Remember our bet Loran."

Rushing ahead and then to their outer right flank as his white maned horse galloped away, they could see the hint of a smile creep its way onto Talen's face as he slipped his helmet on. Turning his sight to the last companion on his side, Jon eyed up Loran. His broad shouldered, masculine body evident after his years of training for his position. The grayed and hardened armor slightly buffeted from wear and tear but still well maintained to its best possible condition. His eyes showed resolve and zero hesitation as he turned to Jon.

" I'll follow your orders just as always and look for any openings to break their line. Should I expect any unknown variables in this battle?"

Jon looked forward to the sky before speaking his thoughts.

"Expect rain, and the possibility of a second force stalling one of our regiments. I don't believe even half of this army were about to face the Lannister's, too many of them. Most likely they are just rabble or mercs the Lannister's hired to wear us down so they could strike at a more opportune time."

Hearing his words, Loran grimaced before gripping his sword's handle tighter.

"Why not tell the others then? Would it not help them to know of another possible attack?"

Lorans eyes scanned his regiment, all heavy infantry, the bulwark of their military.

"Because Rolon will know soon enough and confirm it with his skills, I believe he'll either stall them long enough for us to finish or better yet, push them back with guerilla tactics. If it's Talen then I pity the opponent. He would just trample them over with our heavy cavalry regiment giving them nowhere to run to all the while laughing about it."

Hearing Jon's words made Loran wince slightly at the picture of the normally suave charming guy turning into a sadistic killing machine. Before being able to normalize his thoughts, he heard Jon's voice once more.

"I'll probably be joining this battle as well so watch for the opening."

Instantly Loran's mostly stoic face broke into a small smile before returning to his regular self. Beginning his trot towards the center of his regiment, Loran thought of everything that changed the last few months. At first it was mostly preparations and patrols but as the movements of soldiers began to increase, so did the movements of words between lords and others. Many scrolls passed through to Jon and many escaped his hands to another destination. Only a few though made his lord seem a few years older after each one.

Each time it seemed like Jon would stay in his study four hours on end trying to respond to those scrolls he would get. Seeing his lord now and remembering the boy he was, a small child dipping his toes into blood filled waters only to dive head first and come out the man he is today. He would see him lose his cool and rage overflow from him, a more beastial side that would try to consume him every time only to force it under. Returning as the man he sees today. He only wished that his lord wasn't plagued by so many choices. The right of command, of rulership, overseeing his own progress and maneuvering the complicated game of love.

Jon rode atop Ghost as they went after the heavy infantry regiment with thoughts clouding his mind. Lately he has been questioned on marriage more and more and while he settled the matter stating he would focus on it after the war, it still hounded his mind ever still. The different prospects ever reached, Alys Karstark, a fair woman who learned of honor and respect the north's traditions. Another prospect is the rumored rose of the Reach, Margaery Tyrell, a woman told of her beauty and kind nature. While many more offers have been put forth, those were the two he was currently looking forward to while having his more selfish thoughts deeper hidden in his mind.

The Dornish prince himself sent a scroll detailing a partnership and alliance between houses in exchange for basically respect a few hundred thousand gold and he would receive their support and a handful of available wives, as in more than one. The mere thought aroused him but other than that he didn't think of it much other than one simple answer. He would win this war and afterwards when everyone learns of just how powerful he is, maybe they'll wise up and offer a more suitable deal. Shaking his head to clear his unorganized thoughts, Jon focused on his current task. He thought of what he practiced for the last month with Ella and the others over the course of coming southward while securing the posts along the way.

A bright silver flame erupted in his palm before snuffing it out in his fist. Still weak considering he didn't have enough points to upgrade his new skills he gathered, but strong enough for now. It showed progress at where he thought he'd stagnated. It was true, his growth without external means was subpar at best unless he thought outside the box, and it frustrated him. He thought back to his fight with the hound and thought of how he could crush the man's head in his hand now. His previous scowl turned lighter and a smirk graced his scarred face.

Looking ahead, he could see the hill off into the distance and the plains around before the tree lines, only some puddles and bushes around. The Lannister Flags like a beacon to all who appeared. As the shield wall was formed and the men grew quiet. Jon broke past their line before shouting.

"We're here ready to fight, so stop hiding, you flea ridden house cat's!"

As he said that he raised his giant blade into the air with one arm showing his tremendous strength. Like a goliath atop a monster from the north beyond the wall, a legend appeared before the southern men. Each one thinking how such a man could be made before thinking of the man riding to their right past the tree line. That was when it happened, The neighing of horses and the clanging of metal, the screams of dying men as they saw the mountain atop his horse with his helmet off and a small cut across his face. Racing fast towards the left flank of the goliath they saw earlier yelling.

A few riders accompanied him for a few seconds before a few more riders broke the tree line, each in silver armor heavily equipped atop large beasts, each one having the head of an eagle and the body of a lion. All but missing the wings they read about coming from griffons. A story tale for children now realized in flesh and blood as they screeched and ran forward. The lead rider pulled ahead with his red tipped spear rushing beside the back riders of the mountain's party before two quick horizontal slashes accompanied by a flurry of motion unseen by their eyes leaving only four chunks of meat on the ground as the two horses galloped away.

Jon looked at the incoming riders impassively before turning their direction and lowering his blade downward. Watching all this, Jaime rushed forth with his contingent of men thanking the gods that he didn't choose to accompany the mountain seeing the monster riders decimating them thoroughly. Riding past the tree line and turning sharply so he can circle around, he strained his vocals so the army could hear him.

"Charge! Attack now!"

Hearing his words the force opposite of Jon started to rush forward more organized then most but still sloppy in the eyes of the men they were facing. The mountain takes this opportunity to rush forward at Jon with reckless abandon as he raises his sword before swinging down hard. Turning his gaze to take hold of the whole situation he rotated his wrist as to have his palm outward while holding his blade before swinging upward with so much force that the ground cracked slightly and dust stirred up around him. The Giant sword clashed against the Mountain's blade before cutting through it and continuing onward. The whole motion lasted a couple seconds at most and yet as the horse stopped right past Jon, the Mountain's upper body slid off his horse and dropped to the ground stumping the Lannister forces.

"Make them bleed…"

Hope you enjoy, Last chance, who will be his wife. WIll he have a mistress or two? give me ideas and let my darkness mold them into reality so they can shine in the light for all of you to see. Hope you have a wonderful day!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

check out the auxiliary chapters as new info has been updated.

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