
Chapter 263 The Second Battle!_1

Translator: 549690339

"Shrek Academy sends out their second contestant: Tai Long!!"

After Osslor entered the field, Tai Long, the opposing contestant from Shrek Academy, also appeared on the stage!!

The host began to announce at this moment.

The big screen displayed the profiles of the two contestants from each academy for all to see.

One was Level 49.

The other was Level 45.

Although Tai Long's level was slightly lower than Osslor's,

the combat power of the opponent was not to be underestimated.

It could be said to be extremely terrifying.

"It's the same strategy as the last match!"

Seeing this scene, the audience's eyes were filled with surprise.

An agile-attack class versus a direct-attack class.

And this direct-attack class was even more exaggerated because the contestant was a strength-class Soul Master.

The previous one wasn't a strength-class Soul Master.

So, the opponent could barely keep up with the speed.

Now, it seems this big guy will probably only be taking hits.

That's right, in the eyes of others, Tai Long at this moment seemed like a big, foolish figure.

Defeating an agile-attack class Soul Master is extremely difficult.

Because the agile-attack class Soul Masters are simply not afraid of you.

After all, no matter how fast you are or how strong your destructive power is, can you even hit the opponent?

Only when you can beat the opponent is your attack effective. If you can't beat them, your attacks are essentially pointless.

It has to be said, the strategic planning from the Tiandou Royal Academy Douluo Team's leader was incredibly formidable.

It was as if they had anticipated exactly who the opponent was going to use.

Which contestants each side sends out in the championship final isn't disclosed in advance but is only known at the time they appear.

So, it is also a test of the team leaders of both sides.

"Tai Long? Instructor, I think we've won again this time!"

At this moment, the members of the Tiandou Royal Academy Douluo Team revealed smiles.

Tai Long was just a strength-class Soul Ancestor, right? They had looked over the opponent's data last night.

Not only was he at a lower level than Osslor, but he also wouldn't be able to compete in terms of speed.

You could say that this battle would be much like the previous one, with Yufeng versus Ma Hongjun – only this time, the agile-attack class Soul Master had the advantage.

"If there are no surprises, the outcome will be as you expected,"

Ye Feng nodded slightly at this time.

He knew that the other master would definitely send out the strength-class Soul Master, Tai Long.

If they used an agile-attack class Soul Master on their side, the other master would be powerless to respond.

Especially since Tai Long was at a disadvantage in terms of level,

this gave them even more of an upper hand,

and their chances of winning were greater.

"An agile-attack class Soul Master again, that damned Ye Feng!!"

At that moment, Tang San was clenching his fists tightly, showing an extremely angry demeanor.

In the previous match, the opponent had deployed an agile-attack class Soul Master against their direct-attack class Ma Hongjun.

The match had ended in a draw.

In fact, Ma Hongjun's abilities far exceeded Yufeng's.

The result was like the time Ma Hongjun had the upper hand against the Botanical Academy,

this time Yufeng had the advantage in front of Ma Hongjun.

The speed was so fast that Ma Hongjun simply couldn't keep up,

leading to such a result.

"Don't worry, this Osslor is obviously a bit inferior to the previous Yufeng. As long as Tai Long seizes the opportunity, we can still win,"

the master said at that point.

"Really? Well, we'll just have to wait and see!"

Dai Mubai revealed a different kind of smile at this moment.

"What, don't you believe me?"

Seeing Dai Mubai's expression, Grandmaster had a faint glint of cold light in his eyes.

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that you said this lineup order was carefully deliberated, and yet in the first round, we were suppressed by the opponent's agile-attack class Soul Master. Now, in the second round, we're being suppressed by another of their agile-attack class Soul Masters. I'm honestly starting to wonder if you're a traitor."

Dai Mubai shrugged slightly.


Everyone nodded at that statement.

They had thought that the lineup order arranged by Grandmaster would really restrain the opponents completely.

After all, it was said to be the result of various thorough and careful considerations.

In the championship match of the promotion tournament, both sides don't know each other's lineup order, which means they go in blind.

Therefore, this tests the arrangement of the lineup order by the team leaders of both sides.

Whether they can restrain the opponent's players.

The result was that today they were completely restrained by the opponents.

It was quite the eye-opener.

"You guys—"

Grandmaster did not expect Dai Mubai's statement to make several members nod in agreement.

He clenched his fists tightly in response.

The people had long stopped having any qualms in their hearts about this.

Everything seemed like the expected outcome.

Because this was just how Grandmaster was, showing a petty-minded attitude.

So they didn't plan to keep arguing with the other side.

It was better to focus on the battle at hand, which was more interesting.

They could only hope that Tai Long would find a weak spot to strike through in one fell swoop.

The arena.

"Agile-attack class Soul Master? Brother, I advise you to go back, rather than showing up here to suffer and become a laughingstock! Once hit by my fist, it's not going to be as simple as getting hurt!"

Tai Long spoke up.

His Martial Soul, the Great Ape, held an absolute advantage.

"Is that so? Then I'd like to see how you're going to make me suffer!"

Osslor laughed coldly.

He was of a higher level and faster; why would he be scared?

"Are both competitors ready?"

The host asked.

Tai Long and Osslor on the stage both nodded.

"Then let the match begin!"

As the host's voice faded, Tai Long took the lead to unleash his Martial Soul. The Spirit Great Ape appeared in everyone's view, emanating a furious aura.

Following that, Osslor also displayed his Martial Soul, Gui Bao.

Gui Bao, extremely aggressive and very fast!

"Come on, do you dare to face me head-on for a swift battle?"

Tai Long spoke up at that moment.

"Third Soul Skill, Explosive Gigantic Power!"

The Spirit Great Ape merged directly into Tai Long, his arms exuding an even more furious aura!

"Of course, Third Soul Skill, Leopard Shadow Clone!"

Osslor employed his third soul skill, Leopard Shadow Clone!

Osslor split into several figures.


Tai Long was somewhat puzzled by this.

But his big fists lashed out straight at the attack!!

Series of explosive sounds erupted.


Tai Long's third soul skill wreaked havoc, and he quickly followed up with his Fourth Soul Skill!!!

If it were a normal Soul Master, and they were just a bit slower, they would probably be smacked with a lethal attack by the opponent's super-sized palm!

However, Osslor's speed was simply too fast.

Tai Long was completely wasting his efforts.

There was no way he could catch up with Osslor.

All these attacks were also a waste of energy.

"That was really dangerous just now!"

"Yeah, the scene was like setting off explosives one after another."

The audience gasped in shock.

Exclaiming in fear.

It was also fortunate that it was an agile-attack class.

If it were any other Soul Master, they might have been carried out horizontally by now.

"Dammit, if you have the guts, stop hiding!"

Tai Long roared in anger.

"Then I won't hide, Fourth Soul Skill, Ghost Claw!!"

The leopard revealed its sharp claws.

It appeared behind Tai Long at a very high speed.

Tai Long's back was immediately shredded to a bloody mess.

"Today I'm going to fight you to the death!"

Tai Long was furious, staring intently in Osslor's direction!

"Rock Defense!"

This was Tai Long's first soul skill; it was too painful, he needed to defend first.

Then attack the opponent!!

Sure enough, after a round of defense, Tai Long began a frenzied assault!

"Is Tai Long alright?"

The people of Shrek Academy were anxious.

After all, his back was already a bloody mess.

It looked extremely tragic.

If it wasn't for the timely use of a defensive skill, he might have been seriously injured by now.

"Believe in him, Tai Long is a descendant of the Strength Clan!"

At this moment, the master spoke up.

"It's no use! Full-level Ghost Claw!!"

Osslor's Soul Power rose to one hundred percent.

He tore through Tai Long's defense directly!

The stage was extremely bloody.


Many people gasped in shock.


Osslor's lethal strike hit directly on Tai Long's back, and in just half a minute, thousands of claws caused such intense pain that Tai Long fainted right there on the ground.

The younger generation almost turned into a pile of mush!

"This brother is too ruthless with his moves!"

"In a fight on the stage, how can the opponent not get hurt? It's normal operation!"

The audience spoke up.

"You lost, wasn't that quick? Less than two minutes."

Osslor smiled slightly, looking at Tai Long lying on the ground, unable to move.

"Next, I declare the winner of the second match is the Dou Huang Battle Team!"

The host counted down from nine.

Confirming that Tai Long had fainted.

He then made the announcement.

Hearing the host's declaration, Osslor happily waved towards Ye Feng in the distance.

Ye Feng also nodded in response after seeing this.

Watching as people walked onto the stage and carried Tai Long off, the master from Shrek Academy looked gloomy.

It was so unreliable, to lose again!

"Be more cautious in the upcoming matches, everyone. If you encounter a strong opponent, it's okay to forfeit!"

Dean Flender spoke.

He really didn't want to see Tai Long in that state.

Jiazhu was even feeling a headache at the moment.

This injury, it's hard to tell if he could even compete in the finals.


The people from Shrek Academy nodded.

"Hmph, a warrior would rather die on the battlefield than retreat."

The master spoke up.

There was silence on the side of Shrek.

No one continued after the master's words.

Because they didn't want to.

It was a remark made to counter Dean Flender.

This was instigating a fight.

On the other side, the Dou Huang Battle Team.


Yu Tianheng said with a smile on his face.

"Who's next?!"

Upon hearing this, everyone was somewhat expectant.

"The third match of this round is about to begin, with one minute in-between. Which player will Shrek Academy send out?"

The host's voice fell.

Following that, a blond individual stepped forward.

"Let's look at the big screen, Shrek Academy has sent out Huang Yuan!"

This player's competition information was relatively scarce.

At this moment, the audience was also somewhat puzzled.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't a stronger opponent come out to crush the player on stage? Why send out a stranger?

However, they didn't know that both teams were blindly sent onto the field.

But, in reality, their order of appearance had already been submitted to the organizing committee.

It was not possible to change the order.


The procedure was brief; the host gave the command.

"First Soul Skill, Wolf Pack Annihilation!"

At that moment, Huang Yuan directly released his first soul skill.


An attack struck directly in front of Huang Yuan.

A huge hole appeared in a distant wall.


Many people were shocked.

Osslor also seemed to narrowly dodge with a look of alarm.

It looked like this Huang Yuan was also quite strong.

Indeed, he had reached level 46.

"If you're so capable, then don't dodge!"

Huang Yuan said with a defiant stance.

Meanwhile, he was secretly preparing his next soul skill.

"Not dodge? Wait for you?"

At this moment, Osslor's tone was cold!!