
Dragnaroc: a new tale

The original series is written by KPj and illustrated by Magmi I do not own anything thing mentioned in the story expect my own characters. If the original writer ends up reading this I greatly appreciate the series and that this little fan fiction is made out of admiration. Boy dies gets wishes and reborn need I say more.

reddragon98 · Others
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20 Chs

chap 14

"Lareia you are alright but Jako what are you doing here?" Ime asks as we approach "Anator asked me to find you both but I see you are in good hands. I see you also lose a eye." I point out as ime hands the sword back to lareia. "yes feels weird." I laugh and pat his shoulder " Don't worry about it you will get used to it." as Bea walks out " Jako." she says as I ruffle her hair and feel a little bump on her head. " Anything to report bea." she nods and tells me every thing. "This is good but I'm going to go head back both of you take the day to rest." I say walking back into the forest and back to the village.

"Open up it's me Jako." I call out approaching the gate which opens just enough for me to get through. I walk through the village as I see Anator walking towards the hold. "Hey Anator!" I call and jog to catch up "Jako did you find them." I nod " They are safe but they are tired luckily there is someone watching them." I explain as we keep walking as we reach the cliff and Anator ties a rope to a rock and slides down and I quickly follow suit and we burn the rope and quickly move down the hall and through the hiding hall." hold on ." I pull another rope from my pocket and tie a quick slipknot and set it on one set right before the pit and Anator and I hide.

"Ebel the walls! Did the pendants stop working?" One voice say only to be cut off " No it's just probably a spell come on --- AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The other voice says before screaming. "Well what do we have here." I say walking up behind revi seeing his sister hanging by her foot in the pit. "After nothing huh." I pull her up and tie her hands and legs together slinging her on my shoulder. " Alright Anator let's take her." I say turning as Anator and revi move along one side and me the other as Anator cuts the thread and we quickly run into the hold. "Anator I'll put this one in a cell." I say walking away before turning back "Hey Anator do you know a woman with dark brown hair and green eyes I think she had a mark on her back?" he goes pale " Why do you ask?" I tilt my head " I saw her in a dream." he shivers before saying that I had described his sister.

I nod and walk towards the cell area before tossing Ebel in and removing the pendant form her neck and head to where Raia is " Hey Raia how is net?" I call out as revi Kera and her look at me. "She is still sleeping but did you know about this." She points to revi to which I nod "Revi anything to report." I sit down and ask he just grins "Yes Ebel was told by the bandit leader who is the son of the sixth to steal the book of Prius to wake the sixth I believe they are camped a day's fly away." I smile and rub his head as Kera looks shocked " You mean he turned against the sixth." the both of us nod "Raia can I borrow a bandage there is someone I think I can get to." i explain the first part of my dream while slipping the bandage in my pocket while taking my jacket off.

"So what are you doing?" Raia asks as I grin "Don't tell sarah." I say before bolting out the door and out of the stronghold to the take off platform and change mid stride and take off and fly west. after a few hours of flying I see what looks like a camp in the middle of a clearing and land and few minutes away without being spotted while changing back. "Good I wasn't seen." I say while taking my eyepatch off and warping the bandage over both eyes leaving a small gag to see out of. 'Jako if this stupid idea works then they are beyond stupid.' I think to myself as I slowly make my way to the edge still hiding.

'Who are those three?' I think to myself as a small group starts riding their horses in the direction I just came, I stand up and tighten the bandage before running out into the clear like a bat out of hell " Hey sis where are you come on wait up stop being mean!" I keep calling out before I run into a fence and falling back. "Ow what did I just hit sis where are you?" I keep calling as I crawl along the ground before I feel a hand on my shoulder "Hey settle down where are you headed?" a man says as he helps me up " I..I don't know my sister was leading me a group of beasts attacked our group but one of them stabbed my eyes out then I heard a roar and I was on my back." I lied to the man who is leading me into the camp.

"Mister where are we?" I ask as a flap opens and I hear a younger man "Ross what do you want and who is this?" I turn to face the voice "Young sir please I just need shelter for the night so I can find my sister I don't know where anything is." I ask as I drop to my knees and start shivering. "Fine for the night only but you will stay with the other prisoner." I slam my head on the dirt " Thank you kind sir I'll remember this kindness and one I will return it.

I hear a few people chuckle before I am draged out and pushed in another tent where I hear two women talking. "Oh Hesta your father still has a strong influence on your brother. Now who are you?" I turn to the voice "ma'am are we alone?" I ask only to hear silence "ma'am?" I ask again "Oh sorry yes we are why?" I open the bandage over my good eye and whisper " ma'am Anator sent me I can get you out tonight if you like." I look at her and she nods " Alright but I'm not leaving with out my daughter." I nod and quickly redo the bandages. "Alright everyone dinner you slobs." I feel a kick on my back as I fall forward I just crawl out of the way.

" Here you go woman and girl." I hear a rough voice before I smells something in front of me. "Thank you sir." I say I shove the food only the hear a snort. "Hesta is your name little one?" I ask slowly down " yes sir" she says I swallow my mouth full " Do you know how the security is during the night?" I ask setting my bowl to the side. "It's pretty lax there is a small cliff on this side of the camp so they don't guard it." she says I stretch my hand out towards her general direction and softly place my hand on her head.

"Thank you little one. Now I better get some rest I'll have to fly us out of here." I say laying down "Ma'am can you wake me at nightfall?" I ask and here are light confirmation. a few hours later. "Sir wake up." I sit up "dark?" I ask again getting a confirmation I undo the bandage "Thank the gods that is off come on let's get you out of here." I say picking the lock on her cage. "Hesta can you safely lead us to the cliff?" I ask the girl who smiles and nods as the three of us sneak out of the tent and towards the cliff without being seen.

"So far so good." I say as I quickly change into my dragon form and kneel down to let them climb on. " Quiet now." I whisper as I set of the cliff using the updraft to take off as I slowly flap my wings gaining height and slowly glides back to the stronghold. "Sir we never asked your name." I turn my head to the left "My name is Jako." I turn my head back and flaps my wings to gain speed. "Hesta how is the veiw?" I ask and here the small girl laughing " This is great." I chuckle as we keep flying "Ma'am have you awakened yet."

Ok a extra long one I kinda got into it so I keep writing

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