
Chapter 31:

Xiao Wu and I are waiting for brother to choose his spirit beast to become spirit rings. A few moments, he seems to decide to choose which spirit beast that will be his spirit rings for third rings. " I will choose Human Faced Demon Spider." He said. " Okay, let's go. I know where it's hiding." When I heard his answer, I immediately reply. I know this is his fate to chose the Human Faced Demon Spider to get external spirit bones eight spider lances. I guide them to where the Human Faced Demon Spider hiding.

The Human Faced Demon Spider usually hiding in places that barely sunlight reaches and dark. This kind of place makes it easy for the Human Faced Demon Spider to sneak attack its prey. We venture into deep of the forest, without being an attack by any spirit beast it makes the journey so smoothly. It makes Xiao Wu look at me with questioning looks. Look at her question face I talked. " The reason why the spirit beast didn't attack us is because of my second rings ability illusion. I coat us with illusion to make spirit beast see us like spirit beast." She shocked because my illusion is too powerful to make her 100 000 spirits didn't feel anything when being cover by illusion.

She asked many questions about my illusion and spirit eye. I forgot to tell her that, I have a spirit eye, and right now I have been bombarded by her question. We keep walking until we arrive in front of the cave. The cave is the place where Human Faced Demon Spider hiding. I raised my hand to signal both of my brother and Xiao Wu stop. Xiao Wu, at that moment talking with my brother instantly, stop her conversation with my brother.

I active my spirit eye and summons the wings of the wind god. Also, I took out all one thousand that I forged a few months ago make it afloat in the air. Looking at one thousand afloat in the air makes me excited because this is my first time to use it. I used the swords to attack the cave to make the spider comes out from the cave. The cave has been assaulted by one thousand swords it cannot hold any longer, and fall into the ground.

The Human Faced Demon Spider comes out from the debris, and it seems very angry with us. It attacks my brother and me with poison spit. We able to dodge the attack but Xiao Wu nearly hit by that if not fast enough to hold her get out from the attack. The beast really mad at us when it see us able to dodge its attack. I used the one thousand swords that have been covered lightning to attack the spider, but not to kill it because the brother wants to absorb it, so he has to kill the spider. I cut its leg to make it can't move so easier for my brother to kill it. The spider can't move after been cut, but it's still attack using its mouth sending a sticky web to bind us. Seeing the web coming towards me, I use the third spirit rings ability wind hurricane to cut the web into pieces. A powerful wind comes out and shreds the web. The wind is so powerful even the nearby tree has been cut into pieces by the wind. Xiao Wu and my brother stand beside to watch the entire happen without doing anything. My brother used my sword to kill the Human Faced Demon Spider to end its life. A purple spirit rings float in the air show that Human Faced Demon Spider is thousand years spirit beast. During the process of absorbing the spirit, the ring brother didn't encounter any problem. One hour after that brother finally, absorb the spirit rings.