
Chapter 262 Yufeng VS Ma Hongjun!_1

Translator: 549690339


After his intense training, Yufeng now fully possessed the strength to battle Ma Hongjun.

After all, the opponent was only at Level 48 at this time.

And Yufeng had already become a Soul Ancestor of Level 49.

In terms of levels, he was stronger than his opponent.

And that was in addition to his own brutal training and tireless efforts.

Ye Feng believed in the opponent at this time.

That was all that could be said.

"Let's see who the Tian Dou Royal Academy Dou Huang Battle Team has sent out for this match, they've sent out Yufeng!"

Everyone looked towards the direction of the big screen, eager to find out.

They were all curious to know who the Dou Huang Battle Team had dispatched!

They had thought that the team would send out Zhu Zhuqing.

Because the Tian Dou Royal Academy Dou Huang Battle Team also once had someone who had been one against seven, and that was her!

Logically speaking, since Shrek had such an individual, Tian Dou Royal Academy should field someone similar.

But to everyone's surprise, it was Yufeng.

It was quite unbelievable.

"Yufeng shouldn't be a match for Ma Hongjun."

"That's not necessarily true, I personally think Yufeng stands a good chance of winning. Haven't you seen that Yufeng is Level 49 while that Ma Hongjun is Level 48?"

"Psh, does level really matter that much? Did you see how Ma Hongjun defeated the Botanical Academy before? Even a Soul King is nothing in his eyes!"

Everyone began expressing their opinions at this point.

Some supported the Dou Huang Battle Team, while others were for Shrek Academy; truly, different strokes for different folks!

"Come on, Yufeng!"

Members of the Dou Huang Battle Team cheered him on.

"Please welcome both contestants to the stage, our championship match is about to begin!"

Announced the host.

Yufeng slowly walked to the center of the stage, followed by Ma Hongjun making his way to the stage as well.

Their gazes locked on to each other.

"I really didn't expect to be in the same battle with you. After our fight at the Soto Fighting Soul Arena last time, I am now curious to see your strength!"

Ma Hongjun said with a cold demeanor.

They had lost last time.

This time, he absolutely would not lose.

For the glory of Shrek Academy!!

"Is that so, then let's just see!"

Yufeng replied.

Although they had won the last battle, Yufeng had actually not defeated the opponent himself.

It was all thanks to the instructor's efforts.

So this time, it was perfect to have an upright and proper fight with the opponent.

To properly assess the opponent's strength.

"Then let's settle this quickly!"

Ma Hongjun spoke again, his eyes conveying a playful expression.

Being able to trounce a member of the Tian Dou Royal Academy Dou Huang Battle Team made him extremely happy.

"Shrek Academy's Ma Hongjun versus the Dou Huang Battle Team's Yufeng, which of the two will win this match? The game starts now!"

The host's voice fell, and he promptly took flight.

It was a championship match, after all.

The power of these individuals was different, so he couldn't risk flying low and possibly getting scorched.

This Ma Hongjun was a fire-attribute Soul Master, after all.

"First soul skill, Phoenix Fireline!"

Ma Hongjun spat out a burst of flame towards Yufeng.

A roaring blaze sprang up.

Yufeng, not to be outdone, struck back.

"First soul skill, Wing Blade Strike!"

Yufeng said coldly.



Wave after wave of light seemed capable of piercing heaven and earth.

"Is that all?"

Suddenly, Ma Hongjun's first soul skill launched another attack at Yufeng, those streaks of red blaze!

"You're too slow!"

Yufeng was very fast.

Ma Hongjun's attack was powerful, but Yufeng effortlessly dodged it.

It was like firing bullets.

Bullets can kill, but if your marksmanship is poor, then the shot misses its target.

The same was true here.

Ma Hongjun's blaze was fierce.

It was only a pity that it couldn't hit Yufeng, which seemed to become a waste of his own power.

"Damn it!!"

Ma Hongjun grunted coldly at this point!

His expression was somewhat gritted with anger.

Indeed, Yufeng's speed was too fast.

His own soul skills had no way to hit the target.

If he were to use flame coverage over a wide area,

It might just exhaust himself first.


"Hey Shrek Academy's fatty, keep it going!"

At this moment, the Dou Huang Battle Team's crowd wore expressions of amusement.

Yufeng was an agile-attack class Soul Master.

Not at all like those Soul Masters from the Botanical Academy.

The fatty stood no chance against his speed.

Now they finally understood why the instructor had him go first.

Speed versus power.

A direct-attack class Soul Master simply couldn't outlast.

If the battle continued this way, the outcome was only one, the fatty was bound to lose.

Indeed, that was what Ye Feng had in mind when he made the arrangement.

The fatty was the type of contestant who relied on bursts of power.

Whereas Yufeng was about endurance.

If it came to a war of attrition in the arena, the fatty would inevitably be dragged to a loss.

"Finish him off! Find the opponent's weak spot!"

The Shrek side clenched their fists.

For the people from the Dou Huang Battle Team, he wished to trounce each one thoroughly.

So, the fatty absolutely couldn't lose.

It was vital to start off on the right foot!

That was why the master had arranged for Ma Hongjun to get the first victory.

"Third soul skill, Wind Surge!"

Yufeng used his third soul skill, Wind Surge.

The sky suddenly darkened.

As though a torrential downpour was about to occur!

Only too bad that it was not going to actually rain, it was just his soul skill at work!

"What's this situation, the sky has suddenly turned so dark!"


"I have a feeling that something is not quite right! I remember this Yufeng wasn't this strong last time."

A chill ran down everyone's spines at this moment.

They too could feel Yufeng unleashing a powerful surge of Soul Power, attacking Ma Hongjun!

"Second Soul Skill, Phoenix In Fire!"

Ma Hongjun became nervous.

Yufeng was no longer the same guy he used to be.

It must be said, the progress the opponent had made during this period was truly significant.

They were all dragged into what state by the master.

It really verified Boss Dai's words!

However, he didn't believe he couldn't defeat Yufeng!

Ma Hongjun activated the Phoenix Flame, which could enhance his Soul Power by thirty percent.

His speed increased significantly!

His attack power was extremely strong!

For a moment, it was hard to tell who was stronger and who was weaker.

"As everyone can see, the strength of these two contestants is pretty close. We just don't know who will take the victory in the first match!"

The host's voice also began to rise.

It was really unexpected that the first fight would be this intense.

It was somewhat surprising.

"Third Soul Skill, Flying Phoenix!"

With the third soul skill deployed, Ma Hongjun could temporarily fly in the air.

He decided to ignite the second soul skill, Phoenix In Fire, from high above to instantly increase the phoenix's power by one hundred percent.

As soon as he thought of it, he immediately acted.

Ma Hongjun immediately spewed out a stream of fire toward Yufeng's direction!

"Yufeng will be okay, right?"

A voice rang out at this moment, after all, this flame was no joke.

"Nothing will happen, their strengths are not much different. I believe Yufeng can handle it!"

Ye Feng spoke up.

Now things were developing more and more in the direction he anticipated.

The fatty became anxious.

But Yufeng remained quite calm.

As long as he kept his cool, there would be no problem.


Yufeng intercepted, and in a moment of carelessness, Ma Hongjun was hit and kicked into a corner of the ring!

Afterward, Ma Hongjun stood up again, refusing to show weakness, and continued to fight.

The fight was extremely exciting, and both the host and the spectators on site were stunned by what they were seeing.

Even though they were Soul Ancestors, the fight was more thrilling than that of Soul Kings.


Another sound erupted.

Both unleashed their Fourth Soul Skills.

These were their strongest soul skills to date.

They collided in the air.

Like shooting stars falling.

The battle lasted for about five minutes.

Both were exhausted.

The final showdown!

Gathering strength!!


A dazzling light burst forth from the scene!

Then it was seen that both, like kites with their strings cut, each fell to one side.

"A tie? A draw??"

The audience was dumbfounded.

Gee, they fought so fiercely.

It was actually a draw!

I really didn't see that coming.

"These two contestants fought incredibly hard. Now let's do a countdown, whoever stands up first will claim the victory!"

At this point, the host began to count down.

Yufeng wanted to stand up.

But he had used up all his strength.

And the other man was no better off.

The fatty was completely drained.

He couldn't stand up at all.

"3, 2, 1! What a pity! I can't believe that neither contestant managed to stand up."

The host appeared somewhat helpless at this moment.

He had thought that one of them would manage to stand.

But geez, neither could.

It's really such a shame.

"Now I declare this match a draw!"

The host announced to the crowd.

She actually hoped someone would be able to stand up.

"You... you just wait, if there's another chance I will definitely defeat you!"

At this time, Yufeng lay on the ring.

His eyes could see the fatty.

He was very dissatisfied with the tie.

So he said.

"Well... I'll be waiting!"

The fatty spoke up at this moment.

Soon, the healing-class Soul Masters of both sides came out.

With Ye Lingling's healing, Yufeng quickly recovered his strength.

"Coach, I lost again..."

At this time, Yufeng spoke to Ye Feng in a disheartened tone.

"It's okay, you did very well. At least it ended in a tie, didn't it?"

Ye Feng said.

Compared to before, if taken individually, the opponent couldn't even come close to beating Ma Hongjun.

But now he had won.

"Mm-hmm, I will continue to work hard and strive to defeat them in the finals next time."

Yufeng said.

There would be three teams entering the finals this time.

Even if Shrek lost today, they were still included in the list.


Ye Feng nodded at this moment.

"Don't worry, in the second match, I'll show Shrek Academy what being a Dou Huang person is all about!"

Osslor spoke up at this time, full of fighting spirit!

"The next contestants for the second match, please enter the stage!"

Just then, the host's voice rose again.

Osslor stepped onto the stage.

"From the Tiandou Royal Academy Dou Huang Team, Osslor is sent out! Now let's see who Shrek Academy will send out as their second contestant!"
