
Dracula descendant system

Elena, a young girl in her 20s, was forced to abandon her lifelong dream of being a lab technician. Her life as a human ended abruptly after being kidnapped by Alacad, the great-grandson of Dracula. Being turned into a vampire by Dracula's Amulet, she was presented with the opportunity of becoming the chosen one in Dracula's prophecy, or so she was led to believe. Her choice would determine her adventure paths. Would she stay in zastlevania and prevent the vampires from ending the existence of the humans back on earth? Read the novel to find out.

Imie · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Aidris Speech


The next moment, they felt various shadowy hands wrapping around them.

Then, they all heard Aidris murmured softly, Shadow warp. Right that instance, all the shadowy hands that have wrapped themselves around Elena and her friends began pulling them forward at a speed that was two times faster than the speed of light, causing a distortion in space-time.

The shadow warp is similar to space warp. as one can only use these skills after comprehending the true essence of spatial and shadow laws.

While travelling in this manner is super fast and safe since the regular vampires will be unable to detect them. Elena and her friends were on the verge of throwing up.

After travelling for what seemed like ages, they finally came to a halt as the shadows around them gradually faded away.

It was at this point that they all got a clearer look at their new surrounding. wherever they were at the moment, was far from being zastlevania or zuk. It was also not earth.

Looking at each of them, look at one another in confusion, Aidris chuckled. "Welcome to chaldin. this will be your new home until you master the ways of the shadow warriors. Today, you'll rest early, for tomorrow we will train."

The topography of the chaldin Planet was anything but friendly. unlike Zuk, Chaldin had a rocky terrain with an extremely high temperature, one that constantly made the vampires weak as they felt like they were exposed to high radiation from the sun.

The most bizarre thing about this new planet was the fact that thick shadows lingered around in the atmosphere, leaving Eleana and her friends with dark and ominous feelings.

After instructing them to rest, Aidris blended with the shadows around them, this time around, even elena was unable to detect his presence even while scrutiny was activated.

Elena's pov:

Seeing how their new teacher had dump them in a foreign planet without presenting them with a decent place to sleep or pass the night, Elena groaned in frustration, wondering if her decision to learn from someone like Aidris was a wise one.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Zareth's voice interrupted Elena's thought. without responding, she reached into her storage ring, brought out her tent equipment, and proceeded to set up a resting place for the night.

The others followed suit, and when they had all set up their various tents, they all shared a light conversation over dinner before relaxing for the night.

A few hours later, all the tents they had set up were damaged severely by a strong wind. at was almost as if the wind had a mind of its own.

Standing in front of the damaged tents was none other than Aidris, with a stern look and his long silver hair dancing with the wind he began addressing all six of them.

"You must all be wondering why I have brought you to a place like this, with next to no light, yet hot like you've been exposed to direct sunlight, you must be wondering why your strength Levels seem to be decreasing with the passing of time.

The place where you stand is a training ground for all those who wish to become a true shadow warrior. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility for you to become the best you have to undergo refinement.

To be a true shadow warrior, you must live like a coward. You do not engage an opponent you know you have next to no chance of defeating. [ While saying this, his eyes lingered on Elena, making her feel uncomfortable].

Know when to fight, run, and hide! that is how you survive and attain god-hood. train and grow stronger with the knowledge that you'll die if you remain weak."

Now look around you, what do you see? Aidris asked while pointing at Aruh, "Shadows, I see lots of shadows. They seemed to be alive with minds of their own. I see shadows different from the ones I've seen before.

Then he pointed at Lydia, Tell me, what do you feel? "Heat, I feel very hot, like the heat is draining whatever strength I have in me."

Aidris smiled and then moved forward and stood in front of Arwin . What do you feel, blood mage? "I feel dark energy, lingering around us. It calls out to me like blood calls out to me in battle.

Aidris nodded his head to show his satisfaction at Arwin. before he began addressing them once more.

"You have all answered correctly. As long as you remain in this part of Chaldin, you will keep losing whatever strength you think you have unless you understand the basics of the shadows.

To do this you need to listen to the rhythm of the dark energy all around you, listen to their call and embrace the darkness for only in embracing true darkness will you understand the ways of the shadow.

Now, you all have 3 days to embrace the darkness , harness the dark energy around you, and understand the basics of the shadows. Whether or not you choose to carry out this assignment depends on you...

Whether you'll become a shadow warrior depends on your results at the end of the next 3 days, whether you'll live or die, also depends on your results at the end of the three days for if you fail to harness the dark energy by extension fail to understand the basics of the shadows you'll die due to excessive energy loss.

After saying this, he blended into the shadows once more. Elena and the others all let out the breath they never knew they were holding.

walking around, Elena decided to observe her surroundings before making a decision on what to do next. her perception picked up on something, not wanting to be cut off guard she activated her scrutiny skill.

Guys, we are being ambushed. at Elena's call, they all ran towards elena and then proceeded to make a circle with their backs facing one another.

Not too far in the distance, They saw several shadowy creatures making their way towards them. The creatures had different shapes and sizes, but the most bizarre thing about them was the fact that they had no eyes. In place of eyes were what looked like red shadow.

Seeing an army of shadowy creatures making their way towards them sent shivers down their spines, and the fact that, just being on this planet was already draining their energy made them wondered if becoming a shadow warrior was worth it.

While the creatures were still a little distance away, Arwin brought out a blood flask and then proceeded to use its content to create tiny blood bullets, which she then hurled towards the shadowy creatures.

Much to her horror, her attacks did absolutely nothing to the shadow creatures. seeing this, Aruh began creating flame daggers, and with great speed, he hurled them at the invaders.

when the flame daggers came in contact with the shadow creatures, the fire ability proved to be the natural bane of the shadow, making the creatures to disappear into tin air like they were never there to begin with.

Quickly equipping her full dragon armour set while creating a flame sword in one hand. blaze has been activated. Dashing forward, she manoeuvred her away between the creatures while slashing and stabbing any creatures around her with her flame sword.

Not quite long, the others soon joined her, as they used various means to attack the creatures, Emiera focused on using her wind based attacks, but they did little or no damage to the creature.

Since the fire ability proved its strength against the shadow, the others all depended on Aruh and Elena to deal with the creatures while they supported and offered support wherever possible.

After defeating all the shadowy creatures, much to their horror, another wave of shadowy creatures that looked identical to the previous ones they just defeated appeared from seemingly nowhere, and the circle continued over and over until the next day.

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