
Douluo: My daughter went down the mountain and exposed Me to The World

Traveling to Douluo Continent, he has been living in the Star Forest. Chen Shengge has been living with her daughter Chen Qingling. Constantly clamoring to find his mother, Chen Shengge could only lie and lie again and again, convincing her that the outside world was too dangerous. On this day, the filial daughter got Chen Shengge drunk and left secretly. When he woke up there was a letter on the table... ~~ This is a translation ~~ --- Up to 30 ~ 50 chapters advance on patreon patreon.com/Cibeu

Cibeu · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 11 A farewell gift? Black card! Seven Treasure Glass Sect Badge! Parting is for a better encounter next time!

For a moment, the meeting hall fell silent.

After a moment, Gu Rong frowned, looking distressed. "Then... I haven't had time to teach Qingling anything. I'm such an incompetent master."

At this moment, Gu Rong felt anxious and unsure about what to teach Qingling.

Suddenly, Gu Rong came up with an idea. "I may not be able to teach her much, but I can give Qingling a Seven Treasure Glass Emblem."

"As long as she wears the Seven Treasure Glass Emblem, not many people would dare to mess with her."

"Fengzhi, what do you think?"

"It's a good idea." Ning Fengzhi nodded slightly, agreeing with Gu Rong's proposal.


Chen Qingling finished her lunch contentedly and walked out of the cafeteria, coincidentally bumping into Ning Rongrong who was coming to eat.

Chen Qingling's eyes lit up as she was just about to tell Rongrong about her decision to leave.

"Rongrong, I have something to tell you." Chen Qingling lowered her head and pulled Ning Rongrong to a corner of the cafeteria.

"What's the matter?"

After a moment of silence, "Rongrong, I'm leaving."

"What do you mean?"

"Qingling, you're leaving? Why? Isn't it good staying in the Seven Treasure Glass Sect? Did we do something wrong? Or did someone bully you? I'll stand up for you!"

Ning Rongrong patted her chest, looking fierce but cute.

Chen Qingling chuckled, "None of that. I just want to leave."

Ning Rongrong fell silent. "Can you tell me why?"

"As I said in the Star Dou Great Forest, I want to see the outside world."

"If I stay in the Seven Treasure Glass Sect all the time, it would go against my will."

Although Ning Rongrong was reluctant, she respected Chen Qingling's decision.

"Alright, that's ambitious!"

"You're truly the friend I cherish, Rongrong!"

"This is a little token from me."

With a thought, Ning Rongrong took out a black card from her spatial soul tool.

"Rongrong, what's this?"

"A black card."

"A black card?"

"Yes, it contains five million gold soul coins."


"Five million gold soul coins!!!"

Chen Qingling was stunned. What concept was five million gold soul coins? Her imagination fell short, but it should be enough to buy a small city.

She had made friends with someone wealthy and generous.

Chen Qingling hurriedly waved her hand in refusal. "Rongrong, I can't accept this. You're giving me too much."

Ning Rongrong pretended to be angry. "If you don't take it, I'll be mad!"

"It's just five million gold soul coins, right?"

"This is just a drop in the bucket for me."

In fact, this was all of Ning Rongrong's savings accumulated over several years, given entirely to Chen Qingling.

She made up the story about it being just a small amount to make it easier for Chen Qingling to accept.


Chen Qingling was bewildered. She knew the Seven Treasure Glass Sect was wealthy, but she never expected them to be this wealthy.

Five million gold soul coins were just Ning Rongrong's personal savings!

It was unimaginable how wealthy the Seven Treasure Glass Sect was!

At the same time, she felt incredibly lucky.

Not only did she emerge unscathed from the Star Dou Great Forest, but she also befriended the rich and generous Seven Treasure Glass Sect.

At this moment, Chen Qingling felt like she was being taken care of, her cheeks blushing.

"Don't just stand there, take it."

"Thank you, Rongrong." Chen Qingling was deeply grateful, putting the black card into her soul tool.

"Rongrong, I'll remember this kindness and repay you in the future."

Ning Rongrong casually waved her hand. "Go on, I don't care."

"Hehehe, Rongrong, if I have the chance, I'll make sure you meet my father."

With just that sentence, Chen Qingling remembered it for a lifetime, knowing she would keep her promise.

She refused to believe that once she found her mother, her father would continue to avoid the world.

Suddenly, a huge dragon shadow appeared under their feet, and the person who came was Gu Rong, Chen Qingling's second master, who landed steadily from above.


"Grandpa Gu!"

Gu Rong nodded with a smile, his gaze falling on Chen Qingling.

"Qingling, there's nothing I can teach you, so I want to give you a Seven Treasure Glass Sect emblem."

Seven Treasure Glass Sect emblem?

Although she didn't know what it was for, Chen Qingling's intuition told her it couldn't be worse than the black card Ning Rongrong gave her.

Ning Rongrong's eyes widened. "Seven Treasure Glass Sect emblem?"

"Did my father agree to this?"

Gu Rong nodded. "Yes."

"This Seven Treasure Glass Sect emblem is extraordinary. There are no more than five holders."

"This... this is too precious." Chen Qingling was pleasantly surprised.

She only wanted to leave the Seven Treasure Glass Sect, but she kept receiving gifts one after another.

Chen Qingling was deeply moved and remembered their kindness.

"Hahaha, it's not that precious. It's just a badge made of iron, representing the Seven Treasure Glass Sect."

"Thank you, Master."

Chen Qingling knew she couldn't refuse, so she accepted it.

"Do you know where you want to go, Qingling?"

Chen Qingling looked blank. She hadn't thought about where to go yet. She just wanted to leave the Seven Treasure Glass Sect for now.

"I'll discuss it with your master and Fengzhi. There aren't many places suitable for you to go, but the academy is the best choice."

"No, I want to find my mother."

"The Seven Treasure Glass Sect will do everything it can to help you find your mother. It's much harder for you to find her alone."

Chen Qingling gritted her teeth, her eyes unusually firm. "No matter how hard it is, I will find my mother!"

Finding her mother in the vast sea of people was like finding a needle in a haystack.

Moreover, Chen Qingling didn't even know what her mother looked like or any distinguishing features, making it even more difficult.

"Rongrong, Master, I'm leaving."

Chen Qingling felt reluctant, but she had to leave for the sake of her determination.

"Qingling, take care. Until we meet again!"

"Rongrong, we'll meet again someday."

Gu Rong, Ning Rongrong, and the others watched as Chen Qingling walked out of the Seven Treasure Glass Sect step by step.

The setting sun's twilight cast a glaring light on Chen Qingling.

"Grandpa Gu... I can't bear to part with Qingling. Can I also travel the continent like her?" Ning Rongrong's voice choked, watching Qingling's figure, wanting to follow her.

Gu Rong sighed deeply. "Everyone has their own path, and there's no endless feast in the world."

"But Rongrong, remember, separation is for a better reunion next time."

"A better reunion?" Ning Rongrong's dim eyes regained their light. 


"I'll work hard, really hard, to keep up with Qingling's pace. One day, I'll fight alongside her!"

Watching Rongrong determined to work hard, Gu Rong smiled.

Rongrong had grown up and was no longer the willful little witch.