
Douluo: The Blind One

Hun Yu was reincarnated in the Soul Land, but he had a waste-grade talent. When he was 6 years old, he lost his eyesight after awakening his martial spirit, the Holy Bow. He lived his life relying on his heightened senses that he obtained after he lost his eyesight. One day, he was walking to the village from his house when he found an injured woman. He carried her to his house and took care of her for a few days. She had lost her memories and didn't remember anything. ......... Avoid this fanfic if you're a fan of Tang San or his group, as it follows the Spirit Hall's side. If you dislike seeing them meet a grisly end, it's not for you.

Godfather_Gambler · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter-18 3rd soul skill, departing from wind village

Hun Yu was feeling very powerful after absorbing his 3rd spirit ring. As he was lost in thought, Master Yun approached him and said, "Hun Yu, I would like you to tell me about your 3rd spirit ring ability when we reach the village."

After a few days of traveling, they finally arrived at the Wind Village. Hun Yu headed towards his house and told Master Yun that he would show him his 3rd ability in the training ground. Hun Yu had reached a Soul Power level of 32, and he knew that his 3rd spirit ring ability would be a force to be reckoned with.

After some time, Hun Yu and Master Yun met in the training area. Hun Yu began to explain, "My 3rd spirit ring ability is Feather Shot. This ability allows me to fire a barrage of arrows that rain down on my enemies like a storm of feathers."

Master Yun nodded and said, "This ability is a good match with your 2nd ability, as it will also increase your speed sharply."

Hun Yu then asked if they should continue their training in hand-to-hand combat. Master Yun replied, "Hand-to-hand combat is for you to use when you don't have any weapon. Your hands will be your greatest weapon. However, we will not continue with that today. I have heard that there will be an advanced soul master continental contest in 8 months. To participate in that, you will need to join a soul master academy first. I want you to go there and fight against the geniuses of the various forces to gain real combat experience. You will leave in 2 months, so we should focus on improving your spirit ring abilities in the meantime."

As Master Yun was lost in thought, Hun Yu had an idea. He asked, "Master Yun, do you know anything about poison?"

Hun Yu was a doctor in his home village and had some knowledge of poison, but he wanted to learn more from his mentor. Master Yun patted him on the head and lectured him, "Using poison is not a good thing. Poison is used by poison-natured people, and it is a despicable means to use in battle. It is not good for a person with pride to use poison. I will teach you how to fight with honor and respect."

Master Yun finished his speech and said that he would teach Hun Yu how to use his spirit ring abilities more efficiently and use them to their full potential. Hun Yu felt excited and grateful to have such a wise and experienced mentor.

Over the next two months, Master Yun pushed Hun Yu to his limits in training, focusing on improving his agility and reaction time. Hun Yu trained with weighted clothing to build his strength and stamina, while also honing his spirit ring abilities to use them in new and more efficient ways.

In addition, Master Yun taught Hun Yu how to control and harness his soul power more effectively, allowing him to tap into his spirit ring abilities more quickly and with greater precision. Hun Yu also learned how to channel his energy to his fists, making his hand-to-hand combat skills more lethal.

Despite the grueling training regimen, Hun Yu persevered and made great progress. He was now able to unleash his Feather Shot ability with incredible speed and accuracy, taking out multiple targets at once. He also became more adept at dodging attacks and countering his opponents, both with his fists and his spirit ring abilities.

As the day of his departure approached, Hun Yu felt confident and ready to face any challenge that awaited him at the soul master academy and in the advanced soul master continental contest. He was grateful to Master Yun for all his guidance and training, and vowed to make him.

"As I walked towards my home, I couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty. Master Yun hadn't given me any indication of where I should go next. I would be leaving the village the following day with no clear direction. The weight of the unknown hung heavily over me as I made my way down the familiar path towards my house."

As the night grew darker, I finally arrived at my house, exhausted from the long training. I quickly settled in and drifted off to sleep, the sound of crickets outside lulling me into a deep slumber.

As I woke up, I could feel the warmth of the sun on my face. Despite being blind, my other senses were heightened, and I could hear the sound of the birds chirping and the leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. As I sat up and stretched, I thought about where I should go today.

Suddenly, I remembered that I hadn't visited my home village in six months. I wanted to visit my faithful companion, Xiao Xiao, who was a dog that I had raised from a puppy. Despite being blind, I had a deep connection with animals, and Xiao Xiao was my closest friend.

I made my way towards the cart and departed towards my home village. As I sat in the cart, I listened to the sounds of the horses' hooves clacking against the ground and the creaking of the wheels. I also took in the various smells of the countryside, including the fresh scent of grass and the earthy aroma of dirt.

As we arrived in the village, I could sense the familiarity of the surroundings. I had spent most of my life here, and even though I couldn't see, I could feel the layout of the village in my mind. I made my way towards my old house, and as I approached, I could hear Xiao Xiao barking with excitement.

I opened the door and was greeted with the familiar scent of home. Xiao Xiao ran up to me and licked my hand, and I could feel the joy radiating off of her. and as nightfall approached, I settled into my old house.

As I lay in bed, I listened to the sounds of the village at night. I could hear the crickets chirping and the distant sound of a river flowing. Despite not being able to see, I felt content and at peace. I had always believed that blindness was not a weakness but a gift, as it allowed me to connect with the world in a different way.

As I reached for the pillow, my fingers brushed against the soft, silky fabric. I brought it closer to my face and took a deep breath. The scent that wafted into my nose was unlike any other. It was a scent of divine beauty, alluring and enchanting. The aroma was so captivating that I couldn't help but close my eyes and take another deep breath.

The scent was so powerful that it seemed to transport me to another world, a world filled with magic and wonder. The fragrance was so beautiful that I couldn't resist hugging the pillow close to my chest, as if I could hold onto the scent forever.

It was the scent of her, the alluring and The aroma was so mesmerizing that I couldn't help but fall asleep, my dreams filled with the images of the beautiful soul master and her divine powers.