
Douluo Dalu: The Myth of the Haotian Douluo (English Version)

The Myth of the Haotian Douluo The most powerful Martial Master on Earth, he ventured to take the heavenly thunder into his own body to reach a higher level, but he turned to ashes under the thunder of heaven. However, he did not die. Instead, he was reborn as a disciple of the Clear Sky Sect of the Douluo Continent. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello to all the friends who are reading this fanfic, this is a translation of a fanfic of Douluo Dalu or Soul Land, I do not charge any kind of money for making this translation, I simply share it with you. The Fanfic is of Chinese origin and I am originally translating it into Spanish, the English version is because I copy and paste the translation that I made from Chinese to Spanish in the translator, so of course the grammar is quite bad.

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Chapter 20: Phoenix Wings

An hour later, Tang Bufan took out the soul bone that he could not see which part of his body it belonged to. The soul power of this soul bone is completely restricted and it is impossible to see how old it is.

Just as Tang Bufan was about to absorb it, Tang Zheng stopped him.

"Xiao Fan, should you stop absorbing this soul bone for the time being, or wait for me to determine which part of your body will absorb it?"

Tang Bufan stopped the movements in his hands and shook his head, "Father, although I cannot determine which part of the body it belongs to at the moment, what I can be sure of is that it definitely does not belong to the skull. bones, and it is unlikely to belong to the limbs, as for the trunk bones. It seems unlikely! "

"That's why I speculated that it was an external spirit bone. When I found it, it was at the back of the skeleton, so I speculated that it might be an external spiritual bone, and it is most likely a wing-shaped spiritual bone. "

"Okay, father, you have to believe me, even if I'm wrong, there will be no loss. After I absorb it, you will know which spiritual bone this is."

Tang Zheng and his wife had no choice but to agree. Sitting cross-legged, Tang Bufan's soul power was injected into the soul bone, as if to activate this soul bone, the originally restricted soul power burst out in an instant, and the surging soul power instantly enveloped Tang Bufan.

Outside, Tang Zheng and his wife looked terrified. It was true that the spiritual power of this soul bone was too much on the rise. It was a little stronger than Tang Bufan's 70,000-year-old skull. The next moment, they saw a golden light bursting out from their soul bones, which made them feel a strong burning sensation, which forced them to transport their soul power to isolate them.

Then, a ghost of a flaming soul beast appeared in the golden light, and its whole body was covered with golden flames, just like the legendary fire phoenix! Xu Xiuqing whispered, "Could it be that this is a fire phoenix soul bone?"

Tang Zheng shook his head, "Fire phoenix is at the top of the pyramid of spirit beasts. I have never heard of anyone possessing its spirit bones! Let's keep searching, we should know the answer."

After that, the two stopped talking, but protected Tang Bufan carefully. But Tang Bufan had forgotten everything at this moment, and another scene appeared in his mind.

In the boundless sea of flames, a fire phoenix flew against the sky and countless thunder bombarded it. The eyes of this fire phoenix revealed a jealous color, and it opened its mouth to expel a golden flame. This flame is so terrifying that even the thunder falling in the sky can burn, and the flame and thunder continue to fight against the thunder in the sky More and more, the power is getting stronger and stronger.

During this period, the fire phoenix continuously released golden flames to fight against the purple thunder. I don't know how long it lasted. In the end, the fire phoenix reluctantly fell from the sky, breaking its wings and falling into the sea of Fire.

However, the matter did not end this way, although the golden flames of the fire phoenix that fell into the sea of flame disappeared, a green flame rose up. This green flame enveloped the body of the fire phoenix, giving people the feeling of being full of vitality.

At the same time, the thunder in the sky has not disappeared and seems to be gathering stronger strength. I don't know how much time has passed before, the green flames from the sea of fire below disappeared and a scream sounded, a new phoenix flew into the air again and the golden flames on its body rekindled.

The thunder in the sky seemed to sense the resurrection of the fire phoenix, and a more powerful purple thunder came, even with black dots, full of destruction.

The flame and the thunder clashed again, and so, after a long confrontation, the thunder and the flame disappeared. The fire phoenix fell back into the sea of fire, and what could be seen was that its entire body was scorched, its wings completely broken and its eyes filled with despair and listlessness.

No more green flames emerged in the sea of fire. Tang Bufan's heart was extremely moved, and infinite feelings surged in his heart. This should be the origin of this soul bone!

At the same time, he once again witnessed the terrible thunder and certain thoughts in his heart became stronger.

Outside, the ghost of the golden fire phoenix disappeared, replaced by a pair of huge phantom phoenix wings, golden yellow with a bit of purple, golden flames and purple thunder side by side, really strange.

Soon, the ghost disappeared again, but a pair of huge wings appeared on Tang Bufan's back, exactly like the previous ghost.

In the next moment, the winged ghost melted on Tang Bufan's back, making him groan in pain, and then his whole body was enveloped by the power of the golden soul. In his senses, the spiritual power that entered the body continued to converge to the two parts of his back.

His body was baptized once again, and even the inner strength of the Great Zhoutian Hunyuan Gong had a certain change, with a little golden color, it seemed to become more pure.

What he didn't know was that his clothes had already turned to ashes under this spiritual power, and as the spiritual power continued to baptize the flesh, black impurities began to appear on the surface of his skin. The whole night passed like this, and Tang Bufan still hadn't woken up.

Tang Zheng and his wife stayed up all night, carefully caring for their son. At this time, Tang Bufan's golden glow disappeared, revealing his naked body, but he still did not wake up.

Suddenly, a painful buzzing sound came from Tang Bufan's mouth. The next moment, he arched his body toward the ground, making a painful sound.

Two fist-sized protrusions suddenly rose up on his back, and then the protrusions burst and two wings emerged from them, the two wings grew larger and larger, and finally each grew to about a meter before stopping. Tang Bufan's pained expression disappeared and was replaced by a feeling of pleasure.

Tang Zheng and his wife looked at their son with strange expressions, and a pair of golden and purple wings stretched out on his back. was still stained with blood on the raised area.

Tang Bufan finally opened his eyes and his mental energy coursed down his back, revealing an expression of satisfaction. As he expected, this soul bone was indeed a wing-type soul bone attached to it, but he did not expect its quality to be so high as to have been produced from a fire phoenix.

Its wings are different from the pure golden yellow wings of the Fire Phoenix, and have undergone a slight mutation, due to the power of thunder, which causes many purple lines on the wings.

Due to the experience of absorbing the outer soul bone once, Tang Bufan quickly absorbed the phoenix wings into his body.

Only then did he realize that he was naked and there were many black impurities on his body, his little face suddenly felt embarrassed, he ran out of the room and ran to the bathroom.

Tang Zheng laughs, "This child is still so shy!" After half an hour, Tang Bufan finished washing, put on a set of clean clothes and then came out. At this moment, he is refreshed and full of strength. Tang Zheng and his wife couldn't help but sniff, "Xiao Fan, the wings we have now are phoenix wings?"

Tang Bufan was surprised, "Father, mother, how do you know they are Phoenix feather wings?"

"When you absorbed the soul bone, the ghost of the fire phoenix appeared outside, so we came to the conclusion that it was a phoenix wing. You absorbed it all night. Go back and rest now. As for the soul bone, it will be handed over to the sect tomorrow." Tang Bufan nodded his head, and he didn't expect that it was already the next day, doesn't it mean that his parents were looking at him and he was very moved at that moment?

"Father, mother, you have worked hard, so rest! I'm leaving now." After speaking, Tang Bufan walked towards his own stone house.