
Chapter 4 Sea of Consciousness

'Hehehe.... checkmate'.

The moment the giant black cranes beak touched Bing Xian's forehead, his world expanded endlessly and the two were transported to his Spirit Sea.

"So this is a human's Sea of Consciousness. I can't say I've ever experienced something like this...".

Bing Xian turned his head slightly and saw that the once massive majestic Crane that was taller than a mountain....

"... Hey why are you looking at me like that? Wait? Why am I looking up at you!".

The once massive majestic Crane that was taller than a mountain.... was now a tiny bird roughly only 2 feet tall!

A vein buldged on the Crane's tiny head.

"Its you fault that my majestic self is in such a form! If it wasn't for you I wouldn't look like this!".

The tiny bird flew and landed on Bing Xian's shoulder and pecked the six year old several times before Bing Xian smacked the bird away.

"You dare oppose me child! I am a Life Destruction-".

"Senior Crane, don't you want the cultivation technique? It's just over there".

The formerly giant black Crane was about to attack the mortal human child for interrupting it, but it's gaze was turned to the three floating images before it.

"This is....".

The Crane could feel the aura from the three images were definitely something it had never felt before.

The Green image radiated warm and nurturing properties. The Purple image exuded a dark and ghoulish aura. And the White image leaked out an overabundance of ice and snow energy.

'It seems the kid wasn't lying. These images must contain some sort of profound concept or Law'.

It glanced at the kid whose shoulder he was sitting on and a sense of conflict went through its body.

'Should I kill the kid afterwards? I mean after I take these from him he won't be able to defend himself and might die if I leave him in this mountain range'.

The Crane sighed internally before jumping onto Bing Xian's head and pointing to the Purple Mark with its wing.

"How do I obtain the technique? Do I need to absorb it or will it come to me?".

Bing Xian peered upwards and gave a disarming smile.

"No! My father told me that you have the let the symbol envelop you. Once that happens the Inheritance will be activated the baptism will begin!".

Bing Xian words were like thunder to the giant black crane.


A Baptism ritual almost always involved the appearance of Laws and Concepts. If his particular Inheritance ritual helps boost his own understanding and comprehensions on his own Wind and Darkness Laws, he might be able to clear several Life Destruction stages within a few years!

Any worry about traps or fakes were dispersed and only a greed and desire for the Inheritance in front if him overtook the crane.

"Just remember to let the image envelop you! Offer no resistances! If you do then it'll take it as you resisting the Baptism!".

The Crane rolled it's eyes at the human child but nodded nonetheless.

It decided on leaving the human alive after taking his Inheritances and abandoning him in the wilderness somewhere.

He may have no problem with stealing from this child now but killing him after gifting him such a huge prize left a bad taste in the Crane's mouth.

If he wasn't careful, this small internal conflict might become a heart demon for him on one of the later stages of Life Destruction.

He couldn't make full use of this gift if he was consumed by a heart demon from the person who gave it to him.

The massive eight eyes purple mask was reflected in the Crane's light blue eyes. His beak grinning, or at least something close to it.

"With this I will reach the pinnacle of this world!".

The Life Destruction Spirit Beast entered the symbol and felt it's body been overwhelmed by Bing Xian's Spiritual Essence.

It offered no resistance and opened his Sea of Consciousness to the foreign spiritual power, waiting closely for the oncoming baptism to occur.

So it waited...

And waited...

And waited...

And waited before-.

"What! What's happening to me!".

The Crane suddenly turned around and looked at Bing Xian.

The formerly innocent doe eyes and childlike smile had disappeared completely from Bing Xian's face, and only a expressionless face had remained.

"Child! What's going on! Why is my Spirit being integrated with this object! Answer me!".

The roar from the crane shook had enough power behind it to shake Bing Xian's Sea of Consciousness. Yet the six year old showed no signs of pain nor remorse. His faced unmoved by the screams and shouts of the giant black crane.

This only served to anger the crane even further, but every time it tried to resist its Spirit being integrated with the Purple Spirit Essence Mark, the connection between it and its true body faded, and it was even closer to being completely destroyed.

"Your not going to die. You may not have a body anymore, but you will continue to live within me, as an extension of my Spirit Ring".

The crane's expression brightened slightly when it heard that it could continue to live, but an angry, yet puzzled expression rose on its face, as more than 90% of its Spirit had been integrated with the Purple Spirit Essence Mark.

"What do you mean by Spirit Ring!? And what are you talking about not possessing a body anymore!? Answer me!".

Bing Xian merely sat down within his Sea of Consciousness and peered over at the crane with tranquil eyes. The unperturbed expression and calm and collected persona unnerved the crane, as it had never seen a human with such trait.

Bing Xian smiled slightly if only for a moment.

"A Spirit Ring is the soul of a Spirit Beast that has being released from its physical body. Once you leave your physical body, you will become my Spirit Ring. A fully conscious Spirit Ring and will continue to live within my body".

His words didn't seem to calm the crane down.

"And you think I'll just let you! I'll be fully conscious after becoming your Spirit Ring right!? I'll just destroy your soul and take over your body! Then these strange Inheritances will be mine!".

The crane glared at the six year old child in front of him before the latter smiled and chuckled under his breath.

"What's so funny!?".

Bing Xian just smiled again and replied,

"Well after you become my Spirit Ring, our souls become linked. If I die, then you die. If you die, then I die. Killing me won't allow you to take over my body and live as a human.... you'll just enter Samsara along with me instead".