
Chapter 147 Titled Douluo Can't Be Led by the Nose! [3rd Update! Humble Author Begging for Votes]_1

Translator: 549690339

"Speak up, who are you! How do you know my identity?!"

DU Gubo tossed Ye Feng aside, his voice icy cold.

The configuration of this brat's soul rings is terrifying!

Purple, purple, black, black, black!

A soul ring configuration I've never seen before.

How could such a terrifying junior exist in Sunset Forest!

To think he has already reached the level of a Soul King at such a young age!

Therefore, Du Gubo now had to clarify the other party's background, and if it was just an inadvertent intrusion, he would treat it as a misunderstanding today.

Killing such a person could lead to endless troubles down the line.

The more powerful a Titled Douluo is, the more they know things others don't, recognizing that there are certain people in this world you cannot provoke.

"Cough cough cough, you Old Poison are really unreasonable. Isn't it simple to recognize you with that Nine Segments Emerald you have??"

Ye Feng coughed twice, annoyed, looking at Du Gubo.

Choking me without any consideration for the facts.

"Old, Old Poison??"

When DU Gubo heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched!

Are young people nowadays all so arrogant? Wasn't he a Titled Douluo, and yet the other person dared to call him Old Poison the moment they opened their mouth?

But the other party had a point in what they just said.

On this continent, it seems only he made a pet out of the Nine Segments Emerald, and it was not difficult to deduce his identity as Du Gubo from this fact.

It seemed he had been somewhat presumptuous.

"Of course, another key reason is that I have taught your granddaughter Dugu Yan, so I recognized your Biphosphorous Snake Martial Soul at a glance. What, you seem unhappy with the title 'Old Poison'? Would you prefer 'Suicide Serpent' instead?"

Ye Feng gave Du Gubo a meaningful look—since the other party had let him go, it showed he was wary of the five soul rings.

Nonsense, with these soul rings on display, wariness is putting it mildly!

"Kid, there are many talents in this world, but plenty have died young. Do you not fear that today I might kill you for being so arrogant? Furthermore, you say you have taught my granddaughter, but why should I believe you?"

DU Gubo snorted coldly as he looked at Ye Feng.

Daring to refer to him as Old Poison and even uttering the words 'Suicide Serpent'.

Utter arrogance!

Doesn't he know the price of provoking a Titled Douluo?

Also, can this situation be such a coincidence?

Today, his granddaughter just mentioned her instructor in Sunset Forest, and he happened to run into him?

"If you don't believe me, you can ask her. My Martial Soul and Soul Rings can prove it. As for the saying that many talents die young, I agree, but I am not arrogant, because you indeed are an Old Poison, and your family's Martial Soul Cyanide Serpent is essentially a Suicide Serpent, isn't it?"

Ye Feng looked at Du Gubo and shrugged nonchalantly.

Observing Old Poison's expression, he estimated that Dugu Yan must have spoken to him about himself.

And all the while maintaining a very aloof demeanor.

But his eyes betrayed everything.

"Heh, even if there's something wrong with our Dugu Family's Martial Soul, what of it! That's our family's affair and it doesn't concern outsiders."

DU Gubo said coldly.

As a Titled Douluo, he did not want to be led by the nose by anyone else.

"Indeed, it is your family affair. I just feel pity for your granddaughter. She's only eighteen and is going to suffer to death without seeing the world. I was thinking of intervening to save her, but since you don't want my help, I'll be on my way."

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders.

In order to obtain the immortal grass, he could only use Dugu Yan as a point of entry.

At that moment, Ye Feng started packing up his tent and grabbed the roast chicken, preparing to leave, of course, all this was a performance for Du Gubo.

He knew Du Gubo would surely call out to him.

Because without him, there was absolutely no way to cure that poison; otherwise, Du Gubo's son wouldn't have died!

"Wait! Can you really save my granddaughter?"

Suddenly, Du Gubo called out to Ye Feng.

He had no solution for his granddaughter's poison!

But if he couldn't cure it, who else could?

Don't they know that on this continent, he is known as the Poison Douluo?

But if by any chance he let this opportunity slip by, he would regret it for life!!

In the end, he decided to swallow his pride!

And ask!!

"In principle, if you have everything I need, not only can Dugu Yan's poison be cured, but so can the poison in your body."

Ye Feng shrugged as he spoke.

Some matters demanded upping the ante at the right moment.

"Poison in my body? Hah, what a joke. Do you know what I, DU Gubo, am known as? I'm the Poison Douluo, the best there is at using poison on this continent. What poison could I possibly have in my body?"

DU Gubo laughed upon hearing this.

"Alright, you're not poisoned, you're very healthy. It's just that on rainy days, you feel an itching sensation in the ribs, and each time it's more painful than the last—lasting for over an hour. It happens once at noon and once at Zishi, and every three days or so, around the late night, there's excruciating pain in the head and the soles of the feet. But for you, the Poison Douluo, that's just a small problem. You can bear it."

Ye Feng said with a nonchalant attitude.

He clearly remembered all of Du Gubo's symptoms.

"How do you know that!"

Upon hearing this, DU Gubo became unsettled; it matched his symptoms exactly!

"I'm just guessing."

Ye Feng spread his hands.

"Kid, do you think I'll believe you? If you can solve the century-long problem of the Dugu Family, from now on I, DU Gubo, shall regard you as an honored guest."

Guessing so accurately? No way!

So this kid must really have some skills!

He hadn't expected his granddaughter to know such a prodigy. Once he solved the issue of poison backlash, from then on, he, DU Gubo, would truly rule the world with his poison!

"It can be solved, but it's quite troublesome. I need various precious medicinal herbs, particularly ones that have aged for a long time. You probably won't be able to gather them all right away."

Ye Feng feigned a helpless expression as he spoke to DU Gubo.

Of course, he wouldn't tell DU Gubo that just a bit of his own blood could actually do the trick.

Facing someone as wealthy as DU Gubo, why wouldn't he take him for all he's worth??
