
Douluo: Ronin

"I'm Zeng Yi, a Ronin" In Douluo, Zeng Yi finds himself reborn with [Happy Orphan System], forcing him to pursue wandering life. --- To access advance chapters, join my patreon - https://www.patreon.com/primordial_idli --- This is a Translation. Source - https://www.uukanshu.com/b/115900/ Author - Daoran Jushi --- Cover Image from pinterest - https://pin.it/7hN0Vac ---

primordial_idli · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 119: Who Said I'll Take You Back

The next day.

Early in the morning, Zeng Yi heard that there was free breakfast, so he immediately went to the cafeteria of the Shrek Academy.

Entering the simple cafeteria, he saw the seven members of Shrek and his own disciple, Yan Que, enjoying their breakfast together. Zeng Yi noticed that Xiao Wu seemed much better than yesterday. She was no longer like before and was joking and laughing with the others. It seemed that her kind master had spoken to her.

"Zeng Yi, you're here."

Seeing Zeng Yi enter, everyone greeted him, and Zeng Yi nodded in response to each one.

"Oh, isn't this junior brother? Get me a cup of soy milk for Senior Sister."

An unpleasant voice reached Zeng Yi's ears, causing the corners of his mouth to twitch, and his expression turned somewhat unpleasant.

"Little girl, don't push your luck too far." Zeng Yi squinted his eyes and warned Ning Rongrong.

"By the way, I think I forgot to mention something to Grandpa Sword. I'll go find him first, you guys go ahead and eat." Ning Rongrong spoke as if she hadn't heard Zeng Yi's words, then pretended to get up.

This darn girl.

Seeing Ning Rongrong's actions, Zeng Yi cursed inwardly.

With that old man's affection for this girl, if he knew how I treated Ning Rongrong before, things wouldn't look good for me. After all, that old man even gave up a hundred thousand-year soul beast for her.

I guess I'll endure for now. I won't be here for long anyway.

With that thought in mind, Zeng Yi clenched his fist tightly and then let go.

"Hehe, just a cup of soy milk, right? Drink up! I'll even bring you a basin." Zeng Yi forced a smile and said, then turned to the cafeteria aunt to get the soy milk for Ning Rongrong.

"Phew, you're just having a basin yourself." Watching Zeng Yi's back, Ning Rongrong scoffed, disappointedly returned to her seat.

After Ning Rongrong sat down, she noticed her classmates staring at her with strange expressions, which made her feel a bit embarrassed.

"What's wrong with you guys?"

"Rongrong, do you have a grudge against Zeng Yi? Why are you so targeted against him?" Xiao Wu couldn't help but ask curiously.

The others also nodded in agreement. They had guessed from Ning Rongrong's behavior toward Zeng Yi yesterday, but they hadn't had a chance to ask.

"Huh? No no no, I don't have any grudges with him." Ning Rongrong first froze, then quickly denied. She was too embarrassed about being bullied by Zeng Yi, and she definitely didn't want them to know.

Hearing Ning Rongrong's response, they became even more certain that something had happened between the two.

"Well, here's your soy milk."

At that moment, Zeng Yi walked over and placed a cup of soy milk in front of Ning Rongrong, spilling some of it.

"Can you be a bit more polite? Also, you should call me Senior Sister." Ning Rongrong glared at Zeng Yi with her beautiful eyes, reminding him.

"Yes, yes, Senior Sister." Zeng Yi nonchalantly complied and held his own breakfast, sitting next to his disciple, Yan Que.

"Master, do you have a misunderstanding with Sister Rongrong? In fact, she's very nice. Master, can you not be mad at her?" Yan Que said to Zeng Yi with a slightly unhappy expression. After spending a day with Ning Rongrong, she treated Yan Que very well, just like an elder sister.

Hearing Yan Que's words, Ning Rongrong felt very happy and looked proudly at Zeng Yi.

Zeng Yi stopped eating, put down his food, turned his head to Yan Que, and said seriously, "Yan Que, you're wrong. That is Master's Senior Sister. You should call her aunt, or maybe even just Auntie. Don't mess up the hierarchy, understand?"

After hearing Zeng Yi's words, Ning Rongrong choked on her soy milk and almost spat it out.

I'm only twelve years old, and he wants me to be called Auntie? Is he kidding?

Yan Que, deep in thought, nodded and said, "Oh, I see. Master, I understand." Then she looked at Ning Rongrong across from her and said, "Auntie Rongrong."


The words "Auntie Rongrong" sounded innocent coming from Yan Que's mouth, but they hit Ning Rongrong's heart like a powerful bomb, making her feel like she had been seriously injured. Her face turned almost black.

Seeing Zeng Yi looking at her, his mouth curved into a smug smile, his gaze filled with disdain. Ning Rongrong felt a surge of anger and spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Is this your plan, you despicable person?

Seeing Ning Rongrong humiliated, Zeng Yi felt extremely pleased.

You want to be on equal footing with me? Then you'll be someone on the level of an Auntie, and I'll make Yan Que call you that every day. Otherwise, you'll just be my niece. Be a good girl and call me uncle!

You want to compete with me? You're still thousands of years too early, little girl.

Zeng Yi thought triumphantly.

Seeing Ning Rongrong embarrassed, the others couldn't help but laugh, but as they laughed, they felt that something was not quite right. Yan Que also called them brother and sister, so if that's the case, they were acknowledging that they were on the same level as Zeng Yi, but they weren't.

Realizing this, their faces turned slightly dark, and they glared angrily at Zeng Yi.

"Ahahaha." Under their gaze, Zeng Yi felt somewhat embarrassed.

The pleasant breakfast time quickly passed, and then the seven of them from Shrek Academy would enter their hellish training session, while Zeng Yi was lying comfortably on the side, watching them work hard.

"Hey, why is someone running in a skirt? Stop staring, I mean you, run faster, you're at the back."

Ning Rongrong felt like she was going to explode. Running was already uncomfortable, and there was someone constantly pointing fingers next to her. She had the urge to pick up a stone from her back and throw it at his smug face.

"Both of you are girls. Look at Xiao Wu and Xiao Zhu, and then look at yourself."

Zeng Yi said again, causing Zhu Zhuqing to stumble while running.

Why is it about me again?

Zhu Zhuqing gave Zeng Yi a death glare.

"Master, I suggest adding twenty kilograms to Ning Rongrong. Look, she still has the energy to glare at me. It seems like she doesn't care about the weight at all." Seeing Ning Rongrong still giving him a dark look, Zeng Yi raised his hand and made a request to the Grand Master on the side.

Hearing Zeng Yi's words, the Grand Master couldn't help but sweat.

Is this guy here to cause trouble?

As for Zeng Yi, there was nothing the Grand Master could do about him. This person was the disciple of Sword Douluo, not a student of Shrek Academy. He couldn't control him even if he wanted to.

Tang San had mentioned before that this young man was very strong, but looking at his lazy appearance now, Yu Xiaogang couldn't see how strong he was.

Suddenly, a figure appeared behind Zeng Yi and slapped his head.

"What the hell are you doing!"

Zeng Yi rubbed his slightly painful head and looked at his cheap master, who was staring at him with an unfriendly expression.

"As your senior brother, how can you say that about Rongrong? Do you know how hard she has been working? Rongrong has never done something like this before, do you know how much she has changed?" Chen Xin suddenly grabbed Zeng Yi's shoulder and shook him vigorously, saying excitedly.

"Rongrong has finally grown up. I have no regrets."

After speaking, Chen Xin let go of Zeng Yi, looked up to the sky, sighed deeply, and had tears in his eyes.

Seeing Chen Xin like this, Zeng Yi was speechless. This old man was really something. Is this what he calls having no regrets?

Who said that his lifelong wish was to see Sword Dao standing at the pinnacle of the continent? How come it sounds like bullshit?

Is Ning Rongrong your mother? Why do you spoil her so much? No wonder she had that kind of personality before. If, if...

If there was a Title Douluo who spoiled me like that, I would act the same way!

"Now go train, don't you dare slack off. How can you protect my Rongrong if you don't get stronger?" Chen Xin instantly changed his expression, kicked Zeng Yi's thigh, and urged him.

Why do I have to protect your Rongrong? Did you take me as your disciple just to be your bodyguard?

Hearing Chen Xin's words, Zeng Yi pursed his lips and reluctantly stood up.

"By the way, when are we leaving? You've seen your Rongrong for a whole day, can we leave now?" Zeng Yi asked.

"Yes, we'll leave today." Chen Xin thought about it and said.

Now that Zeng Yi had found Ning Rongrong and brought him to the Shrek Academy, and they had seen each other, he was already satisfied. It was time to return to the sect and oversee it.

Hearing Chen Xin's words, Zeng Yi's face lit up. "Then let's go now. I really want to see the scenery of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect."

"Us? Who said I'm taking you with me? Only me and Yan Que are going back. You will stay here." Chen Xin glanced at the excited Zeng Yi and said calmly.


This time, Zeng Yi was dumbfounded.