
Dracula descendant system

Elena, a young girl in her 20s, was forced to abandon her lifelong dream of being a lab technician. Her life as a human ended abruptly after being kidnapped by Alacad, the great-grandson of Dracula. Being turned into a vampire by Dracula's Amulet, she was presented with the opportunity of becoming the chosen one in Dracula's prophecy, or so she was led to believe. Her choice would determine her adventure paths. Would she stay in zastlevania and prevent the vampires from ending the existence of the humans back on earth? Read the novel to find out.

Imie · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Accepting a teacher


But was that enough reason to conclude they were both one and the same? she wondered.

"Do you have any proof?" She asked, half expecting Aidris to present before her a full proof evidence that Sammy and Raden were one and the same.

He shook his head before responding, "It's pointless to convince you. After all, I'm not the one he's after. You, my friend, might be in a whole lot of trouble.

After saying that, he stood up, ready to leave the healing Chambers. "Where are you going?" Elena asked with a panicked tone.

After visiting him during the last couple of days, Elena knew Aidris was different from every other vampire she had met so far in zastlevania.

she wanted to learn more about him, and since the system had given her a quest of learning the ways of the shadow, she knew she needed to all she could to make the former acknowledge her as his student.

without turning around, he halted his steps and chuckled lightly. His long silver hair was moving gracefully with the winds, giving him a refined and angelic look.

"The coronation is over. There's nothing left for me here in zastlevania." Hearing his response, Elena remembered the information the system had presented her with previously.

According to the system, the shadow warriors had been forced into hiding after they were blackmailed by their kins. apparently, they had all left zastlevania due to that incident.

Blaze has been activated. Elena quickly activated her Blaze skill. The next moment, she was standing directly opposite Aidris.

Looking straight into his brilliant blue eyes, she said with great determination in her eyes, "I wish to learn the ways of the shadow warriors. Please take me in as your student,I promise to put in my best and do all that is required of me."

After saying this, she knelt in front of him and bowed several times as an act of respect. seeing her like this, Aidris was left with no choice.

Initially, when their paths first crossed, he thought she was an annoying vampire who had potential but chose to be weak. but during the last couple of days, after seeing Elena use her various skills over and over again, he couldn't help but feel Elena was like a diamond, right now she might not be polished and shinning but with the right guidance, training and time she'll shine brighter than a diamond.

Very well, I'll teach you the ways of a shadow warrior. beckoning her to stand to her feet, he then instructed her to proceed to finalise things with anyone of importance to her as they would be leaving zastlevania in a few hours.

Thank you! She then proceeded to send a message to Arwin, Zareth Lydia, and Emiera. asking them to meet up with her in the healing Chambers.

By the time they arrived, Aidris had once again blended with the shadows. Even though he was present in the room, the others were unable to detect his presence.

Much to Elena's surprise, Aruh walked in behind the others, even if she hadn't texted him, he had come anyways as they were all worried about her when raden had defeated her back during the trial.

Without wasting time, she informed them about the situation while leaving out key information, like what exactly she would be learning from Aidris.

After listening to her explanation, they all shared a knowing glance with one another before deciding that the best person to speak was Arwin.

looking at her friends behave like this, Elena rolled her eyes before saying, "Just say it already."

Hnm, you know, for you to want to move out of zastlevania because of a teacher, it goes to show how profound his teachings would be, and it also shows how capable this Aidris teacher is.

So whoever is worthy enough to become your teacher is one we are also ready to acknowledge as our teacher.

After hearing Arwin speak and seeing the firm resolve in each of their eye, Elena turned to a corner of the healing Chambers and then said with an embarrassed look.

Teacher, I've found you some capable students. seeing her look towards his direction, Aidris almost spurted a mouth full of blood.

He had already broken a lot of rules just by accepting Elena as his student, to think the latter would proceed to accept five other students on his behalf.

Audacious, just how audacious was this student of his? Not having a reason to keep cloaking himself with the shadows, Aidris revealed his presence.

Seeing how they had failed to detect his presence earlier, they all felt they had struck a jackpot with this new teacher of theirs.

With a quick bow, they all paid respect to Aidris. Aidris sent a telepathic message to Elena, informing her of the punishment that awaited her for her reckless action.

With an expressionless face, he told Arwin and the others to wrap up everything they needed to do in zastlevania ASAP.

informing them to meet up with him back in his apartment in the third kingdom.

Arwin decided to tell Lord Antoine about her decision a few minutes before they would leave zastlevania. as they later might do everything in his power to keep her in zastlevania, where he would be able to watch over her.

Elena took a trip back to the third castle, collecting everything of value she could lay her hands on, and also carrying several months' supply worth of blood.

Apparently, the others had also made their various preparations. At exactly 6, all six of them stood at the entrance of Aidris apartment.

They all heard a low voice sounding next to their ears, "Come in." At which they made their way into the apartment one after the other.

Looking at all six of them, Aidris said with a straight face, rule number two, never trust anyone blindly with your life.

After saying this, he then asked, "Why do you all want me to be your teacher?" directing his gaze on the other five.

This time around, it was Aruh who answered, "Whoever our Elena acknowledges as a teacher must be one who is extremely capable."

After hearing his response, Aidris eyebrow shut up, looking at the others he realised they all shared the same view as aruh.

Sighing loudly, he proceeded to explain. "Trusting your fellow vampire to the extent where you all are willing to acknowledge me as your teacher is as stupid as blindly trusting a stranger with your life.

What if I turn out to be an assassin assigned to kill you? What if I end up being a trash of a teacher?

After listening to Aidris, they all swallowed hard, realising the wisdom behind his words.

Before any of them could say another word, Aidris brought out a crystal with shadows moving around in its centre and then proceeded to smash the crystal in the centre of the room.

Dark shadows quickly filled the room, blocking out their sight completely. The next moment, they felt various shadowy hands wrapping around them.

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