
Douluo: Ronin

"I'm Zeng Yi, a Ronin" In Douluo, Zeng Yi finds himself reborn with [Happy Orphan System], forcing him to pursue wandering life. --- To access advance chapters, join my patreon - https://www.patreon.com/primordial_idli --- This is a Translation. Source - https://www.uukanshu.com/b/115900/ Author - Daoran Jushi --- Cover Image from pinterest - https://pin.it/7hN0Vac ---

primordial_idli · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 10: Danger Approaches


In the early morning of the falling forest, sunlight filtered through tall cedar leaves and fell onto the ground covered with dry leaves and twigs. The forest was filled with moisture and mist, and occasional sounds of chirping birds and beasts were heard, creating an ethereal atmosphere.

A figure suddenly jumped up from the ground covered with dry leaves, causing them to float in the air with the breeze and slowly descend.


Zeng Yi raised his hands high in the air and stretched lazily, emitting a satisfied hum.

"After practicing all night, I feel refreshed!"

Zeng Yi shook his neck and shook his body to shake off the dry leaves.


"Uh... after practicing for the whole night, I'm actually getting hungry. I should prepare breakfast first!" Zeng Yi awkwardly rubbed his stomach.

"After being full, I'll look for my little cutie!" he said.

Saying that, Zeng Yi reached out his right hand and touched his left wrist, revealing a steamed bun. He picked it up and took a big bite, moving his lips to chew.

"It tastes awful!" Zeng Yi swallowed it with an uncomfortable expression. This dry food is okay to eat a few times, but eating it all the time is torture! I'm still a child, it's the time to grow my body, I need to replenish nutrition properly. How can I keep eating this?

It seems like I need to hunt for some game. It's been days since I had meat. In this Soul Beast Forest, there should be plenty of edible soul beasts, right?

Thinking this, Zeng Yi started to move, but he didn't waste the steamed bun in his hand and finished it in a few bites.

In the Sunset Forest, relying on his perception of the surrounding airflow, Zeng Yi could avoid many dangers and capture the prey he desired.

Not long after, Zeng Yi found the prey he desired. He cautiously approached the figure and inspected its information.

[Soul Beast: Wild Gray Rabbit]

[Age: Two years]

[Ability: Kicking]

[Habit: Living in groups]

[Note: The wild gray rabbit is the most common soul beast found on the outskirts of the Sunset Forest. It has a strong ability to breed but is weak in strength, making it the food source for carnivorous soul beasts. Although they live in groups, they are exceptionally timid. At the slightest disturbance, they will run away.]

Understanding the information about this rabbit, Zeng Yi nodded.

The small rabbit in the distance was bowing its head and nibbling on tree roots. From time to time, it raised its head to check the surroundings. After noticing that everything was fine, it lowered its head and continued eating.

Indeed, it was as cautious as described in the information.

This time, Zeng Yi carefully observed the basic information of this soul beast. It was weak and easy to pick on. Although it lived in groups, it would scatter and run away individually when sensing danger instead of uniting against the enemy, thus avoiding situations like the Black Poison Mouse.

Quietly sneaking up on the wild gray rabbit, Zeng Yi was confident in his stealth attack and made no sound.

Sneaking to a spot about five or six meters away from the gray rabbit, Zeng Yi used a tree trunk to conceal his body. Then he poked his head out to observe.

The rabbit was still eating grass, unaware of Zeng Yi's presence. Perfect!

Zeng Yi gripped the sword hilt at his waist with his right hand, took a deep breath, and quickly dashed forward, appearing in front of the gray rabbit. At this moment, the gray rabbit also sensed danger and turned around to escape, but unfortunately, it was too late.

Drawing the sword...


"Hashai~" Zeng Yi couldn't help but shout.

A visible pale blue sword energy resembling a crescent moon swiftly slashed towards the gray rabbit. In an instant, the rabbit leaped high in the air but then fell powerlessly to the ground. Its head separated from its body, spraying blood everywhere. The rabbit's little legs twitched a few times before becoming lifeless.

"Phew~" Zeng Yi exhaled, showcasing a sword dance and sheathing the sword.

"To deal with a two-year-old soul beast, I had to use my full techniques. Besides me, no one else could do that," Zeng Yi said, a smile creeping up on his face.

Zeng Yi practiced the Martial Wind Sword Art, reaching the first level of perfection, allowing him to wield sword energy. Combined with his soul power, it greatly enhanced his attack power, making it the most powerful skill he had at his current stage.

Zeng Yi's sword energy could reach a distance of ten meters. Moreover, after accumulating power, the attack would be even stronger. The attack he just launched was instantaneous, similar in power to a regular slash, but with the advantage of long-range attacks.

Approaching the corpse of the soul beast, Zeng Yi grabbed its hind leg and gauged its weight.

"Hmm... It probably weighs around eight or nine jin! Enough for me to eat." Zeng Yi pondered for a moment, then took out a small knife and some clean water from his spatial bracelet to process the meat.

As a traveler, Zeng Yi carried many necessary supplies, and water was essential. After all, it was impossible to encounter a river at all times, and Zeng Yi hadn't reached the level of fasting and surviving without food.

After preparing the meat, Zeng Yi was about to set up a fire, but he noticed a change in the wind direction.

There's movement! It's probably a soul beast coming towards me.

Zeng Yi furrowed his brow, storing the processed ingredients.

Sneak away! Change the location first.

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Zeng Yi swiftly disappeared from his original spot.


After more than ten minutes, Zeng Yi watched a large black bear pass by where he had been standing. Another ten minutes passed, and when Zeng Yi felt it was safe, he lifted the camouflage cloth and emerged.

That bear just now was a three-hundred-year-old soul beast. As a bear-like creature, it was extremely fierce among soul beasts and a dominant figure in this area. It's not that Zeng Yi was afraid of it; in a fight, the bear would surely die. However, Zeng Yi would also have to pay a certain price. If he confronted one soul beast and another came out, Zeng Yi would be in trouble.

I can fight, but it's not necessary!

Despite Zeng Yi's system being called the [Happy Orphan System], for Zeng Yi himself, happiness was just a facade; stability was his essence!

When I'm stable, I'm like a defensive tower!

"Alright, now it's time to work for today."

After resting for a while, Zeng Yi got up and started searching for a suitable soul beast to harvest its soul ring.


Walking on the outskirts of the Falling Forest, Zeng Yi encountered many soul beasts, but he didn't randomly kill them. As tool beasts, they were already pitiable. Killing them indiscriminately would only make their lives more miserable.

Zeng Yi's martial soul was the Ronin Sword, and he practiced the Martial Wind Sword Art. The soul rings he needed were best for enhancing his slashing power or had a wind attribute. However, the encountered soul beasts were either too young or had the wrong attributes, which caused him headaches.

For a soul master, choosing the right soul rings was crucial for their future development route and strength. It couldn't be taken lightly.

Zeng Yi would choose to avoid some highly aggressive soul beasts to avoid unnecessary trouble.

You guys are powerful, but I can't provoke you, so I'll slip away!

After a few hours, Zeng Yi stood foolishly in one place, bewildered.

Where am I now?

He couldn't distinguish the east, south, west, or north directions at all. Zeng Yi had once again lost his way.

Oh no! I was only thinking about finding soul beasts and forgot to mark my path. How am I going to get back now?

Zeng Yi began to realize the seriousness of the problem.

Why did I, a person who often gets lost, come to a Soul Beast Forest and court death?

Not good! Danger approaches.

A strong scent of blood carried by the wind reached Zeng Yi's side, causing his hair to stand on end.

I can't run away. It has locked onto my aura, and it already sees me as its prey.

Zeng Yi frowned tightly, his right hand caressing the sword hilt at his waist, not daring to be careless. He faced the direction the smell of blood came from and assumed a fighting stance.


A long howl echoed through the forest as a gust of wind carrying a bloody scent rushed towards Zeng Yi, causing his eyes to widen.

It's a wolf-like soul beast!


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