
Chapter 148: Eating Immortal Grass Elixir Like Candy, Insane Leveling Up! [1 more]_1

Translator: 549690339

Squeeze hard!

"What herbs do you need? I do have a medicine garden with quite a few Immortal Grass Elixirs."

Du Gubo said to Ye Feng.

"Yeah, right, you say it's quite a few just like that? You have to see what kind of garden it is to know."

Your medicine garden is certainly not short on Immortal Grass Elixirs, even with various top-quality ones, but of course, Ye Feng couldn't appear too eager.

After all, it could easily arouse Du Gubo's suspicion.

"Humph! I, the old man, will let you get an eye-full!"

Du Gubo snorted coldly after hearing this.

The young people these days really don't know the immensity of heaven and earth, starting to even question a Titled Douluo.

"Alright then,"

Ye Feng followed behind Du Gubo.

"Hold on!"

Suddenly, Du Gubo stopped.

"Hmm? Senior Du Gu Bo, what else is there?!"

Ye Feng looked at the other party with great confusion.

"Can you really cure the snake poison in my body and my granddaughter's? And why are you here?!"

Du Gubo suddenly recalled a very crucial matter.

That was why this kid appeared near his medicine garden.

And he claimed confidently that he could cure his own poison as well as his granddaughter's.

It seemed like every step was leading him towards the medicine garden.

Although it all seemed very normal, he always felt like something was off.

"So I leave?"

Ye Feng was stunned at these words.

He hadn't expected Du Gubo to be so suspicious.

To doubt him at this time.

But when it came to playing games, Ye Feng had never been afraid of anyone.

The other party needed him now, and would soon come looking for him.

After all, the other party's beloved granddaughter may not last many more years.

"You, you little brat, don't play by the rules, huh! Fine, I, Du Gubo, will trust you!"

Upon hearing this, Du Gubo didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

All his life he played with poison, but in the end, he was helpless against the critical poison affecting his granddaughter, even becoming known as Old Poison to this junior in front of him, the self-stinging snake!

No matter his own poison, he should first cure his granddaughter's.

He couldn't bear to see his granddaughter leave him so soon!

The pain of a white-haired person sending off a black-haired person is only understood by those who have gone through it.

Soon Du Gubo brought Ye Feng to his medicine garden.

It was actually nearby.

It's just that the route was very roundabout.

Moreover, one had to cross several mountains and enter a specific cave to get inside.

Ye Feng really had to marvel; Du Gubo was truly lucky.

To have found such a feng shui treasure land!

The first thing that caught his eye was the mystic heaven chrysanthemum, which doubles the effect of cultivation when consumed.

Eight-Petaled Immortal Orchids strengthen the foundation and purify the body's impurities.

Piercing Gaze Dew, when eaten, can develop Fiery Eyes Golden Gaze, seeing through all things far and wide.

Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower significantly enhances Soul Power and the effects of flames. After consuming it, the flames of the Scarlet Flame Serpent will be refined to the limit.

Let's just say, even a phoenix would have to make way in front of this Fire God's Spokesperson!

Acacia Red, consuming this grass bestows immortality alongside heaven and earth, it can increase Soul Power by at least ten levels and bring a comprehensive transformation to the body. It's for Xue'er then!

I believe she will definitely like this gift.

Besides, there were Damask Tulip, Narcissus Jade Muscle Bone, Immortal Solution Qiongsi Grass, all extremely top-notch!

"Do you see anything you need here?"

At this moment, Du Gubo asked.

"This will do, this will do, I'll take care of the matters of the Dugu Family."

Ye Feng took a few steps forward.

He stumbled upon a spring eye and was immediately stunned.

Ice and Fire Polarized Eyes, where opposites of ice and fire were born and restrained each other.

It was said that such a phenomenon would only occur in a treasure trove of precious plants every ten thousand years or so—the Ice and Fire Polarized Eyes!

Now, as Ye Feng approached it, he felt like his body was weightlessly drifting towards divinity.

If he cultivated here, wouldn't he become a Soul Emperor in no time?

He discovered that his Experience Points were increasing continuously; indeed, he was gaining a shocking one Experience Point per second. By this rate, he would gain at least 86,400 Experience Points a day.

And that was just by being near the spring eye!

What would happen if he actually soaked in it?

Thinking this, Ye Feng got excited!!

"Fine, if you can really cure the poison affecting my granddaughter and me, then from now on, you can ask me, Du Gubo, to do anything you want. As long as it doesn't cross my bottom line, I can grant you three favors," said Du Gubo to Ye Feng, his demeanor extremely generous.

However, he didn't know that because of his generosity today, he would later shed bitter tears.

He would experience firsthand what it was like to be flayed by Ye Feng, who devoured people without spitting out their bones.

Of course, that was a story for another time.

"Very good, very good—I do love your straightforward nature, Old Poison!" Ye Feng said, looking at Du Gubo with a grin that spelled he was ready to fleece him.

Three favors.

This was going to be a huge win!


For some reason, Du Gubo felt a slight unease looking at Ye Feng's expression.

It must be an illusion.

The other party was just a fourteen-year-old kid, albeit a bit extraordinary. It was unlikely for him to think of something outrageous or present any horrifying conditions.

Du Gubo comforted himself with these thoughts.

"Old Poison, you may go back now. Come to get Dugu Yan's antidote first thing tomorrow morning. I don't want anyone to disturb me tonight," Ye Feng said to Du Gubo.

"Tomorrow morning??" exclaimed Du Gubo, his eyes wide in surprise.

"The morning is the fastest I can manage, but your poison will have to wait a bit longer, since it has seeped deep into your marrow," Ye Feng explained.

"It's not urgent for me. I'm just a bit shocked that you can prepare the antidote by tomorrow morning," said Du Gubo, unable to hide his astonishment.

"What are you thinking? Tomorrow morning, I can only prepare part of it. You'll need to take it for a week to be fully healed," Ye Feng was aware that Du Gubo thought he was moving too quickly.

No problem, Ye Feng still displayed his humanity.

Since the other party thought he was fast, then Ye Feng would just slow down!

"Oh, well, be careful then. Don't get close to that spring eye; I'll be leaving now," warned Du Gubo before departing.

Of course, Ye Feng wasn't going to listen to Du Gubo's advice.

The Ice and Fire Polarized Eyes were a treasure trove for him.

He activated the Chaotic Decision to protect his body and dived right into the Ice and Fire Polarized Eyes.

Just a moment ago, he was gaining one Experience Point per second.

However, once inside, Ye Feng discovered that his Experience Points were increasing at three points per second.

At this rate, he could accumulate two hundred thousand Experience Points a day!

After advancing to Soul King, he now needed one million Experience Points to level up.

At this speed, he could level up every five days!

Ye Feng plucked a Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower from the bank and began to consume it directly in the Ice and Fire Yin-Yang Spring.

This plant could significantly enhance Soul Power and the effects of flames.


A rush of heat surged to his chest.

Ye Feng quickly moved to the ice section of the spring.

Yet he didn't realize until he moved—once he did, he was in for a shock!
