
I will Remember this

Roy could not believe these attrocities.He was basically left for the dead, he held his forehead which was still stinging with pain. He had done nothing for heavens sake. If it's the father they shoul have gone to him why do this to him?

He tried to organize his thoughts but the pungent smell was so irritating. He also feared that some unknown danger might be larking nearby since this was an isolated area. He tried to stand up but felt nauseated . He realized that he had no means to walk himself out of this, but he could not tally here any longer or the worst might really happen.

He weighed down his options and seeing no other way started dragging his body towards the exit. The task was taxing and odorous. He panted heavily as he got soaked from all the waste. Him and the pungent smell became one. He looked just like the scavengers but his mind and will was beyond this. It was to live. for him to live he had to make it out of this situation alive and unharmed. He knew that a prolonged exposure to this condition was in no way inferior to death. He continued to drag himself, sometimes he would crawl on all fours before trumping on heaps of waste and being entangled with them. His body was now aching all over, his muscles begged him to relax, his mind screamed the words sleep but his will was firm. He could not give in now or else there won't be tomorrow.

Roy continued with his fight for survival, at a far he could now get a glimpse of the array sorrounding the dumpsite like a dome. It was so huge and thick. Some flactuations could be spotted here and there probably due to the guarding magic. Some etchings could be seen Chris crossing the wall forming a beautiful pattern. Soon another worry started creeping in his mind "How am I going to get out of this wall?"

Roy was so much absorbed in his worries that he failed to notice that his sorroundings was changing. Darkness had started creeping in and with darkness came the scavengers. They came in their hundreds. The dumpsite became theirs to roam. Some hunted as others became the prey. Some would throw a look at Roy warily before proceeding to search for an easier prey. Roy had by now realized the imminent danger he was in.Under no circumstances could he allow himself to loose consciousness in this kind of an environment. He knew very well that he would never wake up to see another day.

Roy heaved a deep sigh as his life flashed before him. He was so unlucky throughout his pitiful life. It was like misfortunes were a part of his life since his childbirth.He recalled how other children made fun of him whenever they made any contact with him. Several occasions they had delivered a heavy beating to him but now the situation has escalated as he was sure they now wanted his life. He was referred to as the lone wolf since he had no friends. Roy had never known a friend, everybody avoided him like leprosy. Whoever approached him was to deliver a beating or any other form of ridicule and humiliation. He thought that if he ignored them they would eventually leave him alone but again when had he ever been right?

Roy's father had been working as an advisor to the king. He was so much respected such that he was the second in command. His opinion was sought before any undertakings in the kingdom. His influence was so great such that the king had to seek his opinion before engaging with the kingdom of Mata. This was a far away kingdom mostly occupied by the dwarfs. They majored in blacksmithing and hence were renown traders as they supplied weaponry and artillery to the kingdom of Atto now Roy's kingdom which comprised of humans. It was this status that became his fathers downfall.

Roy's father recommended the union against all the other king's advisors. They urgued that the dwarfs could not be trusted since they were wealthy merchants who only knew how to do business. Their weapons were the most sought after since they were the best crafted. There was the Legendary blacksmith of the dwarf by the name Lacin who was known throughout the nine kingdoms. His fame was so great that he was above the kings and they had to beg him for a personal craftily. Gold coins were no problem to him and so he only crafted weapons for the few he dimmed fit. It was due to this that many kingdoms resulted to marriage allegiance to get closer to the dwarfs.

The king had intended to form a union with the dwarfs to get closer to them. His weapon a legendary sword left by his ancestors had suffered a considerable damage which deprived it of its past glories. A king without his weapon was like a headless chicken. everyone was looking at an opportunity to make the catch. The king in a desperate attempt to have the sword reforged had made a personal trip to the Matakingdom to seek help. Many blacksmiths had barely glanced at the sword before shaking their heads in disappointment, they could offer no help no could they salvage the sword. The materials required to reforge and the expertise needed could only be found with the legendary blacksmith Lacin.

The problem was that Lacin paid no heed to anyone including the dwarf king. He only did what he saw fit and only helped those he deemed right. The king had camped in the gate seeking an audience with Lacin to no avail. No one paid him attention. The gate remained closed as servants carried on their duties as if used to that kind of situation. Passerbys looked at the king pitifully which enraged him beyond measures. He felt greatly humiliated that even as a king Lacin did not give him face. After camping for two days in vain, the king and his subordinates wore dejected faces. They trudged back to their kingdom utterly dejected and humiliated. The topic was banned from anyone's lips unless they wanted to witness the kings wrath.

It was during this sorrowful atmosphere that an idea was hatched. That they should try all the means to get closer to Mata kingdom and more so to the legendary blacksmith Lacin. After much deliberation it was decided that the matter be left to the king's advisors for ironing. Roy's father worked around the clock to ensure the success of this mission. He contacted the Atto spies in the Mata kingdom who looked for a closer relative to the blacksmith and who could be bethroaned to the king. The girl found was a dwarf's beauty, with shiny eyes, plump bosom, short stature a signature for the dwarfs. she had a pale complexion with clear star like eyes which gleamed in the sunlight. she had also been brought by the famous Lacin family and hence had a talent in forgery. Roy's father was delighted with the news and hence rushed to inform the king.

The king being desperate to have the legendary sword reforged agreed to the advisors request. He delegated the matter to his trusted advisors. As usual it was Roy's fathers time to shine. He trudged in and out between the two kingdoms in a frantic effort to seal the deal. It was in this blinded chase for success that the inevitable happened. The dwarfs being shrewd business people did not forget to take advantage of this situation. They sneaked a clause in the agreement which came to haunt Roy's father. The clause sought to fullfill any one of the dwarf's request unconditionally.

The kingdom threw a party of pomp and Merry. All delicacies were found in plenty. The kings generosity was beyond measure. People ate to their fill. Rare natural treasures, fruits and magical beast's meat was found in random plates for the guests and citizens to consume. The royal chef's ensured the king's reputation doesn't go up in smoke. They cooked to perfection. The sweet aroma emanating from the food enticed and entranced its host. Here and there guest's were so mesmerized such that after a bite and savouring the taste, one would scrible down, perhaps trying to note down the ingredients.

Soon the awaited moment came, when the bride had to serve her to be husband. Hai the bride walked dressed to the brim. Her beauty mesmerized the crowd as gasps could be heard here and there. Mouth so agape that some even forgot they were eating. The crowd was entranced. The whole hall was silent, eyes followed Hai's behind as everyone was a world of their own. Some swore to go and chase their wives in favour of the dwarfs, others swore to ensure their sons get married to the dwarfs when they came of age. It was a feast for the eyes. Hai swayed her hips from right to left as the dress shawl which was drifting behind her got blown by the wind. She looked like a goddes descending to her subjects.

The king could not believe his eyes. He had no idea that the dwarfs could be so captivating. He sized Hai in appreciation and anticipated his time with her. He looked at the valomptuous figure in admiration as he inwardly thanked his advisors for this gift. As Hai walked towards the king with the cup placed in front of her, the king only stared blankly at the would be wife. He admired her well chiseled jaws, her well placed nose, the smile plastered on her face, he could not help but move to her chest and what he saw left him gasping. The enticing bosom was a statement for all. Her two breast stood erect as if challenging the horizon, he stared at her unblinking until the guards coughed to bring his attention back.