
Douluo: My Teacher is Pope

Li Changan stumbled into Martial Spirit City on the Douluo Continent, where he now lives like any other local. After activating his system, he was taken in as a disciple by Bibi Dong because of the twin martial souls he had awakened in him. It's a real teach-con In Li Changan's words, "I love my teacher." ______________________________________________________________ It is another mtl’ed story I am posting here. Original Author: Mai luobo de tuzi Original Story: Dou luo zhi wo de laoshi shi jiaohuang

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Chapter 3: Climbing up the pole

Are you willing to worship me as your master?

When Li Chang'an heard these words, his eyes couldn't help but look at Bibidong's thigh, his mind only had one sentence, such a long and white, ah no, such strong thighs, it will be foolish if he didn't hug them.

When Li Chang'an was born in Spirit City, his body was already tagged with the Spirit Hall, there is no doubt about that, instead of trying to purge himself with Tang San and the others again, it would be better to be with her instead.

"Disciple Li Chang'an pays respects to master!"

Li Chang'an directly performed the obeisance to his teacher, establishing this teacher-student relationship as soon as possible.

And when the ghost next to him saw this, he couldn't help but secretly nod his head, this little kid could judge the situation, and his reaction speed and decisiveness were also more sophisticated than ordinary people of his age.

At the same time, the ghost also knew that the attitude towards Li Chang'an would have to change in the future, as the Pope's real disciples so far we're only one Hu Leina, while the others were just named disciples.

And as far as Li Chang'an's current situation is concerned, he might be able to compete for the Holy Son in the future!

Bibidong also nodded in satisfaction and said in a soft tone, "Well, from now on, you are my second personal disciple, and I am the only one in this world who is a twin martial spirit, so it is just right that I can teach you properly."

"Also from tomorrow, you enter the Spirit Hall Academy to study, Ghost Douluo, arrange for Li Chang'an to study with Leina and the others, and for him and Leina, to come to me once every two days for a lesson, also this is the token to enter and leave my palace, you keep it."

Bibidong briefly explained the matter, then with a slight flick of her slender white finger, a token came into Li Chang'an's hand.

The token was dark black, nothing fancy, and there was only the word "Dong" on the front and back, this was Bibi Dong's token.

Ghost Douluo on the other side also nodded to show that he knew, so obviously, Bibi Dong had left Li Chang'an in his hands to make the arrangements.

After the explanation, Bibidong planned to get up and leave, after all, she was the Pope and she had a lot of things to do as she had recently reached a critical moment in her battle with the Elders' Palace.

And just then, a Temple Knight suddenly entered the hall to report that the Cardinal had brought another child in person, saying that this child had a special martial spirit and wanted to ask the Pope to decide on it.

Bibidong naturally nodded, and then Li Chang'an saw the Cardinal who had asked him to meet the Pope in the said Awakening Hall walk in, and he was followed by a girl.

This girl was wearing a shabby looking but very clean white dress, her somewhat dishevelled hair covered half of her face, and probably because of her low self-esteem, this girl kept her head down, making it impossible for people to see her face. (TN: This is called respect. Not everyone is as arrogant as you.)

"Your Holiness, this girl's martial spirit is somewhat special, and I would like to ask you to decide on it." The Cardinal said respectfully.

"Oh? Tell me about it." Bibi Dong looked at Li Chang'an, then spoke, after all, in this martial spirit awakening, Li Chang'an was already considered the biggest gain, it was hard to believe that there would be an existence that was even more heavenly than Li Chang'an?

"Mu Ruoxi, release your martial spirit." The Cardinal said gently.

The little girl nodded, then somewhat timidly spread out her small hand, a purple light emerged, and a purple flower appeared in her hand.

It was an unknown purple flower, but it was undeniable that it was special, at least it gave people a very comfortable feeling.

"What does your martial spirit do, do you know about this one?" Bibidong asked, she had never seen this kind of martial spirit either.

"Teach, Pope, my martial spirit, is an Auxiliary-type martial spirit, its name is purple lilac, currently I can share my spirit power, temporarily, to spirit masters with weak spirit power to replenish their spirit power."

The little girl lowered her head and timidly replied, her tone still occasionally stuttering a little.

When Li Chang'an heard this, a term immediately surfaced in his heart, wasn't she a living power bank?

When Bibidong and Ghost Douluo, the two Titled Douluo, heard this, they fell into thought, and only after about a minute or so did Bibidong say to the Cardinal.

"First, arrange for her to enter the Martial Spirit Academy as well, and then we'll see after the spirit ring is attached, besides, tomorrow I will arrange for you to be the vice president of the Martial Spirit Academy!"

He knew that from now on, he would be Bibidong's spokesman in the Martial Spirit Academy, after all, the Martial Spirit Academy had been in the hands of some nobles from the Spirit Hall before.

After everything was done, Li Chang'an left the Papal Palace under the leadership of the Ghost Douluo, and before he left he took another look at her thighs, well, they were long and white, suitable for hugging.

But as he passed by the girl named Mu Ruoxi, Li Chang'an also unintentionally glanced at her and noticed that the little girl was also pretty beautiful, especially since she had peach blossom eyes, which added to her looks.

When she grew up, she would be another wretched existence.

After leaving the Pope's Hall, Ghost Douluo patted Li Chang'an's shoulder and encouraged him, "Follow the Holy Pope well and study hard. Go home today and make good arrangements, report to the Martial Spirit Academy tomorrow, regarding your identity plate at the Martial Spirit Academy and your admission certificate, I have arranged for someone to send it home for you."

Li Chang'an couldn't help but shiver in his body when he heard this, not because of any disease, but purely because he was shocked by the speed of the Martial Spirit Hall, investigating his background so quickly?

But fortunately, Li Chang'an's heels were clean, so he was not afraid of the Martial Spirit Hall's censorship.

"I wonder if senior can tell me his name, so I can bring my parents here to thank senior later." Li Chang'an first clasped his fist in thanks, and then took the opportunity to ask again.

The Ghost Douluo didn't expect this little boy to be this polite, so he was happy to make friends with such a young man and patted Li Chang'an's head and said.

"The Pope calls me Ghost Douluo, you can call me Ghost Douluo too, no need to thank me, you are the Pope's student, you don't have to be so formal with me."

Li Chang'an shook his head and said firmly, "Then I'll call you Uncle Ghost, the seniority cannot be messed up, Uncle Ghost I'll go home first, bye."

After greeting him, Li Chang'an trotted away from the Papal Palace, leaving behind the Ghost Douluo who was still feeling emotional.

"Uncle Ghost, the first time I've seen a child who knows how to be so polite and knows how to climb the pole, interesting, interesting."

Just as the Ghost Douluo made his comment, Li Chang'an, who was trotting along, also grinned and thought to himself.

This is Ghost Douluo, and he did not refuse me calling him Uncle Ghost, this relationship is even closer now, just having a teacher's lap is not enough, this Ghost Douluo is also a real power figure in the Papal Palace, naturally, we also need to have good relations.