
Chapter 266 Grudges_1

Translator: 549690339

"I know you have a grudge against Dai Mubai, and I won't stop you from seeking what's in your heart, but there's one thing you must make sure of, and that is not to let emotions govern you when facing him; always remain clear-headed,"

Just then, a voice sounded nearby.

That voice was Ye Feng's.

Dai Mubai is now a Soul King of the 59th Rank while Zhu Zhuqing is a Soul King of the 52nd Rank.

Their strength is just too disparate.

Of course, if she used that one move, there was a possibility of winning.

"Thank you, Instructor. I understand,"

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing responded.

There were others around, so he couldn't call Ye Feng "Master" because the matter of their apprenticeship had not been disclosed.

It was mainly because his own master had forbidden it.

Thus, no one knew that Ye Feng was his master.

"It's best if you understand,"

Ye Feng nodded.

Shimo had already been defeated by Dai Mubai on the stage.

There was still a minute left in the process before Zhu Zhuqing would take the stage to officially battle Dai Mubai.

They had declared war on each other half a year ago.

Today, it was about to begin!

"Next, please welcome the member of the Tiandou Royal Academy Dou Huang Battle Team to the stage. This time, the competitor is Zhu Zhuqing!"

The host announced.

Many people had a profound impression of Zhu Zhuqing because she had once defeated seven opponents by herself.

"Zhu Zhuqing?"

Looking at the familiar photo on the screen, Dai Mubai's expression turned somewhat peculiar at that moment.

After such a long wait, was it finally time for their battle?

"It's Zhu Zhuqing?!"

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing enter the stage, everyone from Shrek exploded.

Especially the master who was clenching his fists tightly.

"Dai Mubai, you'd better give it your all, and not let your personal feelings affect the big picture for our Shrek Academy!"

Just then, the master roared at Dai Mubai.

Because everyone knew that Dai Mubai had a certain interest in Zhu Zhuqing.

Especially since the master had felt resentful about sending Zhu Zhuqing away last time, and everything that followed was a result of her being a catalyst. So now, the master was very afraid that Dai Mubai would affect Shrek Academy's affairs because of her.

The people he had trained so hard couldn't be ruined by Dai Mubai.

Shrek Academy hadn't won the championship yet.

"Master, you can rest assured. I believe Boss Dai will definitely not do such a thing,"

At that moment, Ning Rongrong's voice was heard.

"Rongrong, you understand too little about men. For someone like Dai Mubai, who would even defy his elders, what else couldn't he do?"

The master said bluntly.

"Hehe, I'm not sure about other things, but I believe Boss Dai will certainly not hold back on this matter,"

At that moment, Oscar's voice arose.

He still supported Boss Dai Mubai very much.

And at this time on the stage, Zhu Zhuqing was present.

The battle was ready to begin.

"I'm really looking forward to seeing what you've turned into under his 'tutelage',"

She couldn't wait any longer!

She directly revealed her Martial Spirit, the Nether Spiritual Cat.

She wanted to defeat this man before her right away!

And to tell a certain someone that evicting her from Shrek Academy was something he would come to regret.

Because she detested those who, clearly incompetent, insist on blaming others.

"Zhu Qing, I didn't expect our next encounter would be here!"

At that moment, Dai Mubai said to Zhu Zhuqing.

His eyes were filled with an unusual expression.

"Heh, besides here, where else could it be in the Xingluo Empire?"

Zhu Zhuqing looked coldly at Dai Mubai and responded.

"You've changed."

Dai Mubai observed Zhu Zhuqing.

"If I did not change, I couldn't be myself, only a cat to be ordered around,"

After Dai Mubai spoke, Zhu Zhuqing replied directly.

"Some things are destiny. With your current strength, I think we can survive and carve out our own world,"

Dai Mubai said.

His implied words were not understood by anyone else.

But Zhu Zhuqing was very clear about what he was referring to.

Meanwhile, Ye Feng in the distance understood that Dai Mubai was speaking about the internal affairs of the Xingluo Empire.

The Evil Eye White Tiger Clan, Dai Mubai's family, and the Yuming Spirit Cat Clan, Zhu Zhuqing's family, had an inter-clan agreement.

Their families would bond through marriage.

And like raising gu, in the end, only one descendant would survive.

"All these matters I don't wish to discuss now. Let's have a swift battle!"

Zhu Zhuqing, her beautiful eyes shining like glistening glass, promptly said.

"Since you're so determined to fight me, I'll not try to dissuade you any further. Let's see what you've really learned at Tiandou Royal Academy!"

Dai Mubai stated coldly.

"You will pay for your contempt now!!"

Zhu Zhuqing, seeing his very dismissive demeanor, said with an extremely cold tone.

"Pay a price? Well, you ought to have that ability before you claim such a thing!"

Dai Mubai smirked at Zhu Zhuqing.

Indeed, he acknowledged that Zhu Zhuqing had learned quite a lot at the Tiandou Royal Academy, and Ye Feng himself was also very strong.

But he was about to reach Soul Emperor level, whereas she was just an entry-level Soul King.

They were simply not on the same level.

So for her to think of defeating him was practically like a fool's dream.

"First Soul Skill: Hell Rush!"

Zhu Zhuqing directly fused with her Martial Spirit, the Nether Spiritual Cat.

She followed it up with an extremely fast attack towards Dai Mubai's direction.

As an agile-attack class Soul Master, it was essential to use the advantages of her class.

Strike first, gain the high ground.

This was Zhu Zhuqing's tactic at the moment.

"First Soul Skill, White Tiger Barrier!"

At this moment, Dai Mubai directly unleashed his Martial Soul.

The First Soul Skill: White Tiger Barrier appeared, encircled by bands of white light that shone across the entire stage.

The strengths of both parties intertwined.

Zhu Zhuqing was clearly much weaker.

At this moment, she was simply unable to break through Dai Mubai's protection cover.

"Useless, your First Soul Skill can't break my White Tiger Barrier."

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing making futile efforts, Dai Mubai just shrugged his shoulders slightly and told her that her attempts were in vain.

"Then have some more!!"

"Second Soul Skill, Hundred Hell Claws!"

Utilizing her body's rapid spinning and the sharp penetrating power of her claws, Zhu Zhuqing launched over a dozen swift attacks on Dai Mubai's chest within a single second.

If her attack power was not strong, then she would make up for it with speed and density!

It's like two people fighting.

Even if you don't hit vital spots, as long as you hit frequently enough, you will still get hurt.

"Heh, for some reason, I feel a tad disappointed."

At this moment, Dai Mubai spoke in a somewhat indifferent tone.

After truly crossing hands, he realized his opponent wasn't as impressive as he had expected.

"Is that so? To tell you the truth, you've also let me down a little!"

Zhu Zhuqing retorted.

"Really boring, is this your way of countering?"

Upon hearing this, Dai Mubai let out a cold laugh.

"Counter? I only counter with soul skills, third soul skill!"

Zhu Zhuqing's third soul skill was the hunting move of the Nether Panther.

At this moment, her speed was incredibly fast.

She attacked Dai Mubai.

Soon, she unleashed her Fourth Soul Skill.

This was a poison snake-type soul skill.

It allowed her Nether Cat Claw to be tainted with poison.

This soul skill instantly marked Dai Mubai with numerous poison traces.

However, Dai Mubai was ultimately too strong.

Zhu Zhuqing's battle with him proved to be quite one-sided.

"This won't do, if this is all the strength you have, then I'm truly losing interest in continuing this fight with you, it's just a waste of my time."

After consecutive attacks from the third and fourth soul skills.

Dai Mubai was beginning to find it somewhat tasteless.

Indeed, the gap was just too large.

"This Zhu Zhuqing is just too trash today!"

At this moment, someone from the audience seats exclaimed.

The once revered competitor who triumphed in a seven-on-one match now seemed surprisingly weak to them.

"Look who she's up against, this is the second strongest member of Shrek Academy!"

"Indeed, ranking second means the strength must be there, so it's normal for Zhu Zhuqing to be unable to quickly defeat her opponent!"

"Hoping to quickly defeat her opponent? Walking off the platform in one piece is already quite impressive. I felt like their recent conversation carried some personal grudge!"

The audience began to chatter excitedly at that point.

"Instructor Feng, do you think Zhu Zhuqing can beat Dai Mubai?"

At that moment, Shi Mo asked Ye Feng.

He was very curious about the battle between these two and wanted to hear the instructor's opinion.

"Not sure, it all depends on the circumstances."

Ye Feng replied at that moment.

Whether she could win depended on how Zhu Zhuqing would handle the situation.

If she wasn't careful, victory would be very difficult to achieve.

Suddenly, at that moment, the sky grew colder.

The temperature dropped instantly.

"That move!!"

"She's doing it, she's doing it! She's unleashing that move!"

The audience, sensing the change in temperature, spoke with great excitement.

"What is this??"

Dai Mubai was somewhat puzzled.

"Ice Ghost Butterfly!"

A chilly voice resounded.

Zhu Zhuqing unleashed her Ice Ghost Butterfly.

It was her Fifth Soul Skill!!

"Second Soul Skill, White Tiger Intense Light Wave!"

Dai Mubai spat out a ball of milky white light from his mouth towards Zhu Zhuqing's direction!

He remembered this attack.

It was strong!!

And very terrifying.

Yet she dared to use it right in front of him—did she really think he would spare her by not breaking this skill??


If there was a chance to break it, he would definitely take it!!


A loud noise echoed.
