
Douluo: My daughter went down the mountain and exposed Me to The World

Traveling to Douluo Continent, he has been living in the Star Forest. Chen Shengge has been living with her daughter Chen Qingling. Constantly clamoring to find his mother, Chen Shengge could only lie and lie again and again, convincing her that the outside world was too dangerous. On this day, the filial daughter got Chen Shengge drunk and left secretly. When he woke up there was a letter on the table... ~~ This is a translation ~~ --- Up to 30 ~ 50 chapters advance on patreon patreon.com/Cibeu

Cibeu · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 12 Chen Qingling is being followed? Tribulation? Soul Saint one-minute experience card! First time killing someone!

Meanwhile, At the core of the Star Dou Great Forest, in a thatched hut.


[Ding! Check-in successful! Received one thousand points!]

Chen Shengge looked bewildered, a question mark popping up in his mind.


This... this isn't right!

Why are the check-in reward points this time?

"System, what are points for?"

[Ding! Points can be exchanged for all items in the mall!]

[Reminder: Except for special days, check-in rewards are always points!]

[Special days refer to the monthly, quarterly, and yearly! This is the bond between the host and the system!]

Chen Shengge pondered for a moment and understood what the system was up to.

He seriously doubted that the system didn't know what to give, so it added points as a temporary setting.

When his daughter Chen Qingling needed something, he could use points to exchange something and send it to her.

Alright, alright!

So that's how it's going to be!

The abacus is slapping me in the face.

"System, check my daughter's status panel."

Immediately, a virtual panel appeared before Chen Shengge's eyes.

[Name]: Chen Qingling

[Soul Spirit]: Bright Goddess Butterfly

[Realm]: Thirteen level Soul Master

[Soul Skills]: First Soul Skill - Bright Butterfly Blade

[Age]: 12

[Health]: Healthy


The panel information was nothing out of the ordinary.

"I wonder how my daughter is doing now."

The panel information disappeared, replaced by a heavenly curtain.

Chen Shengge saw with his own eyes his daughter parting ways with the Seven Treasure Glass Sect and setting out on an adventure.

"My daughter is indeed ambitious!"

At the same time, he realized that his daughter really wanted to find her long-lost mother.

"Ah, why did you, her mother, abandon the two of us so heartlessly! Even if you secretly came to see your daughter, it would have been better!"

Qingling is such a good child, but unfortunately, she lacks her mother's company.

Over the years, Chen Shengge had developed some resentment towards the woman he had never met.

If Qingling could really find her mother and bring her back, he would definitely question her, why did she do this! Why did she abandon father and daughter!

Was she too cowardly to face the consequences?


Tiandou City~

Chen Qingling walked alone on the bustling streets, her eyes wandering around blankly.

The vast sea of people was impenetrable at a glance, and she suddenly felt out of place here.

Not knowing where to go, she felt like a headless fly.

Chen Qingling couldn't help but feel discouraged.

"No, I finally came out, I can't be deterred by this little hardship."

"Qingling, you have to keep going, you can do it!" Chen Qingling muttered to herself, cheering herself on.

Next, she looked at the various pedestrians on the street, trying to find someone who bore a resemblance to herself.

After searching for who knows how long, Chen Qingling finally realized that finding her mother on her own was a very difficult task.

At the same time, using her method, she might never find her mother in her lifetime.


As the sky gradually darkened, Chen Qingling decided to find a hotel to stay in.

As she walked, she realized that she seemed to be followed by someone.

No matter where she went, there were always three tails following closely behind her.

Chen Qingling couldn't help but quicken her pace, but the three people behind her also quickened their pace.

She was indeed being tracked by bad people!

Chen Qingling's heart skipped a beat, realizing that she had encountered the bad people her father had mentioned!

What should I do?

What should I do?

Chen Qingling knew that her strength was limited and she definitely couldn't beat the three people tracking her.

To encounter danger as soon as she came out?

Chen Qingling was unwilling.

Without paying attention, she walked into a dead end, and the three people tracking her caught up.

"Why aren't you running anymore!"

"Hehe! Little girl, don't be afraid, we just want to see you because you're so lonely and cold all by yourself."

"Little girl, don't resist, why not play with us?"


Chen Qingling gritted her teeth, glaring fiercely at the three people blocking her path.

She never imagined encountering such despicable thugs in broad daylight.

"Aren't you afraid of divine retribution?"

The three men looked at each other and burst into laughter. "What are you talking about? Divine retribution?"

"We've done so much, but we've never suffered divine retribution!"

"Boss, why waste time talking to this little girl! It's my turn first this time!"

"Hehehe, little girl, you're so pretty, just thinking about it makes me salivate!"

"I'm from the Seven Treasure Glass Sect." Seeing that the sleazy trio weren't afraid at all, Chen Qingling could only bring out the name of the Seven Treasure Glass Sect.

"From the Seven Treasure Glass Sect? Oh, I'm so scared!"

"Even if the God of Heaven comes today, he can't save you! After we're done, we'll flee, what can the Seven Treasure Glass Sect do to us!"

Hearing the words of the sleazy trio, Chen Qingling's heart trembled with fear, praying for her father's help.

[Ding! Detected that cultivation target Chen Qingling is in danger. Would you like to spend one thousand points to exchange for a one-minute experience card of Saint-level?]


"My daughter has just left the Seven Treasure Glass Sect? And she's in danger already?"


Chen Shengge exclaimed and exchanged it without much thought.

Just as one of the sleazy men was approaching step by step, Chen Qingling prepared herself for a life-and-death struggle.

At the critical moment, she felt her pocket bulge, her eyes lit up, and a charming smile appeared on her lips.

"Oh, little girl, you're still smiling."

"Hmph, my father won't let you bully me!"

Chen Qingling snorted and took out a mysterious card from her pocket.

The card turned into a stream of light and entered Chen Qingling's body, and her realm soared layer by layer, stopping at the Saint level.

Feeling the inexhaustible soul power within her body, Chen Qingling knew that her father would silently protect her.

Faced with the sudden turn of events, the sleazy trio were quite frightened.

"Le... leader... what's going on?"

"The aura on this little girl is so terrifying... It seems like her realm is higher than ours!"

"Nonsense! We've been following her all the way, she's just a Thirteen level Soul Master, she must be faking it!"


With the leader's reassurance, the lackeys dared to step forward again.

Chen Qingling didn't know how to use the soul power in her body, so she could only release it.

Terrifying soul power surged out, intimidating the sleazy trio.

"Is... is this... Saint level?"

"How is this possible!"

Seeing the situation turning bad, the leader of the sleazy trio turned and ran, leaving his two lackeys to fend for themselves.

"Leader! Don't leave us!"

The two lackeys were scared out of their wits, yelling and trying to escape.

Reacting quickly, Chen Qingling wouldn't let them escape.

"Bright Butterfly Blade!"

Two beams of light shot out, directly piercing the two lackeys who hadn't managed to escape.


The two fell into a pool of blood, unconscious.

Seeing the two lying in a pool of blood, Chen Qingling's face turned pale with fear.

"I... I killed someone..."

This was Chen Qingling's first time killing someone, and not vomiting was already quite good.



(End of this chapter)