
Chapter 267 Her Anger!_1

Translator: 549690339


However, Dai Mubai discovered.

His attack was utterly useless.

Yes, the White Tiger Intense Light Wave he unleashed had no effect.

It was completely ignored by Zhu Zhuqing.

"Ice Shadow Butterfly Dance!"

Zhu Zhuqing had disappeared.

This was a self-created technique she had learned under the guidance of Ye Feng.

It was also her trump card.

There was no time to continue the stalemate with the opponent.

What she needed to do now was to unexpectedly defeat Dai Mubai.

If she couldn't defeat him, then perishing together with the opponent was also an option.

She was holding back a feeling of resentment in her heart.

This feeling was the motivation driving her to defeat Dai Mubai.

Ice and snow.

A sky full of ice and snow.

"What? Could this girl be from the Skywater Academy?"

At this moment, many in the audience looked utterly bewildered.

Because the extent of this ice and snow could be compared to that of the Shui sisters.

If her last name were Shui, they would truly wonder if she was from the Shui Family.

Otherwise, how could she have such a profound level of ice?

"How is this possible? Sister, her ice power is so horrifying. Isn't she an agile-attack class Soul Master?"

At this moment, Shui Yue'er appeared completely astounded.

Shui Bing'er's eyes also narrowed slightly.

Indeed, the scene before them was entirely unexpected.

"Student Zhu Qing is being too dramatic, right? When did we ever know she was this powerful??"

The people from Tian Dou Royal Academy were also in shock.

The reason was simple; they had never seen Zhu Zhuqing use this skill before.

But now the entire arena had turned to ice.

Even the temperature around them had plummeted to freezing.

It could be said that this ability was extremely strong.

The last time they experienced it was when the sisters from Skywater Academy used their Martial Soul Fusion Skill.

Apart from that time, there was never any instance of such a frightening icy situation.

Even if an ice property Soul Master appeared, it was the same.

How could they know that this was a self-created technique Zhu Zhuqing had been secretly training?

Just like Feng Xiaotian had his own self-created soul skill.

Of course, this mainly happened under the guidance of Ye Feng.

Initially, Ye Feng had felt that she had a rather good comprehension ability when it came to ice.

With just a bit of coordination with her fifth soul skill, she could bring about new variations.

This kind of new variation is what others would call a self-created soul skill.

Just a small change added to the original basis.

Not that difficult.

The only thing is that it's slightly challenging to control.

"How is this possible, isn't your fifth soul skill the Icebound Butterfly Dance? What is this??"

All around Dai Mubai, ice cones had formed.

He seemed as if he was caught in an ice seal, or rather, this had become Zhu Zhuqing's world.

He was completely dumbfounded.

The opponent was an agile-attack class Soul Master.

Had she deviated from her path?

How had she become an ice property Soul Master?

"This is my self-created move," Zhu Zhuqing replied at this moment.

"A self-created move, my god, what exactly did you learn by his side?" After Zhu Zhuqing finished speaking, Dai Mubai stood there bewildered.

Creating one's own move indicates a deep understanding of soul skills that leads to the creation of something new.

Ye Feng was just too abnormal.

No wonder Zhu Qing had the ability to penetrate through seven with one shot before.

With a self-created move, it's natural that such abilities could also exist.

Thinking of this, Dai Mubai felt suffocated.

Even having a marvelous thought about what it would have been like if he had studied by Ye Feng's side instead of at Shrek Academy.

"Let's start, let me see if you have degenerated under Yu Xiaogang's guidance," Zhu Zhuqing said, vanishing from her spot.

She then struck towards Dai Mubai.

"Then I think you'll be disappointed because although you've improved a lot, you might not be able to beat me, as for Yu Xiaogang, I, Dai Mubai, disdain to learn from him, and he also doesn't have the ability to teach me," Dai Mubai retaliated, attacking towards where Zhu Zhuqing was.

He appeared to be very fast.

Yes, he wanted to confront her.

To see just how powerful she had become now.

And also to assess how effective this self-created soul skill was.

A novice Soul King challenging him, a Soul King infinitely close to becoming a Soul Emperor.

That was something he looked forward to.

The battle had begun.

Both sides were like whirlwinds.

In just one breath, they had clashed over a hundred times.

And they were moving incredibly fast.

"We can't see anything at all!"

"Yeah, we don't know what the situation is like now, who will win the match!"

The audience only saw a whirlwind sweep across the stage.

Then they could see nothing at all.

They just felt confused.

"A self-created technique? Sister Zhuqing has gotten this formidable?" Ning Rongrong was incredulous at the sight.

It was just a short while, yet Zhuqing could create her own technique.

Her father had told her that creating one's own technique was very difficult.

Anyone who could do it was undoubtedly one in a million, a super genius.

"A self-created skill, easy enough, anyone who wants to can achieve it," the Master spoke up at this point.


Yes, now no one except Tang San paid any attention to the Master.

He seemed like nothing more than a jesting clown.

"Why is no one paying attention to me? Did I say something wrong? Creating such a skill genuinely isn't hard," the Master questioned everyone, as they continued to ignore him.

It felt like passive-aggressive treatment.

Everyone was excluding him.

"Teacher, perhaps everyone is intently watching the match, curious about who will win this time," Tang San said, his voice breaking the silence and addressing the Master.

"That's easy, it's definitely Dai Mubai who will win. Dai Mubai is infinitely close to a Soul Emperor, while Zhu Zhuqing is just a Soul King," the Master responded directly.


Master said at this moment.

"That's true."

Hearing this, Tang San nodded.

Suddenly, just at that moment, another crack appeared on the ice-covered platform.

Immediately afterward, everything disappeared.

All you could see was the two competitors standing back to back.

They then walked straight off the platform.



The crowd was utterly dumbfounded.

"What happened, why are they leaving??"

"Not sure, what exactly is going on? Why did they both leave??"

"Who knows what happened, who won and who lost? They were fighting so fiercely just a moment ago, and then suddenly everything changed!"

Both competitors walked towards the edge of the platform.

"What happened with the two competitors? Who won and who lost?"

The host was also dumbfounded at that moment.

"She's very powerful, I lost."

No one knew what exactly happened inside, all they could see was that both parties had traces of injury on them, and Dai Mubai had his pride.

"He won, I lost! But next time, I won't be the same as today!"

Zhu Qing spoke.

Her tone was very cold.

"So, who actually won??"

The host was still in a daze after hearing this.

"If we really can't tell who the winner is, let's call it a draw."

Dai Mubai was the first to jump off the platform.

"A draw??"

Clap clap clap!!

Master was in disarray.

He felt as if several slaps had landed on his face.

He even began to suspect that Dai Mubai had overheard his words.

Otherwise, why would there be a draw out of the blue?

It was utterly baffling.

"A draw?"

The crowd was also dumbfounded.

"Next up, I announce a draw for this round!"

The host spoke up.

"Dai Mubai, you have truly disappointed everyone, absolutely ridiculous!"

Master said coldly.

"Maybe there's a reason for Boss Dai!"

Ning Rongrong said.

Guessing blindly about Zhuqing Sister.

But no one knew what exactly had happened.

"Hmph, you don't need to make excuses for Dai Mubai, a mistake is a mistake!"

Master's tone grew even colder!

The Dou Huang Battle Team.

"It's my turn to go on stage next!"

Her eyes were filled with extreme anger.

"Yeah, go for it!"

Ye Lingling said with a smile.


"Xiaowu, are you ready? It's almost your turn to go on. Be extra careful and just do your best; I don't have high expectations!"

That was Liu Erlong speaking to Xiaowu.

Previously, Xiaowu had already acknowledged Liu Erlong as her godmother, so unlike Master, she wouldn't put too much pressure on her, as long as things went naturally, that was fine!

"Alright, I got it!"

Xiaowu nodded.

"Good luck!"

Everyone encouraged her, and then Xiaowu headed towards the platform alone.

"Next, please welcome Dugu Yan from the Dou Huang Battle Team to come to the center of the platform for the next battle!"

Dugu Yan walked forward.

"Good luck!"

She passed by Zhu Qing.

Zhu Qing just then said to her,

"Classmate Zhu Qing, you did great."

Dugu Yan slightly touched Zhu Qing.

Zhu Qing gave a faint smile.

She quickly put her hand over her mouth.

A trace of bright red.

She was spitting blood.

She had sustained internal injuries.

They were severe.

"Now, let's see the contestant sent out by Shrek Academy!"

Everyone's gaze shifted to Xiaowu, who was about to appear, and saw her cute and lively figure stepping onto the platform.

"Xiaowu, is it?!"

Dugu Yan said in a cold tone.

"That's right, your sister Xiaowu! So, are you going to forfeit?"

Xiaowu shot back directly.

"Forfeit? Do you even know what your Shrek has done that's so shameful?"

Dugu Yan said angrily.

She still remembered how they trespassed on their herb garden, consumed their herbs, and even injured her grandfather.

She couldn't take revenge on Tang Hao.

But she could take it out on Tang San.

Moreover, this Xiaowu was said to be Tang San's woman.

This time, on this platform, she would let Tang San witness the torment of his woman being tortured.

The host gave out an order.

A blinding light illuminated everyone's vision.

"First Soul Skill, Green Phosphorus Red Poison!"

Dugu Yan released her first soul skill, which was known as Frenzied Poison, capable of stimulating the nerves and increasing attack power and speed by 20%.

"Second Soul Skill, Green Phosphorus Blue Poison!"

This poison increased defense by 30%.

"Third Soul Skill, Green Phosphorus Purple Poison!"

This was one of her trump cards.

It carried a lethal toxin.

Indeed, Dugu Yan deployed three soul skills right at the start of the battle.

"Damn, such an intense start to the fight, the war between women is truly terrifying!"

The audience was quite excited at this moment.

This fight looked to be explosive!

"Heh, you think these things can threaten me?!"

Xiaowu chuckled coldly at this moment.