
Douluo Dalu: Legend of the Cat Douluo

Mao Xingyun has been a loner since he's a kid and it's not because he wants it but because people who got close to him suffers from bad luck, even his parents don't like him and tries to stay as far away as possible from him the closest he got to them was when he's still a newborn. Everyone who knew his complications tries to stay as far away from him, except for his cat Blacky who since the time he got him, never left his side. He never had a friend or even a girlfriend, basically he's alone so when his cat died of old age he also followed him to the afterlife.

dreammyyy · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 16 - Poor Zhao Wuji

Flender led the two siblings to an open space in the Academy, Xingyun speculated that this is also where Tang San and the others fought Zhao Wuji to enter the school.

"Just wait here, I'll call that lazy vice dean of mine first", Flender said before walking away and leaving the siblings alone.

"Brother, how strong do you think is the vice dean? I hope he can at least last for a while", Bao'er excitedly asked Xingyun.

"*sigh*, I really miss the cute and clingy Bao'er, just who possessed you to become this bloodthirsty", Xingyun murmured disappointedly, which Bao'er heard.

"Brother? What did you just say?", Bao'er suddenly looked at his brother menacingly, which made Xingyun stiffen up because he could clearly feel bloodlust exuding off of Bao'er.

"N-Nothing! Nothing! I said the vice dean might be a spirit saint just like dean Flender is", Xingyun panicked and stuttered while saying excuses to Bao'er.

"Really? Spirit saint? I wonder how strong he is", Bao'er immediately forgot what Xingyun said before when she heard his brother's guess about how strong the vice dean is, which made Xingyun sighed in relief but at the same time, he's in disbelief, 'How addicted are you in fighting? You forgot what I said because you became excited of Zhao Wuji's strength? I don't know if I should be happy that I escaped her wrath or be sad that she forgot her grievance because she heard how strong Zhao Wuji is', Xingyun thought.

After a few more minutes, Flender came back with an ordinary looking short man who looks extremely rugged but exudes a majestic aura. When Bao'er saw Zhao Wuji, at first she feels confused, 'is this guy really a spirit saint?', she thought but when she felt Zhao Wuji's aura, her eyes gleamed with excitement, and she couldn't wait for the fight to start.

"Flender, why did you drag me here? It's my day off right?", Zhao Wuji was actually peacefully sleeping in his residence when Flender suddenly banged on his door, which startled him awake then dragged him here.

"Look there, I brought these two youngsters here to test if their battle prowess is satisfactory enough to enter Shrek", Flender pointed at the two siblings, when Zhao Wuji looked over he saw a golden haired very beautiful looking at him like she's already planning how she can make his day worst, which made him shiver and a handsome but slim red haired guy who is disappontingly shaking his head while looking at the golden haired girl, as if he regretted something he did.

"These two youngsters are siblings, the older red haired guy there is Mao Xingyun and he is a 12 year old rank 34 spirit elder and the younger golden haired girl there is Mao Bao'er, she is even more talented than her brother she is an 8 year old rank 25 spirit grandmaster", Flender introduced the two, which Bao'er wants to obje1ct to because she isn't as talented as her older brother but before she could speak Xingyun stopped her by holding her arm, which Bao'er instantly understood.

"Flender, from what corner of Douluo continent did you go to, just to find these two monsters? And how did you even convince them to come here?", Zhao Wuji is shocked by the two's strength and he couldn't believe that Flender manage to bring these two monsters to their unpopular school, he even speculated that maybe Flender scammed this two just to bring them to Shrek.

"I'm not the one who searched for them, they are the ones who searched for me because they heard how great I am and they want to learn from me", Flender boasted, which made Zhao Wuji look at him weirdly, he didn't believe at all that the two youngsters really idolized Flender, he just couldn't picture it happening.

"Yeah! We came here because we want to see and learn from Mr. Flender! He's amazing!", Xingyun suddenly joined in on the conversation and fanatically declared his admiration for Flender, which made Flender smirk at Zhao Wuji, made Zhao Wuji look in disbelief to Xingyun then Flender and earned Xingyun a backslap from Bao'er.

"I'm sorry about my brother, the true reason we came here is we want to meet talented children our age", Bao'er felt embarassed because of what her brother just did, this is also the first day that she saw her brother fanatically admire someone so she's also curious as to what Flender accomplished that made her brother idolize him so much.

"but Bao'er-"

"Shut up brother, if you continue to embarass me I wouldn't talk to you for a whole week", this made Xingyun shut up immediately.

"Okay, like what I said before coming here, if you can last for 1 minute against my vice dean Zhao Wuji I will immediately accept you to our school", Flender finally got serious.

"Umm, dean Flender can my cat also join in on the fight?", Xingyun said, which made Flender and Zhao Wuji looked at the cat on Xingyun's shoulder, which they neglected before because it isn't as interesting in their opinion compared to the two siblings but now that they look closely at it, they felt like it is also an interesting cat, because they felt like when it is looking at them, it is looking straight through their very soul and peeking at all their secrets.

"It's okay, either way I doubt that you can beat me even with your cat with you", Zhao Wuji said, which triggered the two younsters and the cat.

After a few more preparations the fight is finally starting, with Flender as referee, Zhao Wuji arrogantly standing in the field while opposite him is two youngsters and a red two tailed cat.

"3, 2, 1.... Start!", the moment Flender said start, Xingyun and Bao'er manifested their spirit rings, which made Zhao Wuji so shocked that he didn't realize that Xingyun already disappeared and the cat is currently running towards him.

While Zhao Wuji is still shocked by what he saw, Xingyun already reached him while in stealth and attacked him, which failed because Zhao Wuji reacted in time to block him with his arms. When Zhao Wuji blocked Xingyun's surprise attack, Xingyun was repelled a meter away but he immediately came back and faced off against Zhao Wuji.

The moment Xingyun came close to Zhao Wuji again, Zhao Wuji fired a controlled punch at Xingyun, but to his surprise he didn't hit Xingyun, instead Xingyun dodged it at the last moment then retaliated immediately.

"Old man, what did you say about you easily defeating us? What now? You can't even hit me, let alone defeat us", after a few more collisions between the two, Zhao Wuji still can't hit Xingyun, which made Xingyun taunt Zhao Wuji about it, which made Zhao Wuji mad and the intensity of his punches increased but he surprisingly still coudnt hit Xingyun, "Oh old man you're mad? Scaryyy", Xingyun continued to taunt him.

At this moment a very strong force hit Zhao Wuji at his side, which made him step back a couple steps, then he remembered that the hateful red haired lad isn't the only one he is fighting, then while he was still shocked by Bao'er's strength something struck his face and left him a claw mark on his face, Bao'er and Blacky finally caught up to Xingyun and joined the battle.

After hitting Zhao Wuji, Bao'er immediately retreated then Zhao Wuji felt something struck his back, which immediately angered him more and when he looked at the smirking face of Xingyun at his back while holding a knife, his anger skyrocketed and he directed all his anger at Xingyun, while Xingyun dodged all his blows by doing extreme maneuvers and harassed him with his occasional hidden weapon strikes, Blacky joined Xingyun in distracting Zhao Wuji by reading what the two's moves is gonna be next and positioning herself at a point where she wouldn't be hit by their exchanges then occasionally scratching Zhao Wuji's face, which angered him more, Bao'er on the other hand perfectly makes use of the distraction Xingyun and Blacky does to hurt Zhao Wuji severely when he least expected it.

When Flender saw how the three fought Zhao Wuji, he shivered and felt relieved that he didn't test them himself, because he might have the same fate as Zhao Wuji, who might angered to death right now. 'Sorry Zhao Wuji, but your sacrifice will be remembered'.


(author's note: thank you for all your support! and I just wanna say that if you have some questions regarding my story, don't hesitate to ask about it through commenting, this gives me the chance to explain my story more or introduce my characters more to you guys)