
Douluo Dalu: The Myth of the Haotian Douluo (English Version)

The Myth of the Haotian Douluo The most powerful Martial Master on Earth, he ventured to take the heavenly thunder into his own body to reach a higher level, but he turned to ashes under the thunder of heaven. However, he did not die. Instead, he was reborn as a disciple of the Clear Sky Sect of the Douluo Continent. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello to all the friends who are reading this fanfic, this is a translation of a fanfic of Douluo Dalu or Soul Land, I do not charge any kind of money for making this translation, I simply share it with you. The Fanfic is of Chinese origin and I am originally translating it into Spanish, the English version is because I copy and paste the translation that I made from Chinese to Spanish in the translator, so of course the grammar is quite bad.

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Chapter 19: Second Spiritual Bone, Golden Eyes

Taking a deep breath, Tang Bufan looked at his parents earnestly. "Father, mother, what you said makes sense, after my solemn consideration, I decided to give the four soul bones to the sect."

Tang Zheng asked in surprise, "Is it the four spiritual bones? It seems to be about the same, but which four spiritual bones do you plan to absorb?"

Tang Bufan smiled, "Father, mother, I only plan to absorb the skull and soul bone from uncertain body parts. You two should also choose a soul bone to absorb! It will be a gift from your son!"

Tang Zheng and Xu Xiuqing were a little surprised and then showed happy smiles. If this child has this intention, they are very satisfied, then how can they absorb the soul bone?

"Fan'er, your father and I don't need spirit bones at all, only when you absorb them can you maximize their value! We have received your wishes, so you must absorb them!"

"Father, Mother, you can absorb these two soul bones. Besides, even if I give these soul bones to the sect, they will probably give them to me! Don't you think?" In the end, said Tang Bufan. not help, but laugh.

Tang Zheng and his wife looked at each other, as if that was the case. In the end, after Tang Bufan repeatedly insisted, they chose a left arm bone and a skull, leaving Tang Bufan with a complete set of soul bones.

Seeing his father and mother's choice, Tang Bufan couldn't help but smile. How could he not understand their intentions!

Tang Zheng smiled, "The food is cold. Let's eat first. After the meal, your mother and I will protect the law for you. You will absorb the two soul bones first. When will the absorption end? the remaining soul bones? Hand it over to the sect."

Tang Bufan replied softly and began to eat. Half an hour later, Tang Bufan took out his skull, this soul bone was very complete, exuding powerful spiritual power fluctuations. It can almost be said to be the best quality of the eight soul bones. According to records, its lifespan has reached 70,000 years and can be called the best spiritual bone.

Sitting cross-legged, Tang Bufan's mental power came out and his mental power fluctuated with the energy fluctuations of the soul bone. Soon, a layer of golden light diffused from the soul bone and soon enveloped Tang Bufan completely.

Tang Zheng and his wife were amazed by this scene. Time passed slowly and the soul bone energy continued to penetrate into the mind from the center of the eyebrows, and then continued to spread throughout the brain, this feeling was very strange.

He can clearly feel that his brain is constantly developing under the soft golden energy with a touch of coolness. Many things that he did not understand before are now clearly resolved, and there is no longer any doubt.

Obviously, as his mental power grows, his wisdom is constantly improving. Soon, Tang Bufan's mind became a golden world. In the center of the golden world, an illusory Tang Bufan unexpectedly awakened under the stimulation of this golden energy. This was the prototype of the original soul formed by Tang Bufan's desperate death in his previous life. The words of Douluo's world were the prototype of the soul.

This is also the reason why Tang Bufan was able to possess mental power so early, but he had been asleep before, and now, when he wakes up, all the golden energy has gathered toward him. As the golden energy continued to converge, his illusory body seemed to solidify a little.

Time passed and soon three hours passed. The Divine Soul prototype was not absorbing the golden energy, but rather directing the remaining spiritual energy to converge towards Tang Bufan's eyes.

I don't know how much time has passed since the golden soul bone enlarged to the same size as his head. The moment Tang Bufan opened his eyes, two clusters of golden flames suddenly ignited in the golden skull's eyes.

In almost an instant, the two flames spurted straight into Tang Bufan's eyes. A violent prick came from its eyes, although Tang Bufan could not see it, its mental power could be felt. At this moment, the pupils of the eyes turned completely golden,

Then it changed back to purple. Then, the two colors gold and purple continued to glow alternately, and finally calmed down and returned to normal colors.

The golden skull that quickly grew larger again enlarged, covering Tang Bufan's head like a large hood, and then slowly recovered. When it approached Tang Bufan's head, the whole skull had turned into a ghost and then melted into Tang Bufan's head.

Then, Tang Bufan seemed to be submerged by the golden ocean, he could no longer feel anything around him, his six senses seemed to be deprived.

Outside, Tang Zheng and his wife were stunned by the magical scene in front of them. Time outside has lost its meaning for Tang Bufan, it seems to him that endless years have passed, and it seems like only a moment has passed.

At night, the glow of Tang Bufan's whole body completely disappeared, and everything belonged to him. At this moment, if you look closely, you can find that his pupils are golden with gold dots, which is very mysterious.

Although Tang Bufan woke up, he still did not get up, but he was feeling the changes in his body. After absorbing this skull, his mental power has increased at least ten times and is more condensed than before. If you compare the previous mental power with a thin line. So now the mental power is a thin steel wire.

Not only that, the range of mind power release has also expanded at least tenfold, and even at night, he can clearly see everything around him. Even he can already see the colors in the air, which are energy particles In the past life, it seems to be spiritual energy. In addition, this soul bone also gave him a heaven-defying ability, which he called Fire Eye Golden Eye, able to detect falsehood and also able to emit a divine light to destroy the enemy, which was extremely powerful.

As his strength improves, he could actually evolve into the golden eyes of the Monkey King in the myths and legends of the previous life. At this time, Xu Xiuqing asked Tang Bufan to have dinner.

At the dinner table, Tang Zheng asked, "Xiao Fan, it is a good harvest of your appearance!"

"Father, mother, I estimate that this soul bone is not only 70,000 years old, or this soul bone was produced from those rare alien souls. Because its effect is too powerful!" Tang Bufan looked particularly excited.

Tang Zheng and his wife smiled, proud of their son. "Xiao Fan, don't be impetuous. No matter how good the soul bone is, it is also an external force. Soul power is the royal road! Hurry up and eat! In the evening, hurry up and absorb the other soul bone. Tomorrow you will be cultivating for a day, and the day after tomorrow you will take the soul bone. Give the bone to the sect master! "

At this moment, Xu Xiuqing suddenly thought of a question, "Xiao Fan, can you think of how to explain this to the elder and the sovereign!"

Tang Bufan smiled confidently, "Mother, don't worry, I've already thought of it! I said that these soul bones were found in the soul guide. I didn't pay attention before. After returning to the sect, I checked the soul guide carefully.These soul bones! "

Tang Zheng nodded, "Yes, Xiao Fan just tell the Sect Master and elders!"