
Martial Soul Awakening

Chu Feng woke up and found himself standing with a group of children. There are people who are stepping into a strange formation with 6 stones while their names and something is announced.

Chu Feng had no idea what is even happening. He looked blankly at the formation while he held his head as a headache assaulted him. He found himself in a set of memories and groaned at the pain he endured.

He looked up and muttered," I, I'm reborn in soul land", he isn't quite familiar with this story. Just read the basic theme and knew a few things and that's all. Like who is the mc and his cheats along with the character representations.

He had an idea how mc will get his power but no idea when. He looked around and frowned. He is in holy saint village in Heaven dou empire, he is thinking about his plans when suddenly a system sounded :

[ detected the host successfully travelled to soul land ]

[ the system binding is complete ]

[ welcome to the overpowered system ]

[ as the name suggests the system will turn the host into an overpowered individual ]

[ do you want to open the novice gift pack? ]

Looking at the notification he said yes while the system replied :

[ congratulations forgetting the martial soul - Thunder Fire Phoenix sword ]

[ congratulations for getting the martial soul - Dragon Snake ]

[ congratulations for getting the martial soul - Gungnir ]

[ congratulations for getting the kāma martial soul ]

[ congratulations for getting the level 20 innate soul power ]

[ congratulations for getting the sin of gluttony ]

He is quite op now. But thinking about his system isn't the overpowered system. His system is said to be op too. Chu Feng smiled while the deacon from spirit hall called his name. He stepped into the formation and felt the four martial spirits.

A sword appeared out of his hand, it's has a Phoenix pattern on its hilt and blade. It's blade is surrounded by crackling lightning and it's covered by fire. Chu Feng hid his other three martial souls and looked at the deacon who took the crystal with a smile.

He asked his system to conceal the soul power and gave full innate level soul power. The deacon asked," Boy, do you want to spirit hall? ", Chu Feng refused while the deacon sighed. He pursuaded him for a while before giving up.

Chu Feng meanwhile had a smile on his face. He glanced at his left hand while a rhombus shaped crystal is in it. Chu Feng then got the working student quota of the village. He and the village head goes to nou ding academy and he joined there as a working student.

Chu Feng glanced at Tang San who arrived too and looked at Tang San felt jealous when he used his martial arts from another world to defeat the kids there. Just then a system notification appeared :

[ Mission : get your first spirit ring

Rewards : Suitable cultivation technique, Movement technique ].

[ steal the blue silver emperor bloodline from Tang San

Rewards : guide to make guns, Titan's fist ]

[ steal the golden holy dragon bloodline from Yu xiaogang

Rewards : martial art - vajra body, Yin-Yang body tempering crystal ]

Chu Feng glanced at the missiins with a raised eyebrow. But the problem is he is in dorm 8. The next room to Tang San, not in the same room. Chu Feng snorted and looked at his kāma martial soul :

[ martial soul kāma

Curren gene recorded : isshiki otsutsuki

Extracted gene : none

Abilities : Amplification, flight, sukunahikona, daikokuten, energy absorption, space-time portal, Ressurecation, body gene modification ]

Chu Feng looked at the panel and got an idea. At night he shrink himself and sneaked into tang San room. While he us sleeping he used the kāma martial soul. Tang San woke up and lokked around with the purple demon eye.

But Chu Feng is very small and can't be seen by Tang San. Tang San felt severe pain in his body and wanted to scream but it's no use. His body isn't responding and he can only watch in despair as the body gradually became weak.

Chu Feng extracted the blue silver emperor bloodline while the lines flashed blue light and he immediately sneaked again into his room. The next day a pale tang San appeared. His bloodline prevented him from going malnutritioned but now it's gone the malnutritioned body began showing signs.