
Chapter Eight

Harry, Hermione, Ron and Luna were sat at a table in potions. They had Professor Slughorn. He was an old, balding man with dull blue eyes. Harry and Slughorn go on very well, of course, after the war.

Hermione thought he was an interesting character. She liked him more than Snape. But, of course, Severus Snape was a very brave man and lover.

Hermione could only imagine how it must have been to see the one you love with someone else. Of course she had seen Ron with Lavender and had got jealous but Snape’s love was stronger and everlasting. He loved Lily with his whole heart and till his dying day.

She, of course, would love to find that man, whom she will love forever.

Professor Slughorn stood up, gaining everyone’s attention by clearing his throat loudly.

‘Now that I have your attention, I would like to gather in homework, please leave it on my desk,’ Slughorn said, and made his way to the closet, disappearing in it.

Ron, lazy as always, used his wand to put the homework on his desk. As did other people. Hermione looked at Draco when she passed his desk, who sat two tables beside her.

‘What homework?’ Draco was asking Blaise with a confused expression, ‘did we have homework?’

Blaise shrugged, lifting his gaze for only a moment, and went back to drawing on his desk. Hermione frowned slightly, wishing he wouldn’t vandalise, but then her eyes met Draco.

Draco looked up and caught Hermione watching him. Hermione looked to her friends, they were all busy talking or just waiting, staring off into space. She looked back at Draco. He smiled and winked at her and Hermione was sure her heart stopped beating... Just for a second. She frowned at him and mouthed 'why don't you have your homework?' imitating writing on a piece of paper.

Draco shrugged, looking like he didn't care. Hermione found that she loved Draco's badass attitude... She never thought she would admit to that, especially not in her previous years of Hogwarts.

‘Harry, Parvati, Luna...’ Slughorn came back and started reading the names off the homework to see who had not handed it in.

‘Mr Malfoy and Mr Zabini don't have their homework... Why am I not surprised?’ Slughorn asked, rhetorically.

Both boys shrugged, Draco leaned back in his chair and stretched his legs out in front off him.

‘50 points from Slytherin and I want it on my desk tomorrow morning.’ Slughorn said, sternly.

He continued the lesson, telling them they had to make a tricky potion which made everyone groan. Hermione grinned, getting up to get her ingredients. She aced the potion, her hair all over the place. After the class finished, Draco winked and nodded at Hermione, he was packing his books very slowly.

Hermione got the message.

‘Guys, I'll see you in the next class, I just need to...’ she said, indicating at Slughorn. She meant to say she needed to ask him something but found she couldn't. She just wanted to go straight to Draco.

‘Sure thing.’ Harry and Ron walked out, chatting.

‘Mr Malfoy, I expect to see you tonight. No exceptions.’ Slughorn said before Hermione got to Draco.

Draco nodded and Slughorn ushered us both out the class, locking the room and walking away.

When he rounded the corner, Hermione turned to Draco. Looking into those beautiful eyes of his would always make her heart beat quicken. Draco moved his lips to her cheek, kissing her, before edging his way to her mouth.

‘Why didn't you do your homework?!’ Hermione said, pretending to be angry as she pushed him away jokingly.

‘Well... I was too busy last night, kissing you,’ Draco said, grabbing her hand and leading her to a empty corridor.

When he was done making sure no one was around, he kissed her. Hermione frowned, not kissing him back as her mind wandered to class. The two Head’s should probably not be making out in a corridor when class was just about to start.

‘What's wrong?’ Draco asked, stroking her face.

‘I've got to go to class.’ Hermione said, sighing at his touch. Oh, she loved his touch...

Draco nodded like he understood but pulled her forwards, placing his lips onto hers.  Hermione kissed him back, tasting the apples that he always seemed to be eating. Her fingers slowly traced over his abs.

‘Mione...’ Draco said, pulling back, ‘We both have class. Meet me tonight in our dorm?’

‘You have detention tonight,’ Hermione reminded him, against his mouth. Licking her lips, she kissed him slowly.

‘Ah yeah, forgot...’ Draco said, distracted by her lips, ‘Mm... Meet me before I go?’

‘Sure. But I really should go now. Bye, Draco!’ Hermione said and ran to her next class.

Hermione entered the door, a little later than she normally would so everyone turned to stare at her. Her face red and hair blowing everywhere from making the potions, kissing Draco, and running down a corridor.

‘Thank you for gracing us with your presence, Miss Granger,’ Professor Flitwick said sarcastically.

Hermione blushed red and sat down, ignoring the stares from Harry and Ron. She was blushing outside but smiling in the inside.


‘I have to go.... Head Girl duties,’ Hermione said, nervously, eyeing the clock.

Hermione hated lying to her friends but on the other hand she wanted to see Draco. That seemed like the most important thing to her but she used “Head Girl duties” as an excuse for everything, including when she actually had to go for Head Girl reasons.

‘Hermione, please just help me with this!’ Harry said, losing patience, tapping his quill against the table.

Harry was trying to do his homework and found it rather difficult since he hadn’t studied for a year. Hermione rolled her eyes, Harry had never studied even in their sixth year.

‘Look it up in the book!’ Hermione said, standing up, rolling her eyes.

‘Wait, just help me! I've looked it up in the book but... Urgh, forget it... I just won't bother with it!’ Harry said, knowing Hermione wouldn't stand for uncompleted homework.

‘No Harry! I'll help you,’ Hermione said, eyeing the clock but sitting next to him, ‘Okay, so that's page 82 and the...’

Hermione spent the next ten minutes explaining the homework to Harry. She got angry when he wasn't listening to her and was watching Ron and Ginny play chess.

‘Harry, if you're not going to listen to me then forget it!’ Hermione shouted, losing patience and shutting the book with a bang, ‘all I do is help you and Ron and you never even listen! You expect me to do everything for you!’

‘No, wait, Hermione...’ Harry called out after her as she stormed out.

Hermione walked really fast to the Heads common room, the image of Draco made her calm slightly. She clutched her robes tighter, anxious as she neared the common room. She smiled and stood outside for a moment before she threw open the door and saw Draco by the books, surveying one of them. He turned around and his face lit up, making Hermione laugh.