
stealing Yu xiaogang's bloodline

As Chu Feng is going tk eat breakfast a man appeared. He looked proud and stiff, he looked at Chu Feng and asked," You're Chu Feng aren't you? ", Chu Feng frowned and nodded while the man asked," I'm the grandmaster Yu xiaogang. The best theory master in all douluo continent. Can you show me your martial soul? ".

Chu Feng looked at Yu xiaogang before asking," No, every person's martial soul is his secret", the man became more stiff and said," Boy, I can guide you in cultivation with your martial soul. I can help you even reach titled douluo in future, show me your martial soul and if it's strong I'll accept you as an apprentice".

Chu Feng looked at him and asked," Then can i know your level in cultivation grandmaster? ", Yu xiaogang said with stuff tone again," It's level 29", Chu Feng looked at him and said," So your theory didn't even help you. Then how can I trust you grandmaster".

Chu Feng frowned and said," Not interested, I want to cultivate on my own", he said before Yu xiaogang looked at him coldly with murdurous intent and a secret sleeve areow is fired at him. He dodged and looked at tang San who is murdurous.

He looked at tang San who is dumbfounded and said," It's a crime to sneak attack and kill someone. Don't your parents teach you how to behave with others. Such vicious weapons for a child, I wonder how did you even grow up".

Tang San looked at him coldly again. While Yu xiaogang said," Let's go Tang San. Some people not know what they missed", Chu Feng lokked at the two people who has clear murdurous intent and sighed.

This Tang San is really murdurous. Launching an attack on a child with a deadly weapon. Chu Feng sighed and ate his breakfast. With the help of kāma martial soul he successfully integrated the blue silver emperor bloodline.

His black hair has a few tints of blue here and there. Chu Feng finished eating and go to his work quota before going to the blacksmith shop. He also saw tang San there. He followed him and saw the disorder splitting wind hammer.

He used the dojutsu of isshiki to carefully learn the hammer technique, then go to another blacksmith shop on the edge of city and joined there. He practiced the disorder splitting wind hammer.

When asked he said it's technique passed down in their family. He then started his own process of making a gun. A pistol will suffice for now along with Barrett. So he acted like he is forging and made parts individually.

At the end of day he got his wage along with the pistol. Tomorrow he is going to make the bullets. For that he needs gun powder. He serached for flint, sulphur and other things needed for the gunpowder.

After getting them he stored them in his diakokuten given by the kāma martial soul. He then go to academy and took a bath. Then again shrank using the sukunahikona and flew towards the room of Yu xiaogang.

He looked at the man with sadistic smile and started extracting bloodline. Yu xiaogang shivered in his place and felt the bloodline leaving him. He looked around and found no one puzzled he released his martial soul and looked at the screaming luo sen po.

He then spasmed on the ground, after a few minutes we can see a fainted Yu xiaogang. His bloodline of golden holy dragon along with the blue lightning Tyrransourous rex is taken away, he can only fart now with no chance of mutation again.

Luo sen po also couldn't come out. He can only merge with the beast spirit and fart now.

Chu Feng then slowly slipped away from the room still in the shrink size and returned to the bathroom he left from.

He asked the system to fuse the bloodline from kāma martial soul. His body felt stinging pain at the concentrated bloodline of golden holy dragon and blue tyreanous rex. The amount if only a few drops but it's all pure and concentrated bloodline, that's why he is feeling the pain. His dragon snake roared in excitement. It's scales turned golden and lightning crackled around it.

Chu Feng suppressed the dragon snake from coming out and saw the changes. It's no longer the dragon snake. It's the golden holy lightning dragon. Chu Feng stood up from his bathtub and drained all water before taking a bath quickly again as his body is giving a foul smell.