
He deserves it.

The lesson had been going on for thirty minutes now, Roy could hold it no longer. It was the same boring and predictable content about magic and beasts.The tutor was a short man with squinting eyes and pointed ears, he had no talent in storytelling leave alone teaching. All what he said was history and theories found in random books from the library.

As the lesson progressed Roy could not help but get lost in his thoughts.He reminisced a life full of hopes, he deserved a good life at least. He could not help but frown when he recalled his fathers advice, "Son here is your lifeline, work hard and you will be rewarded, slack and you will still gain a reward, remember that success has relatives and failure is an orphan, from today you are on your own, go study and come home an accomplished worrier"

Roy treasured this words in his tiny heart, he knew he had no option if he were to make it out of their situation, his father had been banished from the kingdom together with some ministers for betraying the king,they lived in the outskirts where wild beasts roamed. His mother baked buns which she later sold to the returning soldiers who came from hunting beasts.

The stall was not generating enough hence Roy's family wallowed in poverty, Their status was the bottom feeder only able to cater for their shrinking tummies, not once or twice had they gone without food but Roy's mother worked round the clock to salvage the situation.

Roy recalled his father's apathetic pleas, he was now a disabled man thanks to the king's punishment.He was a shell of his former shelf, he did nothing apart from nagging about his past glories to the annoyance of his wife.

It is with great restraint, difficulties and dedication that Roy was able to enroll in one of the worst Apertures which trained Martial arts and Magic.

In the kingdom, the affluent people were known as worriers, they protected the kingdom from beast attacks and secured it from other kingdoms. Worriers were highly respected since they assured of a peaceful and prosperous era, they also supplied the kingdom with food from the hunted beasts. The kingdom had various professions ranging from blacksmithing, apostery, worriers, medicine, and beast taming. There was also a reserved profession for those who used magic known as mages.

Roy was roused from his wandering thoughts by a big bang on his head which set him in a disoriented state. a stinging pain spread from his torso all the way to his brains. He coughed a muffled scream as he held down tears. A warm liquid trickled down his head as it made way to his mouth. He suppressed the urge to cry as he clenched his fists.

"You want a fight then come you traitor, you are nothing but a leech who cannot afford anything, what a pity"

Roy faced the three girls hurling insults at him, he could not help but pity himself as he knew he was not their march, some boys stood at a distance as they encouraged the girls to kick the scumbag out of his senses.

He felt utterly humiliated. He could not help but curse at himself. It is only now that he realised that the unreliable tutor had earlier ended the lesson and left. He was at the mercy of this bullies.

Roy held his head in his hands, he raised his chin up and glared at the three bullies, for the first time he paid them up close. The tall girl going by the name Faiz had a sexy figure, her hair was dyed blue, she had a pail complexion with shining eyes which reflected like stars. Her pink dress which hugged her body tightly accentuated her sexy figure, it was a far cry from the bully Roy imagined in his dreams. He expected to be bullied by mighty mages who breathed fire, and kicked mountains not a beauty and girls in that case.

Roy forced himself from staring at faiz, he swore that the girl was simply breathtaking but had a tainted heart, he could not bring himself to admire such kind of a girl, his eyes swept to the second girl and the sight left him breathless, she was simply an Angel, her petite figure screamed the words hug me, her well rounded face marched with two dimples on every cheek, her shining milky teeth were in a perfect curve as if paying homage to her wonderful smile. Roy could not help but give her a roll over noting her plump bosom, he could not recall that he was not in a cinema hall but in a class awaiting the bullies verdict. He was roused back to reality by a heavy slap on his cheeks which sent him sprawling on the cold floor.

"What are you looking at traitor, you like what you see? Go die! You are nothing but a leech who thinks so highly of himself, why don't you assist your mother in baking? That's where your talent is." This words hurt Roy more than the stinging slap, tears welled up in his eyes, his heart was filled with agony and regret, remorse ate him in and out. He was a student like them for heaven's sake. Why did they have to trod at him at every turn. Then realization hit him like thunder, it was because they had power.

Roy touched his swollen face and gave it a light touch. Pain spread from every point of the face and spread everywhere. He gasped in utter humiliation as the boys cheered in a crescendo. He tilted his face to look at the third bully. This one was a bit familiar to him. He tried to recall where he had seen the girl but his memories failed him. She was a beauty in her own though not like the second girl. Her hair was combed and straightened at every inch, it stood erect on her tiny head as if challenging the heavens. her squinting eyes could not hide the contempt within as she returned Roys gaze.

"What have i done to you, why are you targeting me?" Roy voiced his concerns to the three girls.

"We don't need traitor's in our class. You are the reasons everybody hates us including our seniors, they hold us in contempt because of you, your father is a traitor and so are you, we don't need you in our school"

Roy could not contain himself anymore, he scooped his bag and slang it on his shoulders, he dragged his feet on the cold floor and headed for the door. "Where do you think you are going, and who permitted you to leave?" Shouted Faiz at him.Roy turned around only to be met by a leg frying towards his crotch. He shundered in fear and instinctively bent forward to avoid the lethal kick, the kick connected with his forehead and Roy lost focus, the world started spinning as many imaginary kingdoms passed before him, he even swore he saw the beautiful bully hugging him in an affectionate way. He landed with a thud on the cold floor as he blinked in and out of conciousnes.

When he regained focus, he was accosted by a pungent smell, the sun glared at him as if taunting him. Flies flew everywhere and they made a mayhem when he tried to rise up. He tilted his body to sit upright. His bones creeked as if in utter denial of his efforts. He winced in pain urging himself not to give up as he supported himself. He surveyed his sorroundings and knew where he was. He had been dumped in the school's dumping site. all matter of waste from failed magical products, beast wasted products and all matter of waste. It was a no go zone as it posed health risk to anyone who went without magic or a protective gear.

Author's note.

Please leave a review or a comment. It will go in a great way to encourage me. Happy new year.