
Dragon's Blood, Wolf's Hide

Join Jon snow as he tries to figure out his bloodline and how it will help him in the days to come with the help of tracker per say. He's not the timid boy who will leave for the wall, he will be the the one who can save Westeros from the doom that awaits it. I do not own the cover art, if you'd like it down, just let me know. I do not own any of the game of throne series or its characters, creations. This is purely for reader enjoyment. Please do understand, this is a no harem fan fiction.

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Astarot and Ghost

The snow ever lasted in the North as was the sand in Dorne, but no one talks of the beasts that lay within such domains. Ones of fangs, claws, and a taste for blood. As the snow underfoot gave way sinking to accommodate the massive weight on it, the wind that cut into everyone's bones hit a wall of metal and flesh. Jon, the towering figure that no one dared to look at, his appearance feral and rugged, a look from a predator searching for its prey. His heated breath was visible as he walked towards Loran.

"Prepare the men, we march in an hour, no less. I've missed too much already and I have little patience left."

Walking past Loran as the once imposing man who could look down on almost anyone shivered slightly and could only silently swallow his saliva.

'Jon… what happened to you…'

Looking to Jon's back as he left, Loran couldn't help but wonder in his mind what changed. His thoughts redirect to the task just given and follow such thoughts with actions. Organizing the supplies and soldiers alike in a quick and effective manner. Jon walked towards the "pit", a large area he had built for more exotic of pets and mounts. Once entering he admired its finished work before deciding to occupy it with its first occupant.

WIth a motion of his finger, a large mortal taking up half of the pit itself was shown brightly before a large clawed hand white as snow stepped out. Followed by it a creature of massive size dwarfing Jon and in comparison making him look like a small rodent or even an ant. Its scaled snout snorted as its silver eyes bore into Jon. Unfurling its large wings slightly before realizing it could not within this dome; the creature roared showing its discomfort and alerting everyone around of its presence. Jon looked upon the creature with amazement and satisfaction when seeing its two front legs bulging with muscle hidden under its thick scales. Claws as long as his body if not more, while its tail ended with a sharp bladed tip with a blue hued edge.

Its back legs ready to lift off or pounce at any moment and its maw filled with sharp large teeth a clear sign of its hunger. At the tip of its maw, a beak-like shape with a crushing force that Jon didn't want to think of if it was him. Overall, Jon couldn't deny he would be terrified to see this beast if he was anyone else. While he wished to summon a dragon after his newfound powers and abilities gave him even more power, he wasn't sure since all he could summon was a young dragon. Yet now that he's seeing this beautiful sight before him, he couldn't be more happy, his dragon was as big as the biggest "dragon" recorded.

This meant his dragon would be even larger and even more of an asset to him down the line. The dragon eyed him as Jon thought and only felt a connection with him, a connection similar to his sisters and brothers, a connection he cherished. Jon walked closer with steady but slow steps as the dragon lowered its head to be level with him. Placing a palm on the creature's snout, he began humming as he ran his hand along the upper face.

"Astarot… That will be my name to you."

The dragon huffed but resonated with the name before conceding. With that matter done, Jon walked closer to the dragon's back before having Astarot lower more for him to mount the beast. After grabbing hold, he waved down as a lever on the wall lowered. The sight was mesmerizing for all to see as the dome over the pit separated and slid to the sides making the sky visible and giving Astarot room to spread his wings. Once the dragon saw the sky, It roared once more before lifting off as Jon hanged on to one of its spine jagged horns that jutted out its back while using another as his back support.

As they hovered above the ground by about thirty feet, Jon made sure to secure his weapons and anything on him as he used some rope to fasten himself to the horns on Astarot's back. Once done he patted his mounts back twice before Astarot's wings pushed down with such force the surrounding snow flowed around them and the snow on the ground was stirred to life. The momentum carried and they were soaring through the air at speeds Jon wasn't sure was possible before. The cold air on Jon's cheeks cut deeply into his body as he made a note to prepare for this in the future. As the lands below them passed by with little time to look around, Jon brought Astarot to heel with a sharp tug making the beast slow its speed.

The lands below finally in his view and able to see it all as the sun shone over the horizon. This is what Jon wanted, feeling of freedom. HIs hair flowing in the wind as he smelled the cold air, His eyes closing for a brief moment etching this memory down so he'd never forget when he made his first step onto his path. The path he forged himself, smiling as he opened his eyes to the sight before him. Jon's eyes shone with brilliance; a smoldering red glowed off one of his eyes as the other showed a cooling tone of blueish gray. The contrast was conflicting but never overtaking as his smile turned into a snarl before roaring into the clouds around him. The beautiful scenery changed instantly as the clouds turned darker and thunder started to resonate around him.

Flying downward till reaching Moat Cailin, lightning had already struck and started the first droplets of rain. Not snow but actual rain upon all of Jon's domain. Getting off of Astarot, Jon looked back into the beast's eyes.

"Wait till we gather our strength and you grow just a little more. We will have our time, that I promise."

Jon thought of how he could make his entrance if Astarot was too eye-catching and it would be too soon for their entrance so he whistled a simple tune before a large canine came into view then stopping at his feet. Jon stared at his dire wolf, a beast he was lucky enough to befriend and yet never fully trusted to withstand the cruel world. He decided to help his companion then and now. Running his hand through the wolf's white fur coat, Ghost nuzzled against his palm. Whispering in a low tone with a harsh language filled with everyone who heard it think of a horror in the night whispering in your ear from behind.

"Revon, Rener, Fermill, Fester, Loyral, ds evd daryk weirt evd ine. Er roy erivv meje evd siemies, reforge vensh bonesz er withstand drukluvva ailn freysk henter lon rarestek Si rike ven dag"

Once Jon was done, he cut his thumb and smeared a line of blood down Ghost's face before blowing some air into his face making the confused Ghost suddenly fall limp to the ground but not before Jon caught him. Letting him down, Jon quickly surrounded the wolf in a black smoke to hide its gruesome transformation from any curious children running about since he was still close enough to the peasant areas to invite intrusion. As time passed and the passing soldiers around had grown accustomed to the weird sighting, things began to stir once more. The dark cloud of who knows what began to disperse giving shape to what laid inside. The once white wolf the size of a pony was easily three times the size, maybe even bigger.

Giving way to the larger wolf, Jon stepped back as Ghost readjusted himself upon waking standing up to reveal his long blade tipped tail that stood upright swaying back and forth menacingly. His claws elongated and grew a metallic sheen to them digging into the ground below him. Horns jutted out at his forehead, two pointed forwards pointed at its tip with another metallic sheen added reflecting the sun rays. His eyes almost glowing red as his canines and teeth were sharpened and elongated. Ready to tear through flesh and snap bones in half.

Jon stared at Ghost as he slowly circled his friend smiling, at his changes.

Bringing his hand up, feeling the still soft white fur coat, his hand running across till running over Ghost's ear as his companion looked towards him in kindness. Seeing all the changes and the fresh blood from where Ghost's muscles broke past the skin at first before healing brought a slight frown to Jon's face. The pain must've been far greater than what Jon thought it would've been. Sighing, Jon looked towards a few soldiers to the side.

"Tell each commander to double time it, I've been too long without blood wetting my blade."

Seeing the soldiers rush off, Jon looked to the sky as he saw the screen that still plagued his sight at times.

Jon Frostmourne (Aegon Targaryen)

Age: 18

Diplomacy: 76(New)

Martial: 95(New)

Stewardship: 72(New)

Intrigue: 69(New)

Learning: 80(New)

Prowess: 96(New)

Traits: Beautiful, Genius, Strong, Pure Giant, Pure Blooded, Fecund, Herculean, Divine Blood, Dragon Dreams, Curious, Charming, Vanguard, Brave, Warg, Greenseer, Master Hunter, Authoritative, Diligent, Trained Fighter, Erudite, Fast Learner, Scholar, Patient, Ambitious, Temperate, Proud, Strategist, Formidable Fighter, Legendary Blademaster, Aggressive Attacker, Architect, Administrator, Avaricious, Druid, Overseer, Shrewd, Novice Physical Enhance, Novice Magical Enhance, Novice Mind Enhance, Schemer, Blade Dancer, Hybrid, Magically altered, Enhanced Healing, Toughened Flesh, Scarred, Respected Leader, Chimera (New)

Titles: The Chosen One, True Warden, Avenger, Beast in Human Skin (Assimilation complete), Incarnation of war god (Incomplete),Incarnation of Abyssal being (Incomplete)


Swordsmanship lvl10

Spearmanship lv10

Archery lv10

Leadership lv10

Mounted Combat lv10

Deception lv6 (New)

Tactics lvl10

Politics lvl10

Charisma lvl10

Climbing lvl10 (New)

Fitness lvl10

Chivalry lvl7

Throwing lvl10

Horsemanship lvl10

Keen Sense lvl10

Warg Magic lvl10

Diplomacy lv10

Perception lv10 (New)

Managing lvl10

Common Tongue lvl9

Old Tongue lv8

High Valyrian lv9

Low Valyrian lv9

Dothraki lv9

Asshai'i lv8

Mathematics lvl8

Engineering lvl10

Agriculture lvl10

Druidcraft lvl7

Summoning lvl10

Blood Magic lvl10

Ritual Magic lvl10

Swimming lvl10

Heat/Cold Resistance lvl10

Blood Seeker lvl8

Levitation lv2 (New)

Layered Scales lv10 (New)

Shadow Step lvl3 (New)

Hunter's Scent lvl2 (New)

Instructing lvl10 (New)


Store (Expand)

560012 points

Quest (1)

Win the War-(Incomplete)

Bare your fangs-(Incomplete)

-Kill over 100,000 enemies either directly or indirectly.


Hey everyone, sorry for the extended leave of absence, unfortunately, alot of things happened and i barely even use my computer now but after reading my own story and seeing all your comments just compelled me to make some time so it doesnt die with die and left on what if. so hope you enjoy!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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