
Douluo: Ronin

"I'm Zeng Yi, a Ronin" In Douluo, Zeng Yi finds himself reborn with [Happy Orphan System], forcing him to pursue wandering life. --- To access advance chapters, join my patreon - https://www.patreon.com/primordial_idli --- This is a Translation. Source - https://www.uukanshu.com/b/115900/ Author - Daoran Jushi --- Cover Image from pinterest - https://pin.it/7hN0Vac ---

primordial_idli · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 491: The Power of Mirror Flower, Water Moon

[[Notes: Hey, I have been busy with life from past week.

Chapters publishing schedule will resume as usual from today.]]


Elsewhere, in Qingping Town, people were enjoying the festivities of the Spirit Blossom Festival, reveling in the joyous atmosphere of the grand celebration.

As beautiful fireworks lit up the night sky, countless colorful sparks overshadowed even the stars.

"The wind is picking up!"

At that moment, a gentle breeze began blowing through the previously calm town, gradually increasing in strength.

"What's happening?"

Someone in the crowd enjoying the fireworks exclaimed in astonishment.

The surrounding people turned their heads in the direction pointed by the person.


It was an incredibly shocking scene.

The clouds above started churning and rotating, and even though it was nighttime, the starlight allowed them to witness the spectacle clearly.

The whirlpool formed by the changing and surging clouds was so enormous that it seemed as if a rift had been torn in the sky, veering towards devouring everything.

Even the lightning kept flashing within the vortex, creating a scene reminiscent of a natural disaster, as if it were the end of the world.

"What's happening? What could have caused that over there?"

Mo Xin noticed the changes in the sky and was struck with astonishment by the calamitous sight.

This was the most shocking scene she had ever witnessed in her life, leaving a profound impact on her heart and mind.

Moreover, the gigantic vortex in the sky seemed to be close to their location.

"Elder Chen Mu, what is that?" Mo Xin nervously looked at Chen Mu the Sword Saint beside her.

If this terrifying storm were to assail the town, it would be a terrifying catastrophe.

Chen Mu the Sword Saint glanced up at the stormy vortex in the sky and a rare expression of solemnity crossed his eyes.

"This is not a natural disaster; it's man-made."

"What? Not a natural disaster?" Mo Xin was startled and taken aback by Chen Mu's words.

"If it's not a natural disaster, then what kind of power and realm would be capable of causing such a calamitous scene?" Mo Xin gazed at the horrifying storm vortex from a distance, feeling a sense of palpitation.

The scene before her was terrifying; all she felt in its presence was fear.

"Average Titled Douluo? No!" Chen Mu the Sword Saint shook his head after speaking, dispelling her notion.

"It is likely someone with the same realm and power as me, a Sword Saint."

Upon hearing this, Mo Xin's eyes widened in astonishment.

Sword Saint.

Mo Xin murmured the words, understanding what they represented: formidable strength. However, she had never seen a Sword Saint in action before, which made her wonder what such a person looked like when going all out.

But today, she finally got to witness it.

It was the terrifying power that could create scenes comparable to natural disasters. It was too terrifying!

"But if it's also a Sword Saint, why would they appear here?" Mo Xin asked with confusion.

Chen Mu the Sword Saint smiled faintly, looking at Mo Xin's puzzled expression. "Who said it had to be a Sword Saint from the Sword God Palace?"

"Isn't it?" Mo Xin was taken aback. From her understanding, aside from the Sword God Palace, were there other forces with Sword Saints?

"Hehe, I sense two different spirit forces in this wind." Chen Mu the Sword Saint said calmly, causing Mo Xin's expression to freeze.

These were definitely two Sword Saint-level powerhouses causing such a phenomenon near the town!

The Sword Saints, who were usually only spoken of in rumors, were actually appearing in such numbers.

What had happened to this world?

Chen Mu the Sword Saint merely nodded, looking at the stormy vortex and smiling without saying a word.

After nearly a minute had passed, Chen Mu the Sword Saint finally spoke.

"Let's go, maybe the answers you seek are over there."


Evil Spirit felt the energy fluctuations around him and sensed it as well.

In an instant, he found himself surrounded by a domain, like a cage that restrained his power, even his movements.

This subversion of the natural order seemed to have switched the roles, turning the hunter into the hunted.

"It's true; I can't replicate your domain. But do you think domain skills belong solely to you?"

Evil Spirit sneered as he unleashed a power rivaling the laws of nature.

The river below began to boil, an ominous aura spread, and vitality was devoured frenziedly.

Flowers, grass, shrubs, and even tall trees visibly withered in the presence of this malevolent aura, reduced to ashes and dissolved into the air.

It was like the Grim Reaper harvesting every life in this space, an apocalyptic scene.

Even Zeng Yi had to prepare for the worst.

Domain against Domain, the opponent's domain was no weaker than his own, obliterating his advantage.

Since he couldn't suppress it, he would rely on sheer strength.

Zeng Yi looked at the Evil Spirit, whose face mirrored his, like a reflection in a mirror, his inner demon.

Facing such an opponent truly made Zeng Yi contemplate with mixed feelings.

Standing on the mirror-like surface of the river, within his controlled domain, even the roiling waves of water on the other side failed to affect this side in the slightest.

In an instant, countless swords of various shapes and forms appeared on the surface of the water.

Short Swords, Long Swords, Wakizashi, ... a variety of swords glimmered with their sharp edges, their chilling aura freezing the air.

These were the swords Zeng Yi had collected over the years, some from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, and some from his master, the Sword Douluo Chen Xin.

Not only these genuine swords, but even the water in the river began to condense within Zeng Yi's domain, forming countless swords inserted into the surface of the water and the ground.

In an instant, this place had become a world of swords.

Evil Spirit looked at the countless swords created by Zeng Yi, feeling a chill from this terrifying sword intent.

He also began to imitate Zeng Yi, creating countless swords made of demonic energy that covered the whole space.


Seeing the Evil Spirit's actions, Zeng Yi couldn't help but sneer.

"Today, I will surpass my limits right here!"

Zeng Yi said, picking up a sword from his surroundings. With his seven spirit rings, an infinite amount of spirit power flooded into his body.

In the next moment, his figure disappeared from where he stood.


A sudden explosion, a sonic boom, and the waves surged!

At that moment, all the swords trembled.

It was as if beautiful silver lightning clashed with a pitch-black lightning.

In a moment, the world lost color.

Leaves, stones, and broken branches in mid-air all halted.

Time seemed to freeze.

No, time hadn't frozen; it had become incredibly slow.

Or perhaps, the speed of the two individuals was too fast. In a blink of an eye, the clash of silver and black, sword light flickered as they exchanged blows dozens of times.

This made everything in mid-air seem as if frozen in place.

And then, at that moment.

All the objects in the air turned into dust under the bursting sword aura.

"Hahaha, there's no use. I can see through all your moves!"

Evil Spirit laughed, blocking Zeng Yi's attacks over and over, and began to taunt.

"Because I am you!"

The sword swung high, between the electric and the flint, Zeng Yi stepped backward, creating distance.

"Then, how about this move?"

Zeng Yi sneered and launched another attack.

Countless swords rose from the ground towards Evil Spirit.

[Sword Arts: Sword Array of a Thousand Blades!]

"Useless; you should know that quantity is useless against me!"

Evil Spirit's confidence was unshakable, but the next moment, he was stunned by what he saw.

Many Zeng Yi's appeared, two, ten, a hundred!

In the blink of an eye, an entire legion of Zeng Yi's had manifested!


No, with his advancement, there was no way he couldn't detect even the simplest illusion.

Because he could clearly sense that each Zeng Yi had the same aura, even the same breathing frequency and heartbeat.

In an instant, it seemed like one against a hundred, or even more?

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Evil Spirit roared, swinging his sword to release a massive sword energy, but all those Zeng Yi's began to crumble under this sword energy.

However, it couldn't be settled with just one move.

Dozens of Zeng Yi's attacked him simultaneously, forcing him to defend himself, but leaving deep wounds in another part of his body.

How could this be?

Evil Spirit couldn't believe it. He couldn't quite distinguish whether this was an illusion or reality anymore.

As the wounds continued to multiply, even though his recovery speed was abnormal, the feeling of rampant destruction caused by the sword intent running amok made him extremely uncomfortable.

"How about it? Surprised?" 

As Zeng Yi brushed against Evil Spirit during their exchange, he whispered in his ear.

"Weren't you spying on my memories? You should know this move."

"Oh, did you not fully peep? Just part of it?"

"That's a shame."

"Although you can replicate my spirit skills, you didn't expect that I have spirit bone skills, did you?"

"Otherwise, how could you not guess why I have a spirit power that can rival yours?"

Upon hearing these words, Evil Spirit widened his eyes.

[Spirit Bone Skill: Mirror Flower, Water Moon]

A spiritual type spirit skill that controlled the five senses. With this ability, Zeng Yi could make every sword appear as his own, making it impossible to differentiate.

At this moment, everything was under his control. Even his inner demon and the bane of calamity were like puppets, manipulated in the palms of his hands.