
Douluo Dalu: Legend of the Cat Douluo

Mao Xingyun has been a loner since he's a kid and it's not because he wants it but because people who got close to him suffers from bad luck, even his parents don't like him and tries to stay as far away as possible from him the closest he got to them was when he's still a newborn. Everyone who knew his complications tries to stay as far away from him, except for his cat Blacky who since the time he got him, never left his side. He never had a friend or even a girlfriend, basically he's alone so when his cat died of old age he also followed him to the afterlife.

dreammyyy · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 15 - Scary Bao'er and Shocked Flender

Xingyun led Bao'er to where Flender's shop is, Mao clan is a clan that specializes in information gathering, so these past few years, Xingyun utilized this point to know about Flender and to also find his shop, because this shop is a vital part of Xingyun's plan to get in Shrek without notifying spirit hall. A few minutes later they've reached Flender's shop and is standing in front of the door.

"We're finally here!", Xingyun said to Bao'er, which confused Bao'er.

"Brother I thought we're enrolling in a school? What are we doing at an antique store?", Bao'er said.

"What are you saying about antique store? This is a store that sells spirit tools and you'll know why I dragged you here once we go in", Xingyun said, which confused Bao'er more because they didn't need spirit tools right now and their funds is so low that if his brother brought even a single spirit tool, they wouldn't have enough money to find accommodations and eat anymore, but she still believed in her brother so she didn't object.

Xingyun finally stepped in the store, while Bao'er followed behind him, the moment they stepped in Bao'er became surprised that her brother just vanished from her sight immediately, but this didn't concern her much because this always happens when he finds something interesting, she just sighed and shook her head in disappoinment and begun thinking of plans to take her brother away from the store before he bought something he will regret.

In Bao'er's surprise, her brother didn't go straight to the spirit tools but to the person manning the shop. "Flender! You are Flender right? I'm a huge fan of the Golden Iron Triangle!", Xingyun excitedly said to the baffled Flender and then took Flender's hand and shook it while introducing himself. Even though Xingyun hated how Yu Xiaogang abandoned Bibi Dong and made Liu Erlong wait for him in the original story, he loved how Yu Xiaogang, Flender and Liu Erlong literally did the impossible by doing a spirit fusion between three people. Flender on the other hand is shocked speechless when he heard someone excitedly call his name, and when he saw the red headed cat like youngster with a red cat on his shoulder looking at him with a fanatical gaze, he became dumbfounded so he didn't have time to react when the kid took his hand, shook it and introduced himself.

"Brother? What do you think you're doing?", at this moment, an ominous voice sounded in the shop and a fair hand appeared on Xingyun's shoulders which made him stiffen up and look at the scary expression Bao'er is making, which terrified him. Bao'er took Xingyun's hands away from Flender's then apologetically said, "I'm sorry Mr., my brother just becomes too energetic when he finds something interesting or meeting someone strong, if you want I'll take him away from here immediately".

"Wait! Bao'er! We need him to get in Shrek without notifying spirit hall!", Xingyun hurriedly said before Bao'er drags him out of the door, which made Bao'er stop in her tracks.

"Is what you said true?", Bao'er solemnly asked him, which made Xingyun shiver.

"Yes! yes! he's literally the principal and founder of Shrek Academy", Xingyun said while nodding continously.

"Is what he said true?", Bao'er asked the dumbfounded Flender, which Flender admitted to. "Okay, brother I'll give you a chance and if you embarass me further I'll drag you out of here immediately", when Xingyun heard his sister's compromise he straightened up and finally got serious.

"Wait! wait! who are you two youngsters and how did you recognize me? What do you mean by getting in Shrek through me?", at this moment Flender finally snapped out of his reverie and asked what's bugging his mind.

"Mr. Flender, my name is Mao Xingyun and this is my sister Mao Bao'er, as for how we know you, our hidden clan have eyes all over the continent, constantly searching for information, and finally we want to enroll to Shrek, because we heard that your Academy only accepts monsters and we want to meet other talented kids like us", Xingyun explained his purpose.

"But we will only take enrollees a month from now, I think you came too early, come back a month after", Flender firmly said.

"Mr. Flender, because of our circumstances right now, if we didn't enter Shrek now we might be dead by the time your school accept enrollees, plus we have a secret regarding our spirit rings, we can't show our spirit rings just to anyone, we're willing to show it to you but not here in your store, we at least want privacy to show you our spirit ring, I promise that once you see our rings, you'll regret turning us down now and letting us be killed by our pursuers", Xingyun solemnly explained.

"*sigh* make sure that what your saying is true because if it is not I wouldn't give you a chance to enter my Shrek Academy and let you fend off for yourself, c'mon I'll take you to my residence in the academy", Flender finally accepted the two youngsters offer, if the two we're really talented like they were hinting on, there's no reason for him to turn them down, in the contrary he would even like to have more talented students enroll in his school.

Flender led the two siblings to his Shrek then brought them to his own residence. "Okay, will you show me your spirit rings now?", Flender looked at the two intently then asked them to show their spirit rings, to which Xingyun and Bao'er nodded to at the same time.

"Mao Xingyun, 12 years old, Spirit Cat Body spirit, Agility and Attack system rank 34 spirit elder"

"Mao Bao'er, 8 years old, Golden Lion King spirit, pure Attack system rank 25 spirit grandmaster"

The two introduced themselves once again then showed their incredulous spirit ring configuration, Xingyun had 1 purple and 2 black rings, while Bao'er had 1 purple and another purple with a darker color.

When Flender saw the 2 youngster's spirit ring configuration his eye widened and his mouth opened so wide, 'What kind of monsters did I just brought home?', he thought.

"We are from Mao clan, who specialized in developing martial art techniques and information gathering, with our clan techniques, our ancestors found out that by developing said techniques we can have the opportunity to absorb spirit rings with an older than optimal spirit rings just by training the clan technique, because of it we caught the attention of spirit hall, but because we don't have spirit masters who had top spirits or innate full spirit power, they let us be, but because of me and Bao'er's awakening, me having innate full spirit power and her having a stronger spirit because we unintentionally showed the full potential of our clan techniques, the spirit hall is currently targeting our clan, if we didn't have three titled douluos, our clan would have long been massacred by now, that's why I said to you before that if you didn't accept us we might already be dead by the time your school accept enrollees, so I hope that with what we just showed you, you can accept us in your school", Xingyun told Flender his clan's current circumstances because Flender is a talented spirit master, which their clan needed most right now, if he can make Flender join or help his clan it would be good for his clan, and even if Flender decides to use this information against him or his clan he could still make Flender forget everything he said to him just now, in short he just had nothing to lose and lots to gain.

Flender is shocked by the two youngster's origin, but judging from the fact that the two literally have a thousand year old spirit ring, he guessed that Mao clan is a very strong hidden clan that spirit hall have to be wary of and a spirit saint like him is nothing in their eyes, he is even scared of the consequences if he ever decided to snitch on this two youngsters or bring any harm to them, he also guessed Xingyun's reason for telling him what he told him.

"*sigh* okay I'll give you guys a chance to enter Shrek Academy, if you two can survive a fight against my vice dean in one minute I'll immediately accept you to my school", Flender said, he lied about not accepting them to his school if they couldn't do what he said, he just wanted to see the battle prowess of the two siblings, Xingyun understood his intention immediately but Bao'er didn't because she's thinking of how strong the vice dean might be and she became became excited at the thought of finally fighting someone strong for real, because in the clan the adults always holds back their strength to not hurt her badly. When Xingyun saw his sister's eyes gleaming with excitement he shivered and felt sorry for Zhao Wuji '*sigh* how did my cute little sister turn into such a battle maniac?'.


(author's note: I'm sorry if this upload is a bit late, I did all my school works today and just finished an hour ago, then I rushed finishing this chapter to upload it today, thank you guys for all your support and I hope you guys like this chapter)