
Dovakin in Westeros Insert

A guy is having Covid. he is with fever and is in isolation. while playing Skyrim he gets a blood clot and dies. he wakes up in Westeros just before the tourney of Harrenhall as his Skyrim character. Smut will be included. be advised.

OnanMaster · TV
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17 Chs

Final of the Melee

Bobby was already engaged in a brutal fight that will probably have Ser Jaimie's bones aching for decades. while me and Yohn were circling each other until he lunged at me.

I dodged his first swipe but the man for his size was far faster than you would expect. He was good. like better than Robbert, and so far Robbert has been the best fighter I have faced in Westeros. maybe Ser Barristan, Ser Arthur Dayne, or the White Bull will be more skilled. but in terms of balance between raw power and skill Yohn was in the top 5.

I disengaged and circled him while chuckling. This was going to be a good fight. the lord of runestone stayed facing me like an unmovable mountain.

after a few swings done by me, his shield arm was starting to get slow. we have been fighting for a good hour already and my hits were not soft. by the end of the dozen or so clashes we had I finally saw an opening and took it.

Surprisingly enough. his armor lit up. the runes glowing almost pure white and a golden shield stopped my hammer from crashing into his armor, A gong-like sound made everyone look, the rebound force almost threw me from my legs, making me take a few steps back.

The crowd went quiet. Yohn was looking down at the white glowing runes in his armor as if he has seen a ghost in his living room. and I just started to laugh like a madman.

"Runework of the first men everybody! WELL DONE! well done!" I forgot that my two handed Warhammer was enchanted. the magic in the armor must have been latent, only to be activated when the magic in my hammer tried to collide with it.

"let me use some Magic of my own then, it's only fair" I got in a stance and as soon as Yohn nodded and was in a stance of his own I was ready for a Shout. " TIID!!! KLO!!! UL!!!" Everything went into slow motion. this also made Yohn Royce's sword and shield runes start to glow, somehow his sword arm was able to keep up until I went really full ham and started to use quick power attacks.

In the end, we probably looked like a whirlwind of swings, golden magic shields, and us just basically trying to kill each other at this point, speed is momentum and kinetic force behind the weight of the weapon.

It was not until I shattered the Sword of Yohn that I let him breathe for a second. The shout was wearing off and we both looked at each other. total opposites. Yohn was looking at me like a deer in the headlights, his sword hand Trembling, Shield arm basically limp. I was grinning like a madman at him.

"I Yield," said Yohn as he sat down on the sand breathing heavily.

I looked at the crowd. The Roar that came was making me drunk with power, I now understand how Professional fighters feel when they K.O. someone.

turning towards Bobby B and Jaimie I see Jaimie on the floor while clutching his arm and Bobby not even afraid of what we just pulled off in front of everyone. he wanted a piece of me.

"kakatte koi!" I just say as I wave at him to come with my fingers.

"what does that mean?" Bobby B says as he cracks his neck and shoulders while walking slowly towards me.

"Bring it on!" Bobby B just laughs and charges like a madman, I Laugh and charge back at him.

After colliding in a thunderous clash of metal we started to wrestle in full plate armor. punches. knees. everything, all until I managed to put Robbert in a triangle with my legs and choke him out.

Gotta give it to Bobby. he swings like a drunken sailor high on spinach and besides that is as stubborn as a grumpy Ox.

getting on my feet I raise my Hammer like a Thor wannabe and yell to the skies. "House Crownguard!, Huse Baratheon!, House Royce!" Everybody starts to chant the same thing for like 2 minutes straight.


After getting my coins stored in my inventory from the prize I changed into my Formal Attire and went to the feast.

As a guest of honor, I was seated next to Rhegar, next to me were Bobby B and Yohn. seems like my chant had more impact than it should have. Butterfly effect. but whatever.

We kept eating, drinking and chatting. I was getting the most looks from the crowd. Rhegar asked me not to perform music tonight 'fucking attention whore' but no biggie. After the bards took over I took Lysa for a dance. all respectful in front of the eyes of the court. then a few other highborn ladies. there was a Tyrell, a Blackwood, and finally Ashara. like they say here "by the gods!" those eyes.

i was planning on including the meeting of Rhegar and MC in this chapter but it felt wrong to include such a crucial point of the story in this same chapter.

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