
Douluo: My Teacher is Pope

Li Changan stumbled into Martial Spirit City on the Douluo Continent, where he now lives like any other local. After activating his system, he was taken in as a disciple by Bibi Dong because of the twin martial souls he had awakened in him. It's a real teach-con In Li Changan's words, "I love my teacher." ______________________________________________________________ It is another mtl’ed story I am posting here. Original Author: Mai luobo de tuzi Original Story: Dou luo zhi wo de laoshi shi jiaohuang

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70 Chs

Chapter 2: Meeting with the Pope

The three Cardinals stared at Li Chang'an with burning eyes after they froze as if they were an old lustful batch.

"Would you like to join the Martial Spirit Hall Academy?"

"Would you like to join the Hall of Elders?"

"Would you like to come with me to see the Pope?"

The three Cardinals spoke in unison, but each one said something different, and this represented their respective positions.

One was the head of the Martial Spirit Academy, one was from the Hall of Elders, and one was from the Pope's side.

To be honest, Li Chang'an had not expected that he would get the three Cardinals so excited just by revealing his twin martial spirit, but it seemed to be working quite well now, the twin martial spirits did have an advantage.

The three Cardinals each looked at each other for a few moments, then the one in the lead said to Deacon Su, "First, test this little friend's spirit power."

The plain-clothed deacon said nothing more and took out a crystal ball to test his spirit power and instructed Li Chang'an to put his hand on it.

As the crystal ball shone brightly, Li Chang'an's spirit power was naturally known to the crowd, and there was no doubt that it was level 10, Innate Full Spirit Power.

The two titles together were enough to make everyone present, including the three Cardinals, gasp for breath.

Just as the three Cardinals were planning to grab someone, a breeze blew by, and then a dark black figure suddenly appeared in the centre of the Hall.

It was a tall man, dressed in black like a ghost, and his aura looked very erratic.

"Holy Pope would like to meet this child with twin martial spirits, I'll take him myself, you guys continue with the martial spirit awakening."

As soon as the man spoke, Li Chang'an felt himself being lifted, then the scenery around him was changing, and before long, he found himself in an even more majestic hall.

This hall was not much bigger than the original one, but the decorations around it, as well as the soothing red carpet beneath his feet, the gate behind it, which was about ten metres high, all spoke of the status of this hall.

"Don't be nervous later, Holy Pope wants to talk to you hearing that you are a twin martial spirit." At this time the ghostly figure that had brought Li Chang'an over reminded him at his side.

Other people might just be shocked that Li Chang'an was a twin martial spirit, but at a level like the ghostly figure, they knew more, and what a twin martial spirit represented was not just as simple as having an extra-martial spirit.

This was the benefit of awakening in Martial Spirit City, as long as you were talented enough, then you would immediately attract the attention of the bigwigs.

Li Chang'an had a mature mind, so naturally, he wasn't much afraid, but the excitement inside was inevitable, who would have thought that he would be able to meet that legendary woman so soon.

Just as Li Chang'an was ruminating, he suddenly heard a gentle sound of footsteps and looked up to see a woman holding a sceptre walking from the other side of the main hall.

At the first sight of this woman, Li Chang'an had only one sentence in mind.

'Fuck you Shrek! Long live the Supreme Pontiff.'

Who is this goddess? The solemn and luxurious purple robe of the Pope on her body just accentuated her nobility, and her face was so delicate with its distinctive features.

This woman had the face of a twenty-year-old girl, but the charm of a forty-year-old woman. (TN: In my words, maturity of a milf and face of a teen)

Her skin looked so exquisite and delicate that no pores seemed to be visible on her face, and the moment this woman appeared, she gave off an innate sense of nobility, and with that slightly curled up hair, she became even more beautiful.

Li Chang'an, who was in his twenties in his last life, admitted that at this moment he was melting here. (TN: Lekin yha wo pighal gya!!)

The woman walked unhurriedly to the papal chair in the main hall and sat down, then her jewel-like eyes met Li Chang'an, who was looking at her, and Bibidong could not help but nod gently.

Anyone who saw something beautiful would sigh in admiration, and Bibidong was naturally no exception.

"What's your name?"

Bibidong's ethereal yet majestic voice rang out.

Naturally, Li Chang'an first saluted respectfully and then replied, "Your Holiness, my name is Li Chang'an."

"I heard that you are a twin martial spirit, may I see it?"

Li Chang'an nodded obediently, and then first spread out his right hand, and the black Pan Gu Axe slowly emerged, then his left hand spread out, and the ancient Dong Huang Bell also slowly emerged.

To be honest, Li Chang'an did not expect his martial spirit to be so powerful, the Pan Gu Axe and the Dong Huang Bell, who did not know the status of these two divine weapons in Chinese mythology? (TN: Readers, do your magic and leave their info here)

Even to his death, Li Chang'an could not have imagined that his martial spirit would be these two ancient divine weapons.

Although the system had marked them as remnant versions, divine weapons were still divine weapons, and this was a fact.

With the appearance of the Pan Gu Axe and the Dong Huang Bell, that feeling of suppression on the martial spirit also appeared, but both the ghost and Bibidong present were both experts of the Titled Douluo level and were not so intimidated, but the surprise was inevitable.


Bibidong and Ghost +33 points]

As expected of the two Titled Douluo, the points added were in the tens, knowing that when his twin martial spirit was shown in the Awakening Hall before, the points were only in the single digits.

"A twin martial spirit, and still of extremely high quality, two martial spirits with different focuses, not bad."

Bibidong got up from her chair and nodded in satisfaction.

Her two martial spirits were both of the same types, compared to Li Chang'an's two martial spirits which were more promising than hers.

"Can you tell me what effects both of your martial spirits have?" Bibidong continued to ask, but there was a little more excitement between his words.

"Your Holiness, this axe of mine is named Pan Gu Axe, an attack-type of martial spirit, and this bell is named Dong Huang Bell, a defence type of martial spirit."

Li Chang'an replied in a half-truth according to the information he had received in his mind.

The Pan Gu Axe was indeed an attack-type martial spirit, but the Dong Huang Bell had another even more terrifying ability apart from defence, void-breaking.

Only this ability, destroying the realms, was not something Li Chang'an planned to tell anyone about, for the time being, he planned to use this ability as a killer trump card.

Bibidong nodded and said, "Would you like to worship me as your master?"