
Douluo: Ronin

"I'm Zeng Yi, a Ronin" In Douluo, Zeng Yi finds himself reborn with [Happy Orphan System], forcing him to pursue wandering life. --- To access advance chapters, join my patreon - https://www.patreon.com/primordial_idli --- This is a Translation. Source - https://www.uukanshu.com/b/115900/ Author - Daoran Jushi --- Cover Image from pinterest - https://pin.it/7hN0Vac ---

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Chapter 494: Heading to the Sword God Palace


Upon hearing these familiar words, Mo Xin's worries, fears, and anxieties instantly vanished. He was still the same person as before. This relieved Mo Xin, who had been on edge.

"Just now, who was..." Mo Xin began to ask, confused about why there were two Zeng Yi's just now.

"That should be an Evil Spirit." the Sword Saint Chen Mu said before Zeng Yi had a chance to answer.

"An Evil Spirit?" Mo Xin immediately became nervous. After all, Evil Spirits were symbols of bad luck and catastrophe. They were mysterious and terrifying, and everyone in Eastern Continent had an inexplicable fear of them. Moreover, Mo Xin's father had died at the hands of an Evil Spirit.

"Yes." Zeng Yi nodded in response to Mo Xin's questioning gaze.

"It seems that you've already handled it, so I don't need to worry anymore." Sword Saint Chen Mu praised Zeng Yi.

From the first moment he saw Zeng Yi, he felt that this person was extraordinary. Whether it was his strength, demeanor, or spiritual state, they were all far superior to ordinary people. The restrained aura made him feel that this young man did not have a hint of youthfulness but rather was like a calm elder.

Moreover, Sword Saint Chen Mu was the first to realize that there was a terrifying negative energy contained within Zeng Yi's body, making him like a timed bomb that could explode at any moment.

These two contradictory states seemed extremely conflicting in this young man, as though he was a monster.

However, in this state, there was no discomfort felt from Zeng Yi. He had become more complete, as if his soul had been sublimated, his spiritual energy was exceptionally calm and silent, as if he had merged into nature.

This was the realm of the [Unity of Heaven and Man!]

The true realm of a Sword Saint!

Every move and action carried an indescribable harmony, a naturalness.

Observing Sword Saint Chen Mu, Zeng Yi smiled and said, "I have to thank you, senior. If it wasn't for the talisman you gave me, I might have died already."

After speaking, Zeng Yi took off the sword talisman pendant hanging around his neck, looked at it deeply, and threw it towards Sword Saint Chen Mu.

Sword Saint Chen Mu caught the talisman and once again opened his palm. Looking at it, the talisman began to decay and turned into dust, scattered by the wind.

"The blessing of the gods." Sword Saint Chen Mu couldn't help sighing. Although the talisman had a function of resisting Evil Spirits, it was nothing more than an ordinary charm. Its effectiveness against a powerful Evil Spirit like the one they had just encountered was almost negligible.

Sword Saint Chen Mu did not believe that the talisman he gave could play a major role.

The only explanation was the protection of the Sword God.

After all, this place was a land dedicated to the gods, a place guarded by the gods. With such a monstrous talent in swordsmanship, the gods would naturally be watching him.

"Perhaps." Sword Saint Chen Mu sighed, while Zeng Yi simply smiled and didn't say anything.

Why did he regain his clarity in the lost state?

Perhaps it was because the gods were watching from above, or maybe it was because of the system.

Or perhaps it was because of the unfamiliar woman he saw in the spiritual world.

In any case, it was fortunate that he was able to survive. Zeng Yi didn't bother thinking about the reasons behind it.

"But now, are you still Mo Lang or someone else?" Sword Saint Chen Mu looked at Zeng Yi, narrowing his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Mo Xin was surprised and looked at Zeng Yi incredulously.

Could it be that the current Mo Lang was not the original him? Had he been consumed by the Evil Spirit?

"Hahaha, of course, it's still me. Whether it's Mo Lang or anyone else, it's just a name." Zeng Yi looked at Sword Saint Chen Mu and Mo Xin's nervous expressions and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Observing Zeng Yi's expression, Mo Xin seemed to have realized something.

"Could it be that you have regained your memories?"

Looking at Mo Xin's surprised look, Zeng Yi extended his palm and said with a smile, "Let me introduce myself again. My name is Zeng Yi, but of course, if you're not used to it, you can still call me Mo Lang."

Mo Xin was slightly stunned as he looked at the hand Zeng Yi extended. After some hesitation, she finally reached out and shook his hand.

"Since you have remembered everything, it's better to use your original name. I am Mo Xin, Zeng Yi."

Looking at Zeng Yi's smile, Mo Xin felt relieved.

She couldn't help feeling afraid, as she had treated her friend, who had been with her for so long, like family. The thought of him regaining his memories made her wonder if he was still the same person. Would he leave and return to where he belonged?

But in just that moment, she also felt relieved. After all, Zeng Yi didn't belong to the Mo family; he had his own home. As a friend, or even as family, she should be happy for him to regain his memories.

Mo Xin asked, "What happened to you? How did you lose your memories?"

"It's a complicated reason. It was because my body was severely injured, and I had to fight against existence within my body. In an instinctive response, my body chose to seal itself." Zeng Yi answered, glancing at Mo Xin's expression as if he had thought of something.

"You won't treat me as a stranger just because I've regained my memories, right? Actually, I remember everything that happened in the past six months clearly. I'm still the same person."

Upon hearing this, Mo Xin couldn't help but laugh. "What are you saying? It sounds like a little puppy that's about to be abandoned."

"What kind of metaphor is that?" Zeng Yi rolled his eyes.

As Mo Xin laughed, her voice suddenly stopped, and there was silence for more than ten seconds before she spoke again.

"Are you going to leave?"

"Hahaha, can't bear to part with me?" Seeing Mo Xin's lonely expression, Zeng Yi teased.

"Hmph, who said I can't bear to part with you? What's it to me if you leave?" Seeing Zeng Yi take advantage, Mo Xin crossed her arms and snorted.

"I'm just saying, you should at least say goodbye to that brat Mo Xiao. He has always regarded you as his older brother." she said.

"I know that, but it's not time to leave yet because I have something I want to figure out." Zeng Yi said, looking at Sword Saint Chen Mu.

"Elder, I want to visit the Sword God Palace!"

Yes, that was what Zeng Yi wanted to do the most at the moment.

Since regaining his memories, he had learned that Eastern Continent was a place dedicated to the gods, a place where the god's legacy was kept. Its nature was similar to the Sea God Island in the original story.

Furthermore, in the divine realm beyond the heavens, there was a person called the Sword God who observed this place.

The Sword God Palace was the holy land of Eastern Continent and the closest place to the gods.

For his own cultivation, Zeng Yi needed to go to the Sword God Palace. Even if it wasn't for the Sword God's inheritance, he still needed to go on behalf of his own swordsmanship, to have a sword exchange and improve his own skills.

Moreover, in his lost state in the spiritual world, he saw that mysterious woman, whom he guessed was in the Sword God Palace.

That gaze, that feeling, pierced through the intersection of space and time, as if it was destined.

Zeng Yi had an intuition, a premonition, that he must meet this person.

Furthermore, Eastern Continent was a world almost completely isolated from the outside world. So, if Zeng Yi wanted to return to the Douluo Continent, he had to go to the Sword God Palace to find a way or route back.

These were the three reasons why Zeng Yi had to go to the Sword God Palace.

After hearing Zeng Yi's request, Sword Saint Chen Mu nodded and smiled. "Hehe, even if you didn't mention it, I wanted you to visit the Sword God Palace. With your talent in swordsmanship, it would be a shame if you didn't go to the Sword God Palace."

"Moreover, you already have your own reasons in your heart."

"In three days, I will take you, as well as the Mo siblings, on this journey."