
Draco Malfoy, The Champion of the Magical World

His name is Draco Malfoy, at least it is now. He started out as a soul before the System he possessed rebooted, apparently after suffering a critical error. Apparently, features he had from the system were incompatible with where he was to be reincarnated, but our MC couldn't remember why. After receiving a mysterious message through his system from a god or something, someone calling him Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, the soul who would become Draco Malfoy, was left to experiment with his Mysterious System. Fortunately, his Newbie Pack gave him all seven Harry Potter books to help him prepare to enter his new world, and with that he was able to begin preparing for the eventual conflicts to come. While his memories of his previous life, or perhaps lives, appear to be missing, he sometimes finds himself just understanding things mysteriously, and he's uncertain why. He decides that after seeing all the Karma he had previously accumulated, that he must have been a good guy in his previous life or lives, so he decides to live his new life his own way and to hell with the script/story he read. He'll rise to the top of the world, exploit every advantage his system gives him, and surpass both Moldybutt and Dumbledore! Note : I do not own the picture, I just found it online and thought that it was appropriate. I hope everyone likes the story.

Splendora_Gaming · Book&Literature
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34 Chs

Christmas Miracles?

Gabrielle Delacour - SOULMATE

Astoria Greengrass - SOULMATE [Vow]

Ginny Weasley - Love (99%) [Vow]

Holly Potter - Love (95%) [Vow]

Daphne Greengrass - Love (94%) [Vow]

Hannah Abbot: - Love (86%)

Susan Bones - Love (81%)

Luna Lovegood - Love (75%)

Hermione Granger - Love (7%)

Fleur Delacour - Love (3%)

Nymphadora Tonks - Friend (37%)

Parvati Patil - Friend (1%)

Cho Chang - Neutral

Padma Patil - Neutral

Theodore Nott - Hatred (56%)


Since September, Draco had made great progress with all of his girlfriends, who were now all up at the Love level. He had recently added two names to his relationship tracker, which were Theo and Tonks. He added the former just to discern his former friends true feelings and the latter after he was invited by Sirius to come see him during the holiday, and he learned Tonks and her parents would be there as well.

Draco hadn't really given much thought to Tonks before that, considering that she never appeared in the books as a student, but it turned out that when he went for his first year, she'd be in her seventh, so he decided to start building a relarionship over the holiday.

After checking the relationship tracker, Draco got up from and started getting ready to go. While he had to come home for Chrstmas Day, he arranged to stay with friends for the week leading up to it, so he was planning to meet up with Holly and then go to Sirius's place.

"Olympia" Draco said as the Pheonix emerged from his arm "Lets go to Holly's."

Olympia flew up, grrabbed Draco's shoulders and piched him up, so that the pair disappeared in a burst of fire and reappeared in Holly's bedroom. Holly had just removed her towel and was about to step into a pair of underwear,

'Nine years too early' Draco thought to himself as Holly's eyes grew large and she quickly covered herself up. Draco promptly averted his eyes since he had no interest in kids "Olympia, are you trying to give us heart attacks?"

'I didn't know' Olympia insisted telepathically.

"Next time I say lets go to Holly's place, remember, the room with the fireplace" Draco said while racing out of the bedroom. "She knows not to change in there."

Holly's whole body seemed to be blushing, but once Draco was out of the room she managed to recover and started getting dressed. Olympia stuck around while Holly dressed in a hurry.

Flustered, Holly ignorred the Pheonix and went out to where Draco was waiting on the couch "Um, about what happened?" Holly seemed Nervous.

"Olympia seems to still lack a bit in common sense. Though it was not intentional, I apoligize anyway." Draco informed Holly "I need to learn to word instructions better."

Holly chuckled nervously, finding she just couldn't stay mad at Draco. "I know it wasn't on purpose. Just....be more careful....That was too embarrassing."

"On the bright side, your body is starting to develop nicely. You are going to be gorgeous when you are grown up. I'm calling it now" Draco insisted to Holly.

Even though she was dressed now, Holly still instinctively tried to cover her private places when she heard that "L...lets not talk about that, idiot."

Draco chuckled and looked towards her bedroom "Olympia." there was another burst of flame and then she appeared near them as Draco hugged Holly "Olympia, lets go to Sirius's place, but this time lets not appear in his bedroom or anything, okay?"

'Understood.' Olympia answered and again placed her talons on Draco's shoulders and disappeared with the two of them, and they subsequently reappeared in the Black House, in a bedroom, but at least it wasn't Sirius's bedroom.

Rather, it was a room that Holly had used previously when spending the night here, but it was occupied now.

Nymphadora Tonks had been going through her outfits after her shower, trying to pick something nice to wear when she met Holly, so at the moment she was wearing nothing. The door was locked, so Tonks hadn't been expecting an intrusion. She was, however, oblivious to Draco's luck.

Tonks tried to grab something to cover up with, but tripped and full to the floor face first, knocking herself out. Draco sighed and gave Olympia a look, and Olympia quickly retreated back into tattoo form on Draco's arm. Draco then rushed over to check on tonks and saw hre head bleeding a bit when he rolled her over onto her back "Seraphim's Grace." he said while lightly touching Tonks on the forehead. He had only obtained this power a few days ago, so this was his first time using it.

A golden radiance appeared from his fingertip and energy flowed into Tonks, rapidly healing any injuries that she may have sustained, restoring her to perfect health. While treating Tonks, Draco got a good look at her body and had a hard time believing she was only fifteen, but then he recalled that she was a metamorphmagus, so she could morph her body a bit and make her look physically more mature.

Holly put a blanket over Tonks and sighed "Draco, how many girls are to fall victim to your terrible luck?" she chuckled nervously.

Tonks groaned and slowly started to open her eyes, then remembered what happened and tried to completely cover herself up with the blanket. "I'm sorry." Holly apoligized "Olympia brought us here, I guess because last time I was here I stayed in this room. I'm Holly."

"I guess you must be Nymphadora. I heard you and your parents were not coming until this evening." Draco guessed.

Any desire Tonks had to be angry was instantly disarmed by Draco's words of cursed logic. She'd come a day early because she was excited by the opportunity to meet Holly, so he couldn't have known she would be here before he arrived "The only man that was supposed to ever see me like that was my future husband" Tonks pouted.

"I'm eight, so I'm still a boy" Draco pointed out "And you are barely just fifteen, so you're just a girl. You're a couple years too early to worry about that stuff." Draco said to comfort her, playing at being innocent even though he found her body in its current forn very sexy.

"You'll forget all about what you saw?" Toks asked from under the blanket.

"No, that's not something I could ever forget, but I wont talk about it, you have my word." Draco offered to her.

Tonks peeked out from under the blanket "Couldn't you at least be a gentleman and pretend that you'd forget?" she pouted.

"It's against my principals to lie to a cute girl. You can ask any of my friends." Draco insisted and patted Tonks on the head "It's a pleasure to meet you." he retrieved a Yin bracelet from his inventory "I want you to have this as an apology for accidentally intruding on you here." he offered it to her.

Tonks looked at the beautiful bracelet, which was silverish with a bit of a blue hue to it "It's beautiful." she then noticed that Draco and Holly were wearing the same bracelet, plus one that was similar "Part of a set?" she asked.

"Indeed. This is a Yin Bracelet, the matching piece that goes with it is the Yang Bracelet. Yin Bracelet can be yours for no strings attached, with the hope of future friendship between us, but if you want a Yang one, if I gave you one of those you'd be pledging to always be a close intimate person to me and my friends. I have heard enough about you to know you seem like a good person, Nymphadora, so I don't mind giving you a Yin Bracelet as a sign of friendship, but it's a bit too soon to think about giving you a Yang Bracelet. You should make an informed decision before you ask for it."

Tonks was surprised by his explanation, but decided to accept it "If we're going to be friends, then you can call me either Tonks or Dora. I don't like being called by Nymphadora"

Draco nodded "Alright, Tonks." he grinned at her and offered her his hand to shake.

Without thinking, Tonks reached out to shake Draco's hand, and accidentally dropped the blanket, exposing her upper half. The moment it dropped, Tonks wanted to pull back her hand and cover up, but Draco already grasped her hand and was shaking it.

Draco kept a straight face, but in his mind he was very happy with the scene before him.

Tonks was surprised by just how strong Draco's grip was, finding it very unusual for a mere eight-year old, but she did not focus too much on it since she was exposed and unable to reclaim her hand "Do you think...you can leave the room so I can get dressed?" Tonks asked with embarrassment.

Draco nodded and carefully slipped the Yin Bracelet onto her wrist before he finally let go of her hand. As soon as she had her hand back, Tonks covered up again and watched as Draco and Holly left the room.

"Do you think she is pretty?" Holly asked with a bit of embarrassment once she and Draco were in the hall.

"Sure, but she's a metamorphmagus, who was using her ability to look more mature and prettier. Likely something she was only doing because she thought no one would see her." Draco pointed out to Holly "Just because she can look like a mature beauty now because she's a metamorphmagus doesn't mean you should feel bad. You are super cute, and when you grow up you'll be a real beauty as well."

Holly seemed to be curious about what Draco said, but kept her mouth shut.

"When she comes out, you'll see." Draco insisted "She's in the transition phase between being young and cute and mature and beautiful, like a rose that hasn't bloomed quite yet. Being a metamorphmagi just lets her cheat a bit in the battle against nature."


Gabrielle Delacour - SOULMATE

Astoria Greengrass - SOULMATE [Vow]

Ginny Weasley - Love (99%) [Vow]

Holly Potter - Love (96%) [Vow]

Daphne Greengrass - Love (94%) [Vow]

Hannah Abbot: - Love (86%)

Susan Bones - Love (81%)

Luna Lovegood - Love (75%)

Hermione Granger - Love (7%)

Fleur Delacour - Love (3%)

Nymphadora Tonks - Close (97%)

Parvati Patil - Friend (1%)

Cho Chang - Neutral

Padma Patil - Neutral

Theodore Nott - Hatred (56%)


After checking his relationship tracker, Draco found incredible growth for Tonks and grinned, hoping that by the end of her Christmas Break Tonks would love him. Breaking the barrier between close and love might be challenging, given their age difference, but he decided to aim for that.

When Tonks came out, her lips were not as full as they had been, her breasts were smaller, and her more mature facial features were more youthful. Just as Draco predicted, Tonks almost looked like a different girl.

'This is the power of a metamorphmagi' Draco thought reverently, looking forward to the day when all of his harem members could have bodies like that.


Draco spent a week at the House of Black, with the rest of his friends joining them there for Chrismas Eve, where he handed out presents for everyone, and Ginny became the third girl to achieve Soulmate status.

In spite of all the time Draco spent with Tonks, her closeness only rose to 100% and no higher, unable to breach that first percent into love, so he decided to keep in touch with her once she returned to school.

He also had gifts for Fleur and Gabrielle and he had Olympis deliver them as well, allowing for a fair bit of growth in Fleurs love. There was no change from Gabrielle since she was already at the maximum possible value.

With great reluctance, he said goodbye to his friends and wished them all a happy Christmas before heading home tohis parents place.


Gabrielle Delacour - SOULMATE

Astoria Greengrass - SOULMATE [Vow]

Ginny Weasley - SOULMATE [Vow]

Holly Potter - Love (97%) [Vow]

Daphne Greengrass - Love (96%) [Vow]

Hannah Abbot: - Love (89%)

Susan Bones - Love (85%)

Luna Lovegood - Love (79%)

Fleur Delacour - Love (12%)

Hermione Granger - Love (8%)

Nymphadora Tonks - Close (100%)

Cho Chang - Neutral

Padma Patil - Neutral

Parvati Patil - Neutral

Theodore Nott - Hatred (57%)

Next Chapter : Tragedy

Be the way, while it was not mentioned specifically, the appearance of [vow] next to Daphne's name foes indeed suggest that between the time period of this chapter and the previous one, Daphne did indeed ask for a Yang Bracelet and received it.

Splendora_Gamingcreators' thoughts