
Dovakin in Westeros Insert

A guy is having Covid. he is with fever and is in isolation. while playing Skyrim he gets a blood clot and dies. he wakes up in Westeros just before the tourney of Harrenhall as his Skyrim character. Smut will be included. be advised.

OnanMaster · TV
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17 Chs

A men from another time. (interlude/corssover)

Waking up making the most blood curdling scream and drew my sword from the inventory just to see an empty apartment. I was no longer fighting the night king. PTSD is a bitch, night terrors are even worst, and every other day seeing people swarmed by the dead, and dying. over and over again was not fun.

After washing my face and having a look in the mirror I got ready to work, as an Art teacher in a local High School. First day of work. and I do not want to fuck it up.

After planetos I could not believe that I got thrown here, back in the modern world. First, I thought, well to rush to my family's home and scream "I'm back!!" but in reality. I'm not, I'm still in the skin of my Skyrim character. it's just a different universe, and knowing my family they would probably blast me with a shotgun rather than embrace me.

I managed to Bend Will my way into them hiring me as a teacher. Yes, I'm not proud of it. but sue me. I did not even have modern clothes when I landed. 7.5 feet tall and in full plate armor. Hell, the first 10 bucks I made was for taking a selfie with a group of teenagers in central park. they thought I was cosplaying or something.

After arriving and looking up the name of the school again. I just had an eerie feeling about it. "Midtown High" I just muttered. Why the fuck does it sound so familiar?

After Taking my Schedule, class list, and everything else from the printer in the teacher's room. and printing also a map I exchanged pleasantries with a few horny and sexually starved female teachers before dodging them like the clap and rushing towards my first class.

Arriving I Saw the classroom half full. Guess nobody wants to see my art. See I became a quite fucking good Sketch/portrait artist in the last few years. Nothing else to do when you are in a war with the dead. In my previous life (the nonfictional one) I was fairly good.

After sitting down I looked at the class. there was a skinny brown haired kid writing something in a notebook. a Blonde tall that was ripping pieces of paper from his notebook and throwing them at the brown haired kid.

I was about to take attendance when the window side of the building blew up with a green flame.

"Well. Well. Well. hello there spiderman" said a man in a green goblin suit standing on top of a glider.

It struck me then, Midtown High...

Fuck... I got yeeted to the Marvelverse.

"guess what Spiderling" said the man in green. "I'm gonna take away everything love, I'm gonna ra*e your little girlfriend in front..." I did not even need to hear the rest. Seeing the one who he was addressing as spider tensed up. I just did what I do best.

"FUS RO DAH!!!!!!!!!!!" After leaving another hole in the outside wall I followed the debree. finding the Green goblin. or well. what was left of him I did not care about getting my vocal cords hurt. The green goblin was one if not the worst villains that Spiderman has ever faced. he was dying today. he was not gonna go soft on another monster's ass.

"TIID KLO UL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Even though his glider was totally destroyed. half his armor was left in ruin and was bleeding from his mouth the Green Gob got up. he said something but it was so slowed down it sounded like some blackout drunk speaking/mumbling nonsense.

Summoning two OneHanded swords I just charged him. faster than any man possible thanks to the shout. the Green Gob tried to parry one of my hits with a forearm. only to lose it. Ebony blades are not to be trifled with. This time I did not hesitate as with the Night King and stabbed him in the heart.

One monster less. one less.

Before I could do anything the Green Goblin pressed something and everything went ablaze.


Waking up with a scream in my tent still during the tourney. I needed to wash my face. that was not a dream. It was a vision. Way too real. Too detailed for it to be a hallucination.